All Chapters of Ex-Luna's Revenge: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
236 Chapters
Chapter 0021
I was chuckling at her excitement, still having my arms wrapped around Estelle, hugging her close. "Of course I could do it, " I rejoiced with her. When I lifted my eyes while hugging Estelle close, it came falling on Brielle who still had her gaze on the TV, looking stunned at the news. Her
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Chapter 0022
This was just like in the living room. The same way she was staring instead of working. Her face came flushing red, as she tried to stay focus, slowly trembling before me. The sight of this disturbed me. I couldn't stand it. "Why are you slow?!" Estelle yelled out suddenly. Her voice caused
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Chapter 0023
ARGON I stepped in fully, drawing closer to Brielle. She just stared at me in confusion, looking back at her hand, then at mine. She doesn't know why I want her to hold her hand, but I do. I want to feel that wave once again. I need to know what it is. Standing before Brielle, I tilted my hand,
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Chapter 0024
She curved her lips lightly, turning her face away with a sniff. This struck me in the way I least expected. I could feel my body vibrating after hearing seeing those glittering tears in her eyes. Unable to stand this, I stormed out of the washroom, heading back to my room. Her face, the tears w
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Chapter 0025
"You will still straighten them out later. I don't like my clothes being folded like rough paper, " She said, tossing one of her dresses on Brielle's head. And Brielle just took, being obedient to Estelle's every order. "Why did she have to be here?" I groaned, getting uncomfortable with Brielle'
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Chapter 0026
"That's good, but you still have a lot to learn, " Brielle said, showing no fear towards Estelle. This behavior of hers provoked Estelle even more. "You can yell at me all you want, but it's important that you note this things. Alpha Argon don't wear suits from Zimbi's fashion." "Here we go again
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Chapter 0027
ARGON "Don't talk to me! Just leave me alone!" Estelle roared at me, pushing me back from her point. We where outside the mansion, right in the parking lot together. Estelle, out of anger, over what Brielle had said in the bedroom, stormed out of the mansion, all set to leave. I had to chase afte
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Chapter 0028
"Who told you about the kind of suits I wear?" I asked, throwing the question at her. Hearing me, Brielle lifted her eyes and said, " No one, Alpha. No one told me about it." "Then how did you know? I know very well that I didn't tell you about it, so who did?" I pointee out. Brielle lowered her
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Chapter 0029
"I'll take my leave now, " She said, bowing once again before leaving the room. My body had nothing but discomfort while looking at Brielle in her state. "What is going on with me these days? I no longer seek pleasure in seeing her being hurt, but now I want her to be healthy. This is not like me
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Chapter 0030
ARGON "She will handle the suit herself. After all, she made a promise to my late father that she would do everything in her power to make me happy. Isn't that right, Brielle?" I dropped my gaze on her, lifting my brow. Brielle stared back at me, slowly nodding her head. "Yes, that's right," She c
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