All Chapters of Ex-Luna's Revenge: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
244 Chapters
Chapter 0061
Right there, she lifted her arm and pulled off the rag she had used in wrapping it, revealing the wound I had given to her. Argon was stunned to see the injury I gave to Brielle, but I was more stunned than he was. "Is it me or did that wound get bigger? " I was confused. Brielle showed her woun
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Chapter 0062
ARGON Aside from being glad that the real culpirt was found, Brielle's attitude towards us, has left me stunned to the core. I never knew she had such fire in her to stand her ground and defend herself. She was never like this. What suddenly changed in her? I watched how she wrapped her injury w
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Chapter 0063
"Oh, that's... That's fine, " I said, feeling kind of relieved to hear that. I don't know how to explain it, but after witnessing Brielle in that mode, I've been unable to get myself. She has been on my mind since we left Red Wood. "That wound looks deep, Alpha. I doubt the ointment Tania is usin
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Chapter 0064
"She's coming. She just want to apply some make up to her face," I lied, even though I had no clue on what was taking her so long to come out. They hummed at my words, making their way into the living room like they own the place. They sat down and I called some maids over to serve them with whate
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Chapter 0065
ARGON I stood there, trembling at Brielle's sudden action. This wasn't the plan. Why is she doing the opposite? WHY?! "My councils, I have heard about marriage being the most sweetest experience in one's life, but I have never come across a marriage as hellish as mine, " Brielle said, adding mo
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Chapter 0066
"The divorce paper... I didn't suggest that. Argon chose to divorce me after forcing me back home from the hospital. He didn't allow me to get treated properly. He brought it before me and ordered me to sign and leave his life for good." Directing her eyes at me, she said, "But I didn't. I refused
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Chapter 0067
They laughed out in mockery, making me look like a fool before them. "Argon, your sorry is meaningless at this point. You have lost that right to apologize to us when you brutally attacked Brielle and killed her baby." "Your own Father's grandchild, you killed it with your own hands. Do you think
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Chapter 0068
ARGON "Where is she?!" I stormed out of the living room after pulling myself back from my nightmare. The pains and shame where still swelling inside of me, and I needed to burst it out on the one responsible. "Where is she I said?!" I roared at the servants, who drew back against the walls, shive
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Chapter 0069
"He said, GO AND TELL THEM WE ARE HAPPY," she mimicked my voice, trying to copy my walking posture. All what she was doing, left me astonished. I... I don't recognize her anymore. She calmed her laughter and said, looking at me again, "Argon... No woman in her right sense, will stay back after go
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Chapter 0070
BRIELLE I sniffed, wiping my eyes while passing the servants that stood in my way, heading for my room. The moment I arrived outside the door and stepped inside, shutting the door close behind me... "Yuck! Crying sucks!" I groaned with irritation, wiping my face at once. "Yeah, it sucks but it
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