All Chapters of Moon Kissed Mates: Chapter 781 - Chapter 784
784 Chapters
Chapter 0781
Willow’s POV It took no convincing on my part to get Luna Rayne to allow us to borrow her moonstone. In fact, she was even willing to help in any way possible she could with her own moon magic because Celeste was Sal’s brother’s mate and she didn’t want her friend’s little brother hurting. When
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Chapter 0782
“Celeste come back to me.” Ash now said to her as he tried to reach even further towards her, and my heart was breaking seeing him struggling to get to her. “Help him.” I cried out to my mates in our mind link. Just then I spotted a movement to my left and someone was about to enter the circle w
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Chapter 0783
Willow’s POV A few days have passed since we sealed the Moon Witch in her realm and thankfully Celeste has kept in contact with me and she is doing well. She has decided to stay with Ash for the time being and plans on visiting Alpha Hunter so she can get to know him. What Luna Ella did for her th
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Chapter 0784
My hands instantly went to my small pup bump as hope filled me that this pup I was carrying would be surrounded by people that loved him or her, something I now know I never had. The pup would have not one but two fathers and grandparents that want to love him or her too. Tears began to fill my eyes
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