All Chapters of The Heartbroken Wife's Revenge: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 Chapters
Chapter 11 Why Her, not Me
"Belinda, no matter how much you plead with me, I can't do anything." The woman's response only fueled Belinda's frustration. "Not everyone can connect with the Li family.""Then why can she, but I can't?""You have to understand your status. Are you on par with someone like Senna Zhang? Do you not realize how influential she is? Despite her scandalous image, she's still an upper-class woman, whereas you...""Are you belittling me? I'm the lover of Young Master Qin, isn't that enough?" Belinda grew increasingly agitated."Belinda, until you get an official status, people won't regard you, especially while Senna Zhang still holds sway—""Shut up! I don't need you to compare me to her. Don't forget, you're just a lowly person like me.""You're really rude. I initially wanted to tell you a shortcut, but I've changed my mind.""Hey, don't hang up. Tell me how.""There's only one way..."***Senna Zhang eyed her smiling adversary suspiciously. "What's going on? Why is she like this? Could
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Chapter 12 Did I Give You Permission to Leave?
“Are you skipping work again? Senna, did I raise you to be useless? You’re going to abandon your responsibilities for some meaningless exhibition?” Mr. Zhang’s voice boomed through the phone, uncaring if it hurt the ears on the other end. “Dad, this is not meaningless. It will benefit us because the one inviting me is Madam Li.” “Madam Li? Which Li?” “Dad, don’t you know Tiffany Li?” Senna clarified. “You’re lying to me, right? Didn’t you offend Tiffany Li by not attending her event? Do you know how hard it was for me to get that invitation? Now, you’re saying she contacted you herself? That makes no sense.” “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. You can have someone follow me to the exhibition. If I’m lying, I’ll resign from my position,” Senna firmly assured him. “Your bet’s not bad. Remember your promise!” Mr. Zhang warned. The old man ended the call first. Senna had anticipated his reaction. In the past, she had been forced out of the company when she had children. It was clear h
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Chapter 13 Because of A Child
"No thanks, I don't want to bother you," Senna politely declined. "I don't—" Belinda wrapped her arm around Evander's, "Honey, her hand is just a minor injury, not a broken bone. We have plenty of drivers here, just ask one of them to take her! You also have a lot of work at the office, right?" Senna felt relieved; it seemed Belinda's jealousy had its perks after all. "That's right, I can go with a driver." Senna hurriedly left the room. She requested a driver who had become her go-to person. "Please take me to the art exhibition in City T quickly." "Sure thing, ma'am." "We need to arrive before 10." "Ma'am, isn't there an art exhibition in the capital too? Why do you have to go all the way to City T?" Normally, Senna would scold a driver who asked too many questions and wanted to interfere in her Master's affairs, but Senna had to win over the servants. She calmly answered the question, "My friend chose to make an appointment there." The driver nodded. He didn't ask
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Chapter 14 Caught Meeting someone
"There's no need, I don't want to trouble you," Senna declined politely. "Thanks to you, I got a lucky break this time," Senna said, looking at the man in front of her. "Why are you suddenly thanking me? Oh, is it because of the painting? Are you that happy your painting finally made it to the exhibition?" the man guessed after thinking about what might have prompted the sudden gratitude. "I'll help you get that chance again." "You don't need to do that anymore, President Yan. I’ve found another partner for it. Thanks to you." President Yan's face darkened. "Have you found another man to help you? Is it because I pressured you that you're mad at me?" "No, it's not that. Madam Li gave me a beneficial offer." "Madam Li? I remember, you wanted her support to become the most powerful woman in high society, right?" President Yan began to understand. "Correct." "You're thanking me for that?" "Yes, if you hadn't helped spread my painting, I wouldn't have gotten Mrs. Li's ad
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Chapter 15 Flirting with Men
"Why are you so sure about that?" President Yan probed. Belinda, unaware of his intentions, replied nonchalantly, "Because I've made sure Evander will do whatever I want just by..." She trailed off. President Yan kept his curious gaze on her. "Just by what?" "You don't need to know. What's important is that I won't be discarded like you. You'd better find a way to get Senna Zhang to fall into your arms and leave Evander." Belinda hurried away, almost revealing her secret. If it got out, all her efforts could fail. President Yan smirked, pondering. "Looks like that foolish girl might be useful after all." *** "Tell me! Why did you lie to me?" Evander interrogated Senna in the car. "From now on, you won't go anywhere without me." Evander had been suspicious from the start. This woman had even avoided the car he sent to track her, clearly hiding something. Now, he wouldn't let her out of his sight. "Evander Qin, do you want to treat me like a prisoner?" Senna felt anx
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Chapter 16 Why Are You Crying?
Evander, I've told you, I was just guessing. Let go! If you do this, I will—" Evander cut off Senna. "You will what? Are you going to take the camera from my car and record a video to spread it on the internet?" He tightened his grip on Senna's chin, making it difficult for her to speak. His intense gaze and firm hold triggered Senna's mind to drift back to her past traumas. Unconsciously, tears streamed down from her clear eyes. "Please, let me go." Images of past abuses and violence inflicted by Evander haunted her again. No matter how strong she appeared, the specter of her past trauma always loomed. Evander showed surprise at her sorrowful tears. "Why are you crying? Is this another one of your tricks?" Senna didn't reply, her eyes betraying fear. Evander released his hold on her. "Stop crying! I don't like women like you who cry just because I force them to do—" Slap! Evander was taken aback. The woman who had been trembling in fear moments ago now dared to slap
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Chapter 17 Take responsibility for Someone else's Mistakes?
Senna's face paled upon hearing Evander's sudden call. Without saying much, she promptly ended the call.Her hand trembled slightly, and she repeatedly took deep breaths to calm herself."Senna, are you deaf? Open up!" Evander's shout grew more impatient. Senna slowly opened the door.He immediately shoved her body, even spinning her around and slamming her against the wall forcefully."What's gotten into you, Evander?" Senna frowned, holding back the pain shooting through her back."Are you going to pretend you don't know about this? I've been suspicious from the start because your strange behaviors were part of your cunning plan with President Yan, wasn't it?" Evander stared at Senna with disbelief."What are you talking about? I have no idea what you mean!" Senna looked at Evander with astonishment.Evander smirked cynically. "Oh, so now you're pretending not to know? Enough games, Senna! If it weren't for you holding me back, I would have been at the office when the client called,
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Chapter 18 Are You Hiding Something from Me?"
"Honey!" Belinda tried to mask her anxiety as she wrapped her arm around Evander’s. "I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Finally, I found you." Evander brushed her arm off. "Don’t change the subject. Tell me, was this your fault? Did you deliberately withhold important information from me?" "How could I do that? I even—" "I contacted S Corporation. They said they reached out to you earlier. Why, Belinda? Why did you do this?" "Honey, forgive me. I forgot that—" "Belinda, how long have you been my secretary? Yet you make a mistake like this, or did you do it on purpose?" "No, I swear—oh, my head, it’s spinning." Belinda clutched her head and nearly collapsed. Evander quickly supported her. "I'm sorry for causing you this much stress. Come on, I’ll take you to your room." Evander steadied her, ready to escort her. "Wait! Are you just going to leave?" Senna stopped Evander. Evander reluctantly turned. "What do you want? Make it quick! Can’t you see Belinda is unwell?"
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Chapter 19 Don't Forget Our Agreement Last Night
"Then what is this?" Evander demanded, holding up the sketch he had taken from behind Senna’s back.Senna’s eyes widened with panic as she reached for the drawing. "It’s nothing, just a doodle! Give it back!" she pleaded, trying to snatch it from Evander’s grasp."Really? If it’s nothing, why are you so anxious?" Evander retorted sharply, flipping the paper over to examine it.Quickly, Senna grabbed it back. "It’s not important! You need my help negotiating, right? Fine, I’ll arrange it. I have a project with Company S, and I can bring you up during our meeting." Reluctantly, Senna offered her assistance to protect her secret.Evander’s suspicion deepened. "Why the sudden change of heart? What’s on that paper that’s so crucial? Tell me.""I told you, it’s just a doodle. Let’s not dwell on it. Isn’t it more important that I agreed to help you?" Senna responded."How can I trust you? You initially refused, and this project was secured by your lover," Evander pressed.Annoyed, Senna snap
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Chapter 20 Failure
Evander glared at his uncle, his eyes sharp. "Uncle, I will never do that. I'll recover what was lost. You'll see for yourself if I can handle it or not."Jones Qin laughed mockingly. "All you do is brag, but look at your track record. No one believes you can fix this."Evander sighed. "Think what you want. One thing is certain: I won’t give up my position under any circumstances."Jones Qin looked down on him, "You’re so confident about keeping your position. Evander, let’s see if you can win the directors’ support next time."After mocking his nephew, Jones left the office. As he walked out, he spotted Belinda heading toward Evander’s office."Belinda, if Samuel gets kicked out, come to me. My ability to please a woman is no worse than his," Jones whispered, brushing a kiss on her cheek.Belinda was shocked. "Mr. Jones, don’t do this. I’ll pretend it never happened.""I know you won’t dare defy me." Jones smirked before walking away.Belinda hurried to Evander’s office, knocking a f
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