All Chapters of The Heartbroken Wife's Revenge: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
35 Chapters
Chapter 21 Keep Her Under Control
Evander stared sharply at Senna, the room temperature turning cold and tense with the aura emanating from the Qin family patriarch. "Senna, what have you done? I asked for your help, not for you to further ruin my business!"Senna tried to remain composed. "Evander, I did my best to persuade them, but ultimately, they decide whether to accept you back as a partner or not. Why are you blaming me?""Of course it's your fault! Do you know what they said during dinner with me? They said I forced you to help me and that I rely too much on you. You must have said something negative, didn't you?" Evander's anger escalated.Senna smiled wryly, "I didn't say anything to them, but everything is clear to them. Besides, who wouldn't be suspicious of your relationship with your secretary? Everyone must already know. You can't blame me for this failure. Just ask your girlfriend to take responsibility," she said, glancing at Belinda standing behind her. "Now, don't bother me anymore."Senna left the
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Chapter 22 Provoke Evander
"Senna, I've let you behave as you please, but this has gone too far. Why are you bringing disaster upon our company?" Mr. Zhang stormed into Senna's office, filled with anger. "Dad, calm down. I take full responsibility for this," Senna replied casually. "If that woman has caused losses to our company, I'm willing to resign." Mr. Zhang's expression quickly changed. Senna knew this was what her father wanted. "Very well, you must stick to your promise. I don't want an irresponsible child." Mr. Zhang left abruptly. Senna called for Belinda to come in, but she remained seated at her desk, playing with her phone. Without saying a word, Senna walked over and took Belinda's phone. "Hey, what are you doing?" Senna placed several documents on the table. "Instead of staring at a phone that's not good for your pregnancy, you should work on this report." "What's this? Do you think I'm your office assistant?" "You've been by Evander's side for so long, yet you don't know what these docum
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Chapter 23 A Diamond in the Rough
"Not at all. Who's jealous? I have Evander, who is far better than that married man," Belinda declared. Senna chuckled at her words. "Belinda, do you even realize what you're saying? Have you forgotten that I am Evander's wife, yet you maintain a relationship with him. Isn't that the same?" "It's different. I'll soon gain my status once this child is born, and I'll have what you have now, whereas you won't get anything because you won't be able to become President Yan's official wife. Lady Yan's position is far better than yours," Belinda taunted. "Whatever you think! I'm leaving now, and if you want to come in, don't take anything from my office!" Senna warned. "No chance. Besides, what's valuable in this company?" "Of course, the ownership documents of the Qin family's assets. You could do something about it," Senna said, her lips curling. Belinda's face instantly paled. "What do you mean? Are you suspicious of me?" "No. I'm just talking nonsense. Enough, don't hinder m
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Chapter 24 Colluding with Senna Against Me
"Is this data authentic?" Evander asked suspiciously."Of course. Oh, there's something I should tell you. I actually wanted to keep this a secret, but since you've brought it up, I have no choice!" Senna glanced at Belinda. "Your beloved has altered the existing data. If I didn't have the original copy to cross-check her report, there would have been a huge misunderstanding.""Senna, don't just accuse me. I know you must be setting me up, right? You're the one who fabricated this so you could embarrass me in front of Evander." Belinda stared with teary eyes, acting like a victim who was being unjustly treated."There's no benefit for me in doing that."Evander looked back and forth between them.Senna knew her husband wouldn't easily trust her. "You can check it yourself with the professional team you've assigned and see who's right and who's wrong."Belinda still wouldn't back down. "Evander, Senna could be colluding with the team leader. They might have orchestrated this drama toge
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Chapter 25 I Just Want to Avoid Taking the Fall
Senna descended to the lower floor for breakfast, sensing something amiss in the room's atmosphere. "Where's your lover? You two are usually inseparable," she remarked."she's resting. I don't want to disturb her," Evander replied flatly."Is that so? Not because you two are on cold terms?" Senna sneered."Why? Is this what you want, to break up me and Belinda?" countered Evander.Senna smiled bitterly. "You always think negatively of me." She casually helped herself to food from the table."Senna, there's something I need to discuss with you. Starting next month, you won't have access to my asset reports anymore," Evander stated seriously.Senna furrowed her brow, her eyes widening. "Evander, what did you just say? Do you not trust me, or are you refusing to believe that your lover made a mistake, yet you're choosing to dismiss me?"Evander stared sharply at Senna. "Senna, I don't want another dispute like this again, and I haven't yet determined who's right or wrong between you two.
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Chapter 26 Harassment in Elite Circles
"You did this on purpose, didn't you? Making me wait on the roadside like this?" Belinda was irritated. She had been waiting for half an hour because Senna had said she was nearby. "What if I faint and something bad happens to my baby? Will you take responsibility?" "You can complain all you want, but does that mean anything will actually happen?" Senna replied nonchalantly. "If you're feeling unwell, go back inside the house. I won't stop you." "You! Let's just get going already!" Belinda got into the car and slammed the door shut. "Hey, be careful. This car is expensive. If it gets scratched, can you afford to replace it?" "No problem! Evander will take care of it for me," Belinda said proudly. "Aren't you two fighting? Does he still care about your damaged belongings?" mocked the beautiful woman with carefully styled long hair. Belinda felt provoked. "Should I really smash the car window and see if Evander will replace it or not?" "Don't you dare! I don't want to use
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Chapter 27 I Know You Don't Like Me, but..."
"Senna Zhang!" Senna, who had just stepped out of the private room to discuss business matters, was startled by Belinda's sudden entrance. Madam Li even reprimanded her. "Hey, that's incredibly rude! Do you think this is a jungle where you can shout like that?" Seeing Madam Li, Belinda clenched her fists tightly. "I was just panicking because I couldn't find Senna. Hey, get me some food!" Belinda demanded of Senna. Madam Li was about to scold her again, but this time Senna intervened. "Madam Li, please leave us alone." "Senna, are you sure? This person is too unpredictable. She might be planning something before re-entering," Madam Li said with concern. "It's okay. I can handle it." Madam Li left the two with hesitation. However, she had no other choice and departed immediately. "Why should I fetch it? You can do it yourself, can't you?" Senna responded. Belinda stared sharply at Senna. "I wasn't even accepted. Can I really fetch food while everyone looks at me with those dis
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Chapter 28 Destroying Your Reputation
"Belinda, you're thinking too negatively. This weekend, I'll accompany you. We'll go on a vacation together," Evander said, trying to calm Belinda.Belinda started to get excited. "Are you serious? Just the two of us? Don't suddenly invite Senna to join us."Evander shook his head. "No. I won't invite her. It'll just be us. After that, I hope you won't have these negative thoughts anymore. It's not good for the baby's condition and your health."Belinda nodded. "So, where are we going? Are we going abroad? It's been a while since we went on vacation together.""We'll just go out of town. Long flights abroad aren't good for pregnancy. We can go after you give birth."Belinda smiled. Now her mood was much better. She just needed to count the days until the weekend. Belinda was determined to make Evander more attached to her and not think about that annoying Senna Zhang.Evander glanced at Belinda. He felt relieved seeing her cheerful again. Now, he could keep her from getting too involv
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Chapter 29
Senna Zhang was surprised when Belinda arrived in her room without permission. "Belinda, what are you doing? Don't stir up trouble! I don't want to deal with you right now!" "Don't want to deal with me? You've already caused trouble, Senna. I know you released that news and then got Mrs. Li to criticize me. Besides, are you so strapped for cash that you have people threatening me for money?" accused Belinda, launching various accusations at Senna. Senna stared back at Belinda calmly. "Belinda, I don't even know what you're talking about, and besides, what would be the point for me to do that?" Belinda grew angrier. "Don't pretend! I'm sure you're behind all of this. You must have done this to bring me down!" Senna smiled bitterly. "Belinda, can't you use your brain? Why would I create damaging news just to take you down? I'm not like you, playing the victim to blame others." "You!" Belinda raised her hand as if to slap Senna, but Senna deflected it. "You better leave right now!
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Chapter 30
Evander felt an indescribable anger. Even when he faced Belinda, his expression remained unchanged."Why did you come to me just to show your anger? Go away! I don't want to see you," Belinda said, turning away from Evander.Evander immediately softened his expression. "I didn't come to scold you, Belinda. I'm here to make things right for what Senna did to you!"Belinda's face brightened upon hearing this, though she tried to hide it. "What are you going to do to her? You're just going to advise her, right? That punishment doesn't fit what I've been through.""Simply advising her won't be enough to teach Senna a lesson. You'll see, I can handle this," Evander said with a serious expression.Belinda started feeling relieved knowing that Evander was finally turning against Senna. "Darling, I'm glad you finally realize that we need to be firm with her.""For now, let's forget about Senna. Let's talk about our vacation. You're not canceling it, are you?" Belinda continued."Of course not
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