All Chapters of Beta Before An Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 28
28 Chapters
Evvie’s POV:“Vi?” Pixie called out, but I was too much in a shock to answer.“It can’t be.” I whispered, staring down at the seal.There’s no mistaking it.I moved to open the letter when my cellphone rang from the counter.Pixie stood up and grabbed my phone before her eyes snapped to me. A hint of urgency tainted her eyes.“It’s Barrak.”My brows furrowed and I huffed. Of all times he could possibly call me… What the hell did he want at this time of day?I nodded to her like I suddenly lost the ability to speak. She nodded back and cleared her throat as she lifted the phone against her ear.“Yeah, boss?” She chirped with her usual cheery voice, but her face remained indifferent. It was a new sight, since Pixie rarely had any serious moments.I gripped the letter in my hands as I kept my eyes locked on Pixie.“Uhh… Sure.”She walked over and extended the phone to me.“He said he wants to talk to you. He knows you’re here.”‘By the way, he sent someone to follow you for the past few
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Evvie’s POV:“What?” I whispered as pain slammed me in the chest.I watched as his eyes softened as he looked at me.“Vi…”“This is your guy!” I shouted, throwing my hands in the air. “I can’t do this!” I growled and turned my back at him.I stood from my seat.“I know this is hard for you.” He said. “But it’s going to be okay.” With my fists clenched on my sides, I turned to look at him.“I’m never going back.” I retorted. “And you can’t fucking make me.” I growled.Barrak’s face darkened. He didn’t like being disobeyed, but right now, I didn’t give a fuck.“Oh I think I fucking can.” He smirked before pulling out a letter from his inside pocket. And it looked exactly the same as the one that just arrived.“This looks any familiar to you?” He asked, waving the letter in the air.“Where did you get that?” I asked.“I found it this morning.” He continued, looking at me. “It says a new alpha has taken over Winter Mist Pack.”Just after he said those words, Pixie sauntered into the room
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Zachary’s POV:“Daddy, daddy!”I whipped around at the sound of feet tapping against the wooden floor.Her curly red hair bounced lightly on her shoulders, framing her little face. She raised her big, blue eyes at me and put both her arms up, pouting.I chuckled, and I couldn’t help but find her cute. She always does this when she doesn’t get what she wants.“What’s wrong, baby?” I asked, tucking a strand of her curly hair behind her ear.“I want my cake.” She pouted and she shoved her fingers into her armpits.“Don’t you want to wait for your friends?” I asked.She looked at me then quickly looked away.“I don’t have friends.” She mumble, making my brow raise."Why so?"She lowered her gaze, suddenly finding interest in her fingers as she fiddled with her colored nails. "I'm a bastard."A growl rumbled through my chest, startling the little girl who looked up at me wide-eyed, and I cursed myself for making such a mistake."Hailey, listen to me." I cocked my head so that I was looking
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I went straight to Gabriel’s office that same day and didn’t ask permission to enter so I could beat him into a pulp.He didn’t put up much of a fight. How could he? Despite having alpha blood, all he ever did was fuck around and complain. He was no alpha.He’s a coward.ONE YEAR AGO…Bloodlust swirled in my eyes as I barged my way into the pack house.I had purposely reversed onto his car before this, shattering the windshield of his beat-up Corolla then hopped out of my Jeep.“Gabriel!” I roared.Pack members turned wide-eyed to me, stopping whatever they were doing to make way.I kicked the door to his office. Splinters flew in the air just as he lifted his gaze to meet mine, filled with rage I could barely control.I launched myself at him, taking him aback as he held his hands up in defense.I grabbed him by the collar and punched him in his arrogant face. Then I yanked him over his desk.“You fucking coward!” I spat.“What the fuck, Zach!” He grumbled, spitting blood to the floo
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Evvie’s POV:I’m going back.Pixie stared into my eyes and sighed.I saw Casey peek through the gap, curiosity building in her eyes. I exchanged glances with Pixie who she shook her head.“Going back where?” Casey asked, pulling the door further open and we looked at the only clueless human in our midst.“And who was that?” She asked, a shudder visibly snaking up her arms making her squeeze them in her grip as she stared into space. Her eyes shifting a shade darker as Barrak’s domineering frame cast upon her once again.“No one.” Pixie saved me from telling her the truth.Knowing Casey, she’d always had an interesting take on the world around her.You’d be surprised if I tell you she writes about werewolves. Romance, on top of that.Most humans believe we’re just some made up supernatural beings in lost myths. That we don’t exist. But some of them, like Casey, refused to believe it.Pixie and I would watch the twinkle in her eyes as she went on and on about werewolves, vampires, beast
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Zachary’s POV:Excitement bubbled in my veins as I reversed my car at the parking lot near the border.Duncan could not stop pacing in my head, ready to claim what was rightfully his. Evvie. Our beautiful lost mate.The day she left the pack was the day I suddenly forgot how to breathe. It felt like my soul was ripped apart from me. A part I’ve been missing ever since.Five years.Those four years were filled with regrets and immeasurable guilt. But the last year, oh I’d made up for those past four years by bathing myself in my thoughts of her.And she’d reappear in most of my dreams, taking me back to the day before I left for training camp.It was just her and me back then. Snuggled in one another’s arms. I remember very clearly, the fire of passion burning in her eyes when she kissed me, pulling me in deep.I never should have left.Those words never failed to come across. Every day of my life since she disappeared. Every day I cursed myself for my stupidity. I’d let them trick me
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Zachary’s POV:“Take me to the Alpha.” The words sounded more of a command.And one that stuck to me as my feet suddenly moved on their own accord.It was almost as if her command worked.But how is that possible?I moved to grab her with the intention of putting her in my truck when she immediately, stepped out of reach.I couldn’t help the pained look that’s now probably sealed into my eyes. Perhaps forever. So long as she looks at me with that deep-seated hatred in her eyes.The only time I’m going to get out of this habit is when she finally says she forgives me.After all, she knows just as much as I do that you only get one mate in this lifetime. If you’re lucky, the goddess will provide you with a second chance mate.But no one’s ever heard of receiving a second chance mate since decades ago. So to say, there’s a mere, one percent chance we’ll ever get another mate. It is the goddess that passes judgement on whether you deserve to be given one after rejecting the one she’s give
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Evvie’s POV:This is a mistake.As soon as the car made it twenty feet past the damn border, the shivers running up and down my spine splayed across my skin.“Evvi—”Before he could finish, I whipped my head so fast and pinned him with my murderous glare. My aura slipped and leaked from the tip of my fingers to the strand of my hair, but I had no intention on suppressing my wrath underneath a cold stare.Something I learned to unlearn so long ago.“Vi.” He corrected, clearing his throat.I ceased with the murderous gaze and averted my eyes, not wanting to get lost in his for far too long.Or I will lose everything I’ve worked so hard to build all these years. And that includes me. Myself, the person I strived so hard to become.Vana kept to herself all this time, and I have been wondering what she was thinking all this while.If returning to this pack and meeting Duncan after all these years, took a toll on her. I could feel his wolf was trying to link with her. But she’s either too t
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