All Chapters of Mated to my professor stepbrother: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
40 Chapters
Chapter 31.
Ivy Things kept getting worse after that day, it's almost like I'm being punished by the haunting thought of him continually lurking around in my mind.Even in my dreams I see him. I can't run away, it's pointless ignoring him in real life as well. The thought of him turns me on in the wildest way. The amount of times I've woken up with soaked panties has become something that makes me worry.I haven't touched myself since that day though, the fear of him walking in on me is somehow greater than my imaginations but now the need for his own touch has intensified.I wish I can make this all stop but a part of me wants this to stay even though it would cost me my sanity.Today I find myself in the bathroom stall just so I can get away from Caden. I can't face him. Not like this.My phone buzzes notifying me of a message. Once I find that it's from Elias my stomach churns with guilt.“Hey, you left class like there was fire up your ass. I hope you're good” it readsI sigh, not knowing wh
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Chapter 32.
IvyI wake up on the floor with a throbbing head and a dry throat. I peel myself off the ground slowly so as not to provoke my headache even further and I reach for my room door to get a glass of water.I stagger out slowly, my vision still blurry from all the crying. Everything hurts and I'm still disoriented.I hear a door squeak open and before I can react a hand yanks me towards them. Everything happens within the speed of light and before I know it my face is inches away from Caden's and my back is pressed against his door.His blue eyes are dark and his hair is shaggier than usual making his appearance more intimidating than before. Almost like he's angry at someone, almost like he's angry at me.I freeze and my heart is pounding making my head explode from the unforgiving headache. I wince in pain shutting my eyes.I feel his hands caress my head and I open my eyes slowly. His eyes have softened and turned to a lighter shade of blue. They harbour worry as they pierce my eyes ju
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 Chapter 33.
IvyEver since what happened between Caden and I had happened, I've been feeling a somewhat stronger emotional pull towards him and something tells me he feels it too.He kept throwing glances at me during breakfast this morning, his gaze looked softer. Like he desired me in a different kind of way.We're supposed to be having Caden's class right now but he's strangely tardy today and I'm a bit worried though but I do my best to hide it from everyone.Caden suddenly walks in. His gait is somewhat calculated. He looks across the class till his gaze meets mine but he doesn't flinch or look away. My heart leaps and I begin to fiddle with the hem of my skirt.“So class, we will be doing things a little differently today” he says rubbing his hands together.Elias and I share a glance but say nothing just before we look back at Caden who pulls down the projector.“We shall be watching a movie for some relaxation”The class roars with cheers and applauds echoes across the roam.“Yeah now we
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 Chapter 34.
IvyI breathe a sigh as I push the bathroom door open and walk in the empty hallway.I've been in there for a considerable amount of time trying to catch my breath and clean up myself so anyone who sees me will believe that I was in there for something important. I even flushed the empty toilet to effect just in case anyone was around.I hug myself trying to find the guilt I usually feel whenever I get too close to Caden but for some reason I can't find it. Not even the thought of Elias seems to change what I feel.Someone pulls me from behind clamping my mouth and my scream hangs in my throat and before I know it Caden's lips are pressed against mine.My back comes in contact with the door as it closes shut and my knees fail me but he catches me just in time as he presses his hand on my ass.I allow myself to suffocate in his kiss and I wrap my hands and his neck pulling him closer and he doesn't hesitate to deepen his kiss.His lips devour mine slowly as his hands move freely up and
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Chapter 35.
IvyI really hate the fact that mom is making us all go to the beach. She said she wanted some fresh air but I don't see how that has anything to do with the rest of us.Clifford picked a location that seems pretty nice but I still wish to just be in my room.“Ivy get your ass down, we're leaving in ten minutes” Mom calls from downstairs.I roll my eyes packing my shoving stuff in my bag.Why does she have to be so pushy?By the time I get down stairs everyone is already there waiting for me. Caden allows his eyes to lower over my body and I struggle to hide my nervousness.“Well come on don't just stand there, let's go” mom says and I catch Clifford and Caden share a glance just before Caden raises a brow.Mom has been really hormonal due to her pregnancy and it's starting to get to everyone. Clifford has been really patient with her and always tries to make her happy, Caden does his best to not get on her bad side whereas I just stay away from her completely.We get into Clifford's
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 Chapter 36.
IvyI look out my room balcony bored out of my mind. The sun has just set and a crowd of people who are supposedly mom's friends start troping in through the gates.This is crazy. I mean who hosts a baby shower at night?!I really don't want to be in the same room with mom's shitty friends but I know I can only hide here for so long.I here mom's high pitched voice and I know the chaos is about to happen.I roll my eyes peeling myself from the balcony and I head downstairs. Just as I had expected my mom's friends are all here, at least the ones I can remember.“Oh Ivy look how grown you've become, just take a look at those big boobs of yours” one of them exclaims and I immediately start to feel uncomfortable.This is one of the many reasons why I don't like them at all.“Oh stop it, those little things” mom says and they all laugh.What a great way to boost my body image mom.“Where's your husband?” One asks, the one I know to be Velma.“Oh he's right outside his G-wagon” mom says not
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 Chapter 37.
CadenI've never been one to compete for attention or anything in that manner. There was never anything to compete for until now.The thought of Elias around her irks me more and more each time I think about it. His hands on her waist or even breathing the same air with her makes me want to rip him to shreds.The piles of paperwork in front of me on my desk isn't enough to distract me from thinking of her. With each moment our skin touches it feels like magic is about to happen.I want her to myself. Selfishly. I hate how I can't have her. I hate how she's someone else's.I hear her little voice echoing laughter from right outside my office and it feels like music to my ears. I go over to my door and catch a glimpse of her walking side by side with that idiot he calls her boyfriend and the goth girl she's seemingly friends with.Her long shiny hair is packed in a ponytail and it swings from side to side.Something about it makes me want to pull it and I have to control the horny thoug
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 Chapter 38.
IvyI work my way through the piles of homework in front of me slowly, dreading each moment.Seriously if these professors don't stop giving us so much homework I'll literally just drown in them at this point.Not even the song of my favorite boy band blasting in my ears through my headphones seems to cheer me up from the situation I'm in.I stare at my laptop blankly not knowing where to start. This might take longer than I thought.Mom walks in wearing a black dress that seems a little too tight for a pregnancy bump with two other dresses in her hand.I push down my head phones from my ears not understanding what exactly is going on.“Which one would look better on me?” She asks “this one makes me look like a sack of potatoes so we already know it's a no”“Um okay…”“So we have this dress from Vera Wang” she says, showing me the sheer dress in her right hand “and this one from chanel” showing me a white midi dress.The white one seems more preferable so I point to it.“Alright then”
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Chapter 39.
Ivy“And that's why I think black cats bring good luck,” says Jade, licking her ice cream.“Oh really, that's new” I reply, licking mine.“Mmm hmm, they're so cute too” she adds with big sparkly eyes that reminds me alot of a kid.Jade had picked this pawn shop a few miles away from school to meet up and buy weird old band t-shirts and hang out.She's not really a fan of the mall and I can definitely relate. We have the same level of social anxiety and that is enough reason for us to stick together.It feels nice having her around. It's great having someone around asides Elias.It's less crowded here and the store owner literally doesn't care what we do as long as we don't steal or break anything.I'm not exactly an old band t-shirt kind of girl but with Jade it all seems so fun.She's pretty cool and she's shown me a lot of street hacks, half of which I'm not sure I'll need but you'll never know.“Ooouuu this would look good on you” she exclaims and brings out a gray T-shirt and plac
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Chapter 40.
CadenI've been trying to get information on Elias for a while but as I dig deeper I'm beginning to notice that some information is leaving too many blank gaps. Way too many for the whole institution to ignore.“So how did he get this far without anyone suspecting him?” Von asks.“That's what I want to know and that's why I'm going to find out”I turn off my laptop and shove it into my bag.I'll continue tomorrow. The workload from working here has started getting to me.I sigh exhausted and drained as I start the engine. I just want to soak in a hot bath.The school begins to get out of view and I'm glad to just be in my way.I catch a glimpse of a car behind me. It's pace is slow but it's following me. I take another turn the wrong way to see if my suspicions are right and just as I expected they follow at a slow pace.“Looks like we've got company”I check my rare view mirror but suddenly can't find them.Was I wrong?“Caden watch out-”The impact catches me by surprise before I c
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