All Chapters of Moon Kissed Mates: Chapter 771 - Chapter 780
784 Chapters
Chapter 0771
“I need you now.” Came from my mate’s lips as she spread her legs wide for me, and I could see her pink sensitive skin glistening for me, inviting me to take her now. Crawling onto the bed, between her legs, I moved my way up her body. Willow’s arms moved instantly to me, pulling me up her with the
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Chapter 0772
Chance’s POV After the Lunas and pups had left for the Sun Witches’ home, we began to prepare for the worse. There was a good chance that the Moon Witch would return, especially since Celeste was still here in our world. Alpha Hunter wasn’t taking any chances and he had every wolf he had posted ar
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Chapter 0773
“She is using a sleeping spell.” Sal said as he moved towards us. “Half of my Covenant fell to it.” “Is there anything you can do to reverse the spell” Alpha Hunter asks him, and I hope that Sal has a few tricks of his own to fight her off. “We can try and conjure the wind to redirect it, but my
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Chapter 0774
Willow’s POV I must have fallen asleep in Alpha Shawn’s arms after he had made love to me. The connection that we shared here was more than I ever could have imagined having with him and we finally had the chance to open our hearts to each other. We were no longer two broken souls because we had m
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Chapter 0775
I notice her eyes are no longer on me but her mate, Ash, and I can see that she doesn’t want to lose the love she has just found with him. Ash must have sensed her looking at him because he quickly moved to her and wrapped his arms around her and said, “I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”
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Chapter 0776
“You’re a liar!” I screamed out as I stepped off the porch as Alpha Shawn tried to stop me but I raised my hand up to stop him. “I once upon a time would have believed what you just said, but now that I have found my mates, I know that is not true. No one has ever loved me, not even my own parents l
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Chapter 0777
Chance’s POV I had been waiting in the shadows of the night, with Sal, behind Alpha Hunter, just in case the Moon Witch got passed him with Celeste, but I never imagined that they would have disappeared in thin air. “I thought you said that the Moon Witch’s powers wouldn’t work here.” I said to Sa
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Chapter 0778
Giving Shawn a look of lets please our mate, the two of us began to undress quickly to join our mate that was now spread out in the middle of the bed waiting on the two of us to join her. Shawn had already had her earlier, so he stepped to the side of the bed and moved to Willow’s side giving me the
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Chapter 0779
Willow’s POV To say that I felt sated by my mates as we all fell asleep holding each other last night was an understatement. I had needed both of my mates, not just in mind, but also in body and soul after what had happened to Celeste. I needed to know that we were all here together and I had them
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Chapter 0780
I then began to get lost in a thought that I had and I know that it was far-fetched but wondered if it was possible. “Is there a way to open the portal that took them to the other realm using sun magic?” I asked them and they all turned to look at me and I felt stupid then for asking until Sal says,
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