All Chapters of Ex-Luna's Revenge: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
244 Chapters
Chapter 0071
I told Tania what to do before Estelle and I left. Tania pretended to be heading out to shop for kitchen ingredients, but she came down to the rehearsal in secret, taking her position without anyone noticing her. Using her wolf sense, she was able to sneak into hidden areas of the large ground, tak
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Chapter 0072
"Yes, Luna. Argon's position rest in your hands now. The councils told him that he might get it back on his wedding day to Estelle, if you agree to give it to him. That was one of his reasons for attacking you in the kitchen. He is lost! " She laughed out, falling into bed. It was so appealing to
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Chapter 0073
ARGON Everything is falling apart. I'm losing everything I worked for. The following day, after the horrible meeting with the council members, the councils made a public announcement to on a live broadcast, labeling me as unfit for the throne. They publicly exposed all my secret doings on Brielle
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Chapter 0074
She isn't the Brielle of old. This Brielle is strange. "No, I want to rest, " I said, turning down his advice and making my way back up the stairs. . Calls and Text messages have been streaming in from people I've partnered with. They were all showing their detest towards my actions, and were slo
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Chapter 0075
I wanted to take it but Estelle grabbed it first, dropping her eyes on the slip. "This is Valley Hall. Why are you showing us this place?" Estelle questioned. That's when Brielle revealed that the Hall is where she wants our wedding venue to hold. "I heard it's a good place to Wed. You get to see
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Chapter 0076
BRIELLE "Washing? This is the one chores that I hate. We Ivys don't do works like this. Soon, you'll stop all these and give those helpers to do it," Bane complained while I washed my clothes. But I just laughed it off, finding this small work not a big deal for me. "I'm used to it already. And b
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Chapter 0077
"How are you doing, Luna?" I heard. "Luna?" I uttered that word, lifting my head to look at the Beta, who has always been by his Alpha's side like glue. "Did you just call me Luna?" I asked lifting my brow at him. "Are you surprised? That's what you are, isn't that right? " He smiled, stepping cl
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Chapter 0078
ARGON All I asked from Estelle was some time, but she began to throw a tantrum, thinking I want to dump her for good. "Don't you love me any more? I thought our love was strong?!" She cried, pacing around the room with her hands covering her face. I didn't know what else to say to her. She was ju
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Chapter 0079
With a smile, I said, "I was just heading to my room and head you talking about my wedding. I just... Got curious." That's a good start. Brielle and Tania still stared at me with their brows lifted. I couldn't tell if they were buying my words or not. "Wait, isn't your room the other..." Tania a
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Chapter 0080
ARGON They came, just like they promised. I stood at the door of my office as the agent from the business award organization, came and demanded for the trophy. "It has to go, " The agent said, motioning his hand at me to bring the award. With a heavy heart and shame, I signalled Jerome to do the
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