All Chapters of Mated to my professor stepbrother: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 Chapters
Chapter 21.
Ivy“Here's your order” comes the waitress setting down our plate.Elias grins as he takes down his plate of meatloaf.The restaurant he took me to is divine, everything about it screams fancy and exquisite. It kind of makes me wish I dressed a little fancier. The rain has long stopped.We eat and he cracks me up with jokes and before I know it it's past two in the afternoon.My eyes widen at the clock that's right above his head. I had no idea that we had spent that much time here.“We should probably get going,” I tell him, still looking at the time.“We should but… I still have one more place I want to show you” he says wiggling his brows.What is this man up to now?I raise a brow at him waiting for him to give me more details but he only smiles in return before hailing the waitress to come over.She comes over and he asks for the bill.I find myself in the passenger seat of his car eagerly waiting to arrive at this special location.He's been ignoring my enquiry for the last twen
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Chapter 22.
CadenI watch Ivy leave in Elias's car like she always does for the past three weeks from my window.She giggles at something that he says that I don't seem to catch.A hint of irritation stirs within me. His presence around her has begun to irritate me.Why is he always here anyway?“Looks like someone's jealous,” Von teases.“I am not jealous of a child,” I retort.“Oh really, then why are your fists clenched?”I look down at my hands that are balled in tight fists and I snort.“It's just reflexes”“Sure”I roll my eyes and go to my mirror, running my hands through my hair.I look at my frame and features impressed with what I see.“Why would I be jealous of him?”“Because he has all of her attention and you don't”“Shut up”“You can deny it all you want but you know it's still the truth. You're beginning to fancy her”Something about his words irritates me even more but I push it to the back of my head not wanting to think about it.I can't think about it. I have a date today.The
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Chapter 23.
CadenFlora links her arm with mine as soon as she enters the living room. He smiles and kisses my cheek.I bob my head from side to side at the music taking a sip of my whiskey from time to time.Here we are in her backyard with our family and a bunch of her friends I don't exactly know or like.She really outdid herself on this one. The decor, food and music is spot on. She made sure our engagement is nothing less than perfect.I find Ivy in the corner looking a bit lost. Something about her sheepish demeanor in her brown maxi dress makes me want to be where she is until Elias appears from behind her.I remove my gaze from her and back into the crowd becoming bored.Flora is still smiling from ear to ear. I look down at her using her beauty as a form of distraction.Her hair is packed in a low bun adorned with a red hair comb with roses on them. Her backless dress is black and reaches her ankle.She leads me over to her other family and her hips sways from side to side under her tig
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Chapter 24.
IvyI watch Caden kiss his fiance for the second time today, he seems so happy without me and it hurts.It hurts more everyday knowing he's getting married soon. I shouldn't be feeling this way about my own step brother but the thought of what could have been still lingers in my mind each day.I should have known the game was rigged from the start, the universe obviously doesn't want us to ever be together. First he became my professor then he became my step brother and now he's getting married and worst of all is he never wanted me.Ever since our last proper conversation about the allegations of Elias and I dating I haven't been able to get him out of my head. It's almost like he gave me a warning sign before breaking my heart. But that only made my longing for Caden intensify.He looks down at her with so much pride and want in his eyes and I realize I'm no match against her.I mean look at her, an amazing body, great smile and she's sophisticated. I'm just me.I wish we could trad
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Chapter 25.
CadenFlora decided to come over for dinner and Father and Elowyn managed to turn dinner into party.Dad called all his friends, Elowyn called hers and so did Flora right after.Ivy also invited Elias after much chiding from her mother much to my dismay and within minutes he was driving through our gates.I catch Ivy and that boy slips away from the crowd. Annoyance pops a vein on my forehead and I struggle to control my breathing.I would have easily located her if not for the fact that Von and I aren't on talking terms.I trace her scent and use my wolf eye to see her scent trail leading to the front door.Flora interlocks arms with mine and rests her small head on my shoulder but suddenly something about her touch is beginning to irk me.“Babe, what's wrong?”“Nothing”“Son, what's the matter?” Father asks me from his mind.I avert my gaze, not interested in the conversation.“Nothing”I pour myself a glass of wine and gulp it down.Suddenly a flash of an image of Elias so close to
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Chapter 26.
IvyLast night I cried myself to sleep, I've never been this heart broken since dad left.I still can't believe what he said to me. The degrading words, I never felt so cheap in my life. Is that really what he thought of me?Tears leave my eye and I wipe it off as quickly as it falls.I hate feeling like this. I feel so stupid for still having feelings for him. I hate him for making me feel this way.I make an attempt to blink back the tears threatening to slip out of my eyes but that only proves to be futile as the water works comes pouring down.“How could I have been this stupid?”I pull the covers on my bed up to my chest and hug my knees tightly as I continue to cry with the faintest silence.I bite my tongue when I feel I've cried enough but my heart thinks otherwise.The hiccup in my throat shoots my head up and I catch my reflection from my vanity. My messy hair and snot and tear stained face stares right at me.My phone rings, blaring my ringtone across the room but I don't b
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Chapter 27.
IvyElias has been more than a gentleman since we started dating. I'm really grateful he's been patient with my emotions every step of the way.There are days where I feel he's too good for me, like a prince from a fairytale. The feeling is so surreal.Mom obviously approves of him, of course she does. He's rich. She was more than happy when I told Clifford and her that we were finally dating and she acted like we were going to get married soon. Elias was just glad they accepted him. He was a bit nervous about me telling Clifford but he gave him his blessing to go out with me.Elias was so happy he jumped like a little boy excited to get candy. The memory makes me laugh each time I think about it.I smile at my reflection pleased with my outfit. Elias would be here any moment from now and I need to get ready before he shows up.He wanted us to go out for picnic in the woods right behind our school and I had picked something that wouldn't be too tight. For my outfit I decided to go for
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Chapter 28.
Ivy Everything after that day seems like a blur but Elias never kept quiet about it and he made sure to tell anyone who has the ears to listen about what we saw but no one believed him.“A red wolf?” Mom had laughed when we told her “that's crazy, you guys probably saw a squirrel or something”The rest who didn't think we were lying thought we were probably high on something till he finally stopped telling people. But even with that he always makes sure I'm safe when I'm in class, he sometimes had the fear that a pack of wolves would invade our school no matter how many times I tried to pacify his hysteria.Elias and meet up at a new cafe close to school that I've been wanting to check out for awhile.“This place is nice” he exclaims once we finally get in.The place is small but with a modern feel to it with a lot of chic decor. It's cozy feel makes me feel safe.We take our orders and Elias chooses a spot for us to sit.He frowns once we take our seat as he looks at the glass wall.
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Chapter 29.
IvyToday's first period wasn't all so bad, except for the fact that Aria and Freya kept giving me dirty looks in class. Not that it bothered me anyway. Elias is seemingly M.I.A and when I called this morning he said he had to help his cousin get treats for her dog.I don't know how long I'll have to wait for him to get to school. I check my phone to see if he's texted but my phone is drier than ever.I haven't felt this lonely in a long time and it stings. Badly. It's currently half past twelve and he still hasn't texted.I furrow my brows worriedly as I tap my fingers on the desk as I wait in the barely empty fall for our next class. Caden is supposed to lecture us and something about that information makes me anxious. I can't face him alone. I need Elias by my side.Soon enough other students start trouping in and I scan the crowd for Elias and my heart sinks with every second each time I can't find him amongst the batch of crowds.Caden walks in and my heart beat starts to race he
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Chapter 30.
IvyI can barely concentrate on the food in front of me with Caden sitting so close to me. My face would heat up each time the memory of his naked body flashes through my mind.The slightest touch of his arm grazing over mine sends the fastest shock wave through my body that goes straight to more core and I occasionally have to squeeze my legs tightly together to control myself.I feel his leg on mine and I jolt up and all the attention falls on me.“I'm done eating, I have to go to the bathroom” I blurt and race upstairs.“What has gotten into her?” I hear mom ask.I rush to my room and shut the door slamming my back against it.I hate how he still makes me want him, every inch of me yearns for him even when I know it's wrong. But I still crave for him, even just a morsel of him would be more than enough.I shake my head trying to take away the profane things.Guilt creeps in on me once Elias flashes through my mind. He's been so patient with me already. He doesn't deserve this.But
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