All Chapters of A Night With Him: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 Chapters
Second Ball 2
“What the hell is going on here?” Mrs. McCall yelled as she rushed towards them which gained more attention from the people in the room.Malia faked cries as she looked at her drenched clothes. Axel’s stepmother was also with Mrs. McCall.“I… I didn't do anything, I... “ “Yet, you are holding the glass.” Axel’s stepmother replied and Lily hurriedly dropped the cup. “Darling, what happened?” Mrs. McCall asked as she ran her hands over her daughter's body. Everyone kept watching, Lily noticed Axel among the crowd and her heart raced in fear. Things just got ruined!“All I did was ask her for a glass of water since the waiters weren't around, I felt I had the right to ask her since she is the host. I don't know why but she suddenly slapped me and poured a glass of water on me.” Malia cried out loud and Lily’s lips parted in shock. That was such a huge lie but the crowd bought it because they started to mumble words among themselves with different expressions on. “Why would you do
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A Meeting
“It's fine. You can leave it, we are already late.” Axel said. “Oh, okay.” She replied and he walked ahead of her, he walked out and she trailed behind him. They got out of the house and Axel walked towards a different car. He got into the driver’s seat and Lily entered and sat in the passenger’s seat. She had never seen him drive himself before. She looked inside the car and was amazed, it looked more pretty than it was on the outside. Axel ignited the car and drove out of the mansion, Lily hurriedly used her seatbelt seeing the way he drove. He drove into the streets and he moved really fast which made Lily scared. He kept breaking the traffic rules and she feared the cops would be after them. “Axel.” She called and he glanced at her.“Yeah?”“Can you please slow down?” She asked and he ignored her. After some minutes of what seemed like torture to Lily, the car finally stopped in front of a building. She breathed out in relief and glanced at him. He didn't look bothered as
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Forgetting Worries
Axel was tired of waiting for her to be calm, he held her hand and headed towards the exit of the building. They got out of the building after a few minutes, Lily was still shaken about what happened. They got into the car and Axel drove into the streets, this time, he didn't drive so fast and he kept glancing at Lily. She didn't say anything, and neither did he. The drive back home was silent, Lily’s thoughts were clouded with a lot. Axel drove into the mansion and slowed down then turned to Lily.“I have got to go somewhere. You can go in, Nora is waiting.” He said and all Lily did was nod, she walked out of his car and walked into the house. Axel watched her till she got into the house before he drove away. Lily entered the house and met Nora in the living room.“Lily.” Nora called happily and Lily put on a smile, Nora stood up from the couch and hugged her tightly.“Oh my God, let go.” Lily chuckled and Nora smiled before letting go of her.“I heard what happened at the ball
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A Long Day
THE NEXT DAY MORNING Lily slowly ate her breakfast as she recalled what happened the previous day, she could remember her and Nora gisting and having fun all day. She also remembered smoking too much which made her uncomfortable.She could also remember Axel saying mean words to her about her life and she couldn't help but wonder how he knew about Mrs. McCall being her mother. Thinking about everything now, she was confused by what Malia meant when she said she was supposed to be the one married to Axel. How is that possible if his stepmother was just introducing him to them at the first ball?“Ma’am.” A maid snapped Lily out of her thoughts, she turned to the maid and she bowed.“Mr. Blackwell sent for you, he is in the living room.” The maid said and Lily nodded, she gulped a glass of water before heading out of the dining room. She got to the living room and met him going through something as he stood next to the fireplace. He wasn't dressed in his usual tuxedos, he was in cas
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The Interview 1
Axel got out of Max’s car and walked into the house, he walked into the living room and met Lily on the couch. She was asleep and the television was on. He turned to the television and noticed she was watching a kid's show before falling asleep. He checked the time and it was almost midnight, he slowly walked to her and stared at her. Axel suddenly heard footsteps and he looked up to see a maid. “Good evening sir. I had no idea you were back already.” The maid said and all Axel did was stare.“We volunteered to help her into her room when she fell asleep an hour ago but she insisted on waiting for you.” The maid said and Axel nodded, she bowed and walked away. Axel stared at Lily again and this time, he took his time in reviewing her looks. She looked like a baby as she slept, she had her arms around herself, and her legs were folded. Her lips were parted slightly and they looked so inviting. Axel recalled the night he kissed her and how she was so scared when he did. She sudde
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A Hobby
“We are live in three, two, one… ““Welcome to our live conversation, I am your host, Claire Shawn, and with me here are the city’s favourite couple, Mr&Mrs Blackwell.” Ms. Shawn and Lily put on a smile while Axel just kept a straight face. The host did the rest of the introduction and while she did it, Lily kept hoping and praying nothing would go wrong. The interview started and the questions asked were just normal ones, none of them were personal and it was all about Axel and a few about Lily. She relaxed as time went on and just went with the flow.The interview finally came to an end and Lily was relieved, she was happy she was wrong about it all going wrong. Ms. Shawn appreciated the couple for showing up and seeing them out. In minutes, Lily and Axel were back on the road heading to the mansion. They only spent a few hours there. Lily had the rest of the day free but Axel still had a lot to do. He dropped her off at home before driving himself out of the mansion. Lily dec
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Sick Lily
Days passed with Lily living and adjusting to her new life. The past few days have been boring for her, she had nothing to do, she had nothing to learn, and she had no events to attend with Axel. Speaking of Axel, it has been days since she last saw him. After that night in the room, she didn't see him again. It is either he leaves before she wakes up or he comes back very late at night. Anytime she tries to wait for him so she can see him, he ends up not showing up. She felt he was mad at her and avoiding her because she checked his personal room. She just wanted to see him so badly and apologize to him. Nora also hasn’t been visiting since the last time she did, she knew Axel stopped her from doing so. Everything was just so boring for her, she felt she didn't have a life. The boredom and loneliness have made her start thinking again, she remembers her father and how it was her fault that she killed him. The guilt eats her up all over again and she ends up crying her eyes out.I
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An Abortion
Lily watched Axel as kept answering different calls and ignoring some, he seemed busy, like he had a lot to do. She started to feel bad for making him stay home.“Since it's just a fever you can go to work. It's not serious.” She said softly and he looked up at her, all he did was shake his head before looking at his phone again.“It's just a fever. I am sure I can manage. When you were outside, the doctor gave me a shot and I feel better a little now.” She replied.“I will stay.” He replied without looking up at her. The door to her room opened and the doctor walked in. Axel turned to him and he had a smile on his face. Probably to hide his sad and worried expression for Lily. “Mrs. Blackwell, all you have is a fever, you will be fine.” The doctor said and Lily smiled at him.“Yes, I know. Axel told me already.” She replied and he nodded.“Have got your drugs here with me, I just want to have a few words with your husband.” He added and Axel stood up and they both walked out of the
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“Put the pills down, Lily.” Axel replied.“Axel, I just had an abortion.” She said with her voice trembling. “Yes.” He replied and she let out a gasp as tears welled up in her eyes. “You still have to take the last pill though.” He replied and she stared at him in disbelief.“How can you say such a thing? How can you be so cruel and heartless?” She yelled at him.“Stop overreacting over a little thing. Just take the third pill and let’s get this over with.” He replied and she scoffed, she sniffed and wiped the tears that streamed down her eyes.“You killed a child. You made me kill a child.”“It is not a child yet, it was just two weeks old.” He replied with an eye roll and Lily couldn't help but open her mouth in shock, she was so speechless. She thought he was caring for her but all he wanted to do was just to make sure the abortion was successful. “Two weeks old is something. Why didn't you tell me? You think my opinion is not needed before you abort my child?” Lily yelled.“Oh
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Family Dinner
“Yeah, the McCalls.” Nora replied. “I know you had a fight with their daughter at the party but it will be fine. Just ignore them.” Nora said and Lily nodded in response.“Oh, and Max will be there too.” She added.“Max is also a family friend too?”“Well, yes. He and Axel have been friends since childhood.” Nora explained and Lily nodded again.“So what exactly are you preparing me for?” “The meals we will be having tonight. Rejecting a meal by your husband’s parents will be disrespectful so you have to eat whatever they offer.” Nora replied.“Oh, I am getting better at eating weird meals. I have been eating the ones the maids prepare.” Lily replied and Nora laughed.“They are not weird. They are normal.” She said and Lily smiled.“Come on, we have a lot of eating to do.” Nora chuckled and pulled her towards the dining room. The day was a little bit fun for Lily, Nora cheered her up and they both talked about a lot of things. Nora shared her experiences on trips with her and Lily
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