All Chapters of Ex-Luna's Revenge: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
254 Chapters
Chapter 0091
ESTELLE "Why won't you tell me what happened at Argon's place? Speak to me, dear," Father pleaded, sitting right next to me. I laid in bed, crying my eyes out. I was too hurt to tell my father what occurred, because I don't want him marching down to Argon's home and causing a scene. Daddy loves m
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Chapter 0092
And not just that, the black fur began to move, crawling out from it's hiding spot. When my eyes fell on it, I was horrified! "It's you!" I recognized immediately. Those terrifying green eyes! "Did you miss me?" The black wolf asked, chuckling at me. My whole body came engulfing with heat, cau
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Chapter 0093
ESTELLE "Where did you see it, Dad? Did she attack you as well?" I asked, feeling my body temperature rising. Now I can prove to Argon that I wasn't lying that day. There's indeed a wolf with green eyes. Expecting something helpful from my father, this old man came out laughing! I was confused a
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Chapter 0094
WHAM! A strong force slammed my head from behind, down to the ground with speed. My forehead banged on the tiled ground, sending a shocking wave around my body. The sudden attack caused an adrenaline, which sent me rising to my feet with speed, to find my nightmare before me. It was back! The blac
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Chapter 0095
ARGON "Thank you very much. I am grateful," I appreciated the man I was talking to over the phone, before ending the call. My face cause engulfing with smiles, seeing a great opportunity coming for me. I wouldn't be rejoicing by now, if not for what happened yesterday, here at the office. Yester
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Chapter 0096
He stormed out of my office in anger, without looking back. My workers had drawn closer when Alpha Deron stormed in to attack and accuse me of Estelle's condition. They were frightened by his sudden attack. "Estelle, why? Over an argument, you tried to kill yourself?" I still couldn't believe this
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Chapter 0097
"You heard what the doctor said. She just needs rest and care," I reminded him. But he still wasn't pleased with the report he got from the doctor. "Fine? Are you sure my girl will be fine, when that woman is still in your home?" He questioned, dimming his eyes at me. I could understand what he
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Chapter 0098
ARGON "How is she?" Jerome asked. I had stepped out of Estelle's room to answer my Beta's call. It was already late and he needed to know how things were going. "She's getting better. All she needs is rest and more care, " I shared with Jerome, stealing one glance into the room. Estelle was alre
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Chapter 0099
Brielle didn't answer me. All she did was hum at my presence, face the magazine, and resume with her work. My smile faded, leaving me bothered. I was beginning to doubt the gift, feeling she'd reject it. "You can never tell. Just do it," I persuaded myself, pushing on. Clearing my throat, I said,
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Chapter 0100
ARGON "You gave her a gift, didn't you? " Jerome questioned me. I was standing on the terrace when he came over to know what had happened in Brielle's room. He had seen me leaving with a long face. "It was just a flower." "Yeah, a gift." "But it was technically a plant, a green rose flower." "
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