All Chapters of A Night With Him: Chapter 21 - Chapter 25
25 Chapters
Curious Lily
Lily and Axel arrived home after a while and they both walked out of the car. Axel walked out ahead of her and she rushed to catch up with him. They got into the house and he headed up the stairs, he climbed the stairs and she rushed after him. He was about to get it his room when she rushed to his presence and he paused. He gave her a questioning look and Lily sighed.“Axel.” She called.“Do you need something?” He asked and she shook her head in response. “So what is it?” He asked. She couldn't tell if he was mad or not, she was confused.“Nothing. You have been avoiding me since what happened between us.” She replied and he sighed.“I am not apologizing to you.” He said and Lily nodded. She knew he wouldn't, she wasn't expecting that from him anymore. She just wanted them to be on good terms.Although he barely talks to her at least he looks at her and asks her questions about her well being.“Yeah, I know. I just want you to stop ignoring me.”“I am not.” He replied and she sho
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Curious Lily 2
“Great, let’s play a game then.” He said and she raised her brows curiously.“A game?” She asked. She wondered what a game had to do with what they were doing. “Yes, pick a book from the table.”“What?”“Pick one and open it.” He replied and Lily picked a book from the table and opened it. He pulled away from her and carried her off the table. He slowly took off everything else she had on her till she was naked. Lily stood before him shyly with the book in her hands. He pulled her to the couch in the room and she gave him a questioning look.“Axel, what are you doing?” She asked and he ignored her question."Now sit on the couch and spread your legs. We are going to play a new game..." He ordered and she obeyed him. One thing about Lily is that she is obedient to Axel. She would do anything he ordered her to do without questioning his orders. "It's simple. If you can read a full page out loud without stopping or stuttering, I will do anything you ask me to do for you. But if you s
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A Book
Lily and Axel continued with their meal in silence until his phone rang, he picked it up and placed it by his ear. Lily looked at him as he picked up the call.“I’m coming.” He said on the call and ended it. Lily raised her brow and watched him as he stood up.“Where are you going?” She asked.“I have to get to work, something came up.” He replied as he headed out.“Should I wait till you get back?” She asked and he turned to her.“You want to?” “Hmm.” She replied and nodded.“Don't wait up. I might not be back till morning.” He replied and walked out before Lily could say anything else. She sighed and continued with her meal, she was done with it and she decided to watch a movie for a while before going to bed. *******THE NEXT DAY MORNING Lily flipped through the pages of the book Axel gave her to read, she started reading it immediately after she had breakfast. Axel wasn't home, she already asked a maid if he was in and she was informed that he left the house very early in t
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“Lily.” Max called, snapping her out of her thoughts.“Huh?”“Let me go through the book.” He said, stretching his hand towards her, she held the book to her chest and shook her head.“No, don't worry about it.” Lily replied.“Is there a reason… “ Max trailed off as the door opened and Axel walked in. Lily’s face lit up a little as he walked towards them.“What is going on?” He asked, staring at Lily as she held the book he gave her to read firmly to her chest.“Oh, Lily is confused about the book she is reading and she doesn't want me to help her with it.” Max replied and Axel rolled his eyes.“If she doesn't want you to help her then don't. Come on.” He said and walked ahead of him towards the hallway. Max smiled at Lily before trailing behind Axel.They got to Axel’s study and he searched around for the file Max came to pick up. Max couldn't stop thinking about the book, he had no idea why he was so curious about it.“What book did you give Lily to read?” He suddenly asked and Axel
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Axel cupped her face and pressed his lips to hers. She was too shocked and confused, she tried to pull away from the kiss but Axel held her firmly. She couldn't reciprocate, all she did was part her lips and let Axel do the work. After a few more seconds, he pulled away from her and she smiled shyly at him. Her cheeks were bright red. “Wh… why did you do that?” She whispered. He ran his eyes on her body and looked up at her again.“Are you done with the book?” He asked instead, he ignored her question. “No, not yet. I still have like a hundred pages left. I will be done by tomorrow.” She replied as she stared at the page she was reading and closed the book.“You read so slow.”“Hmm.” She responded and nodded her head.“Did you finish high school?” He asked and nodded in response.“Yeah, but it wasn't really a good high school and I am also not really a brilliant person. I don't know most things.” “I can see that.” Axel replied and she furrowed her brows.“I am dumb?” She asked.“
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