All Chapters of Ex-Luna's Revenge: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
236 Chapters
Chapter 0041
ESTELLE "Where have you been?" Argon asked, staring at me right in bed. He was already half naked, waiting for me to step into bed and brighten his mood. But after that incident at the pathway, I no longer felt like getting naughty but felt like sleeping instead. "You look rough. Did something h
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Chapter 0042
"Argon, wake up. There's someone in..." I paused, feeling nothing but the bed. When I turned to look at the spot my Argon was laying in, it was empty. Argon wasn't in bed! "Argon? Where are you?" I called, believing he was in the bathroom. But I got no response back. When I called his name for
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Chapter 0043
My mouth dropped when I got a good look at this wolf in the light. It's bigger than what I saw in the darkness. This is a monster! "What... Are you?" I stammered, trembling at my spot. But this beast didn't say a word. It just stared at me, sending chills down my spine. And I couldn't stop righ
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Chapter 0044
ESTELLE "No one believes me. Even Argon thinks I'm seeing things. I will shock them all when I fish out that beast. I will find where it's hiding." I sat in the living room, flashing to my horrible experience with that beast. Just in one night, it almost killed me! Telling Argon and his Beta, Je
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Chapter 0045
"Where? " He asked, turning back to see. But that demon had dashed off into the path at the left. "I didn't see anything." "That's because it ran that way! Come with me! " I ordered, dragging Jerome by the hand so he'd follow me to catch up with this beast. We both rushed through the path, but
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Chapter 0046
"You can't accuse her, Luna. She has been in the basement all night. It was this morning she came out to work, " Jerome said, defending Brielle. Despite listening to Jerome and seeing that Brielle wasn't the culprit, I still wanted her to take the blame for my madness. I want to believe what I saw
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Chapter 0047
ESTELLE "From now on, she'll serve you. Is my baby fine with that? " Argon asked sweetly, caressing my cheek. "Is that fine? It's perfect, my love!" I cheered, hugging Argon closely. "Thank you so much, darling. You're the best, " I appreciated, squeezing him tight. "Anything for you my love. I
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Chapter 0048
ESTELLE That same fateful day, I decided to get myself something new. With the show coming up in four days and my rehearsal being tomorrow, I needed everyone in the modelling team, especially those ladies that think they can reach my level, to lay those big eyes of theirs on the latest Estelle in
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Chapter 0049
"Let's go, " I said, leading the way. . Soon, we were packing right outside a luxurious boutique. The most fanciest in Wolf Crest. There were people outside the big store, tripping in and out from the building, before their attentions fell on our fancy vehicle. Their eyes gawking in amusement on
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Chapter 0050
ESTELLE This was beginning to cause an issue, leaving my Argon uncomfortable. The pack members were raising questions at my Alpha, demanding to know why Brielle was dressed like that, and Argon was slowly getting mad over this. Mostly, he was glaring at me for causing all these issues. But I on
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