All Chapters of Ex-Luna's Revenge: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
236 Chapters
Chapter 0051
"What do you think? " She dared to ask Argon, turning around in one of the black fitted dresses I selected for myself. When I looked at Argon, he was staring hard at Brielle. And this made my heart beat with jealousy. "It's... Lovely," He commented, directing his gaze my way. Our eyes came locki
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Chapter 0052
He turned around to face me, still in his angry mood. "Estelle, can you let me be?" "No Argon! I won't, until you tell me why you're being such a jackass! " "Excuse me? " He glared at me. "You are the one who said Brielle can be my hand maid and follow me around. Now I took her along to serve me
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Chapter 0053
ESTELLE "What are you? You think she would listen to your silly command? " Maya questioned, glaring at me. The others stared at Brielle then back at me, refusing to believe my words. Brielle just gazed back like a puppet, shivering like the weakling she has always been from day one. "Come here,"
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Chapter 0054
Mostly at me. "Is it true that you're secretly abusing Alpha Argon's wife so she'd give up her position for you?" "Tell us. We heard you and your father are planning to take out the Luna and steal her place." "What... What is all these? " I was horrified by this sudden gathering from the press.
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Chapter 0055
ARGON Today is the D day. My Estelle will be showing off her skills tonight at the Modelling show at Red Wood pack. I have been so excited, just thinking about how she'd walk down the runway, looking so beautiful and captivating. In order not to miss her show, I made sure all my staffs took up ev
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Chapter 0056
"No, no, no! This can't be happening!" I panicked, checking the internet while still on call with my Beta. Lo and behold, the news was there. I saw how Estelle boldly revealed the truth, telling everyone that I already divorced Brielle to be with her. Is she mad?! This wasn't the plan! The pla
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Chapter 0057
ESTELLE Since the time I returned from my failed shopping, I've been receiving nothing but ill remarks from my co-models and insults from people on the internet. It got to the point that I had to toss my phone aside, just to escape everyone's rage. "They don't know anything. They are all stupid.
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Chapter 0058
"ESTELLE!" He grabbed my arm, lifting me up and straight against the wall. I stared into his eyes and saw how it changed red. His voice came deep, saying, " You are happy that everyone is aware of our relationship. Do you like the insults? You like being called a slut, don't you?!" I shivered befo
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Chapter 0059
ESTELLE "Blood will flow if the monster behind this attack on my innocent girl isn't found!" Father roared, pacing about in the living room. After that horrible incident, Argon and father immediately took me away from the show, bringing me down to my home. I have been shivering ever since we got
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Chapter 0060
But Argon was finding it hard to believe. "Estelle, you... can't be serious. I don't think Brielle did anything to your dress." "Argon, stop siding her blindly! Have you forgotten your melted suit?!" I picked that out, so he'd remember. "If she could mix your suit into chemical to ruin it, what m
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