All Chapters of Beta Before An Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
28 Chapters
Evvie’s POV:“Are you alone?” He rasped. I was taken aback by his pure black eyes, gazing deeply into mine.My jaw almost dropped. Shocked at how deep and husky his voice came out.“And so f*cking sexy.” My wolf purred.If it was possible to reach inwardly and slap my wolf out cold, I would. But I have to admit. She was right.Without saying a word, I gave him a nod.A small, sexy smile tugged at his lips and he adjusted his tie.“Good.”I wasn’t sure what he meant, but my wolf was definitely enjoying the sight of this Greek God who towered over me like a damn wall.Strangely, there’s something about him that intrigued me. I just couldn’t point out what. Especially the way he made me feel under his burning gaze.“Would you like to dance?” The words fell from his lips smoothly. Any girl would probably swoon at his feet if he asked her like this. He held out his hand gracefully, for a man who stood a whopping six feet five.My heart thumped like a stampede in my chest. I was not sure wha
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Evvie’s POV:She gasped and broke down in tears. I scoffed.People who had heard her extra dramatic gasp turned their heads in our direction. And just like she obviously wanted, a crowd began to form all around us, highlighting me and this shameless woman across the bar.“Look at her, bullying poor Brenda.” I hear them murmur. “Is she that heartless? She’s pregnant.” One grumbled. And my hands clenched into fists.Does she not think I am painfully aware of that?She had slapped me the deal with her pregnancy the day Zachary came back.Yeah, I f*cking know she’s f*cking pregnant. With my mate’s child.But she also knew exactly who she was dealing with when she came to me to flaunt how she snatched my mate before my eyes.The whispering continued to echo in the air as several people passed judgements against me. Some, however, showed nothing but sympathy in their eyes, including Pixie, who now must have realized the truth.Glancing around, I noticed most of the crowd hailed from the Bla
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Evvie’s POV:“I’m coming with you.” Our heads snapped towards the door and saw Pixie step into the room.I felt my brows furrow and I rose from the sofa. Goddess knows what giant tornado I went through with my make-up smeared all over my face as I looked at her. She was glowing and insanely beautiful. I on the other hand looked like a dead raccoon. The tears showed no mercy and went above and beyond to make me look even more miserable.Ethan stood abruptly. His eyes wide as he openly gawked at her. His eyes darkening as his wolf threatened to emerge.I wasn’t surprised. After all, Pixie is the most attractive woman ever. She’s lucky I’m not gay, because if I were, I wouldn’t just stand here and let any other man drool at the sight of her. And maybe I wouldn’t have fallen for Zachary, and none of this would’ve happened in the first place.Who am I kidding?I’m the unlucky one.Pixie walked closer. This is where I could have sworn I heard my brother’s heartbeat increase at marathon spee
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Evvie’s POV:“So, what do you think?” Pixie tossed a smirk at me. Leaning against a wall nearby, I turned my head to look at her. She was holding two glasses of drink. One was color blue, and my eyes squinted at it.“Tiring.” I answered.She tsked, rolling her eyes. “Oh come on, admit it.”I raised a brow.She pointed her petite frame towards me. Hands on her hips.I let out a sigh and crossed my arms against my chest.“Fine, fine.” I drew in a breath. “It felt pretty good.” I giggled.She curled her lips into a smile.“You’re damn right.” And then she smirked.“Here, drink this.” She handed me the glass with blue liquid.I shrugged and sipped from the glass. After about an hour of dancing and rocking my hips to the beat, my body dripped with sweat. My throat clawed at me, begging for something smooth and cold to run down my system.Once my tongue grazed the ice cold, a sigh left my lips. “Feeling better?” Pixie asked, tilting her head to me.“I think so. What is this?” I queried, sw
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Evvie’s POV:“Evvie!” It was Pixie. “Where on earth are you?”The sound of her panicked voice jolted me awake.Her question snapped me back to my reality.To be honest, I had no idea where.Glancing around, it didn’t take me long to realize I was in a hotel.I squinted. The room was all red. Furniture, door frames, the wallpaper and even this bed was colored red.Immediately, I stifled a gasp as realization draped over me like stepping into cold shower in the middle of the night.I was in Zachary’s fucking hotel! The Beta family owned a third of our pack’s businesses which unfortunately includes this one.“Silvercrown Hotel.” I whispered when my eyes raised to look at the sign hanging on the wall across me.“You’re at a hotel?” Pixie’s voice came out loud you’d think she was screaming.Then again, maybe she was.“What hotel?” I let out a nervous laugh. “I’m on my way.” I told her, not wanting her to worry. Or see me in this disheveled state.We were supposed to go back together. Before
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Evvie’s POV:The minute I walked into the house, I tiptoed inside and closed the door behind me with a soft click.My legs were shaking, and I gritted my teeth.Does the first time need to be this awful?I peered into the kitchen as the doorway led to the stairs going to my room.Mom and dad were busy cooking something up while flirting with each other. Dad had his arms wrapped around mom while she was cutting up some onions. He leaned in and kissed her neck, making mom blush and slap his shoulder.I rolled my eyes. Although there was nothing new, I felt irritated. Growing up, I would watch them both act so lovey-dovey towards one another, but I never complained.I never thought I would.I always dreamed and wanted the life mom shared with dad.I dreamed of Zachary and I in the exact same position. Cooking together while we flirted, and our kids playing in the living room. But now all I see is Zachary living that life with Brenda. And their unborn child.I shook my head before more of
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Evvie’s POV:FIVE YEARS LATER“Move, dickhead!” I spat at the guy who won’t get out of my sight. I was headed to the bar when he and his goons shoved me towards the back.It’s dark. This guy had cornered me so I was pushed against the wall. There were others with him, too. They think I couldn’t see them. But I was bidding my time.The man towered over me. He’s about 6’7 with a face tattoo and golden chains around his neck. He was also, a human. All of them were.“Ohh, she’s feisty.” He chuckled into my neck.I crossed my arms against my bulging breasts, rolling my eyes when his gaze fell to look at them.I wore a cropped leather jacket and a white square tank top underneath. Nothing sort of revealing.I guessed the problem was my breasts. Then again it always have been.“Hey.” I clicked my tongue. “Eyes up here, moron.”He snapped his head back up and glared at me.“Keep calling me names and you’ll be sorry, feisty girl.” And then a grin spread on his face. “I’ll make sure of it when
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Evvie’s POV:THREE YEARS AGOI had called Ethan when we finally crossed human territory. I needed to know how was Mom and Dad.When he broke the news, they were already looking for me. Dad had called the Alpha to send an entire search party out for me.Thankfully, Ethan stopped them just in time.Hearing my venture to the human side, they were devastated. Ethan said Mom cried for hours. Dad had punched the wall, leaving a visible crack on our wall that Ethan noted made the house shake.I felt the sudden adrenaline course through my veins. Panic and guilt took over me. And I almost wanted to go back.It was Pixie that snapped the fuck out of me.She had slapped me hard on the cheek, and reminded me why I came out here in the first place.Freedom.And she was right.It was about damn time I started thinking about myself and what’s good for me. But most of all, it was time to move on.Instead, I talked to my parents. As always, Mom lashed out at me, while Dad kept his silence until I expl
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Evvie’s POV:Whoever was grabbing me cursed under his breath and let go of me abruptly.Now is my chance!I ripped the bag over my head into shreds. I found myself surrounded by the rogues, growling and snapping as they carefully watched my every move.My eyes darted to Pixie’s human form being held back by one of them, and Casey who was apparently knocked to the ground.The anger I felt deepened and I saw red.My wolf lurched at them, not caring that there were six of them and one of us.I was aiming for one of the rogues neck when the man whom we spotted in the diner appeared before me in a flash.I cursed as I was in no position to recoil.I felt my neck snap and my head hit the hard ground. My eyes were still open, but everything was a blue. The deafening sound of constant ringing filled my head. And the last thing I saw was Pixie as she dropped to the ground before the world turned a hundred shades darker.. . .I woke up and found myself naked. My body covered under a furry blan
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Evvie’s POV:“Just one little thing.” I said, turning to him as I crossed my arms against my chest. “Was the kidnapping really necessary?”He smirked.“Where’s the fun without that?”I huffed and rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled deeply.From that moment on, my whole life began to change.Barrak trained us to become elite warriors under his command. In exchange for signing up in his training sessions as a new recruit, he paid us money. And I mean a lot of it. You could imagine the happiness in our eyes when he gave us our first paycheck before we even started to train. A whopping two-thousand dollars. Each!Pixie and I were above and over the moon and the first thing we did, was buy a new apartment for ourselves. We bought one with three-bedrooms that was closer to the pack.Not only was the Black Moon Pack huge with over a thousand occupants, probably even more, they were rich.So, we quit our jobs and urged Casey to do the same. Casey is a writer. Her affinity towards literature wa
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