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Your Wife is Mine
Your Wife is Mine
Jack Lewis, the son-in-law of Matthew Williams and CEO of Williams Corporation asks his subordinate to marry a girl with whom he fell in love at first sight. Being already married, he could only have her mistress. So he offers $10 million to his assistant as he says, " After you marry her, you will give her to me because your wife is mine."
104.0K DibacaOngoing
Your Soul Is Mine
Your Soul Is Mine
"Who knew I'd have a man as a mate?" A grin etched itself onto his face in a sly and secretive manner, one that suggested he knew things I did not. Synopsis - Jess was a normal teenager living in the human world. A breach in the portal of interdimensional realms causes him to accidentally travel to the werewolf world. Not an escape seems in sight when he realises that he's at the mercy of Alpha Hade, a man who harbours an ancient wolf.
101.6K DibacaOngoing
He is blind and has the money. She is poor and has eyes. Both are perfect together on their quest for revenge, which brought them into the turmoil of lust, love, and hate. *** Leonardo pulled Angela's arms hard and said, "You will serve me and do my wish." He then tore her dress. "This is a wrong move, Mr. Vera." Angela twisted her wrist from Leonardo's grip, but Leonardo's strength remained intact and overpowering; he instead made her a prisoner in his arms and then pinned her on the wall. She was almost , with only her lingerie covering her and below. And he touched her face, down to her neck, her . Angela's hatred escalated with his touch, and she struggled, but he persisted in taming her, dragging and pinning her to his bed. His weight over her made her immobile. And she remembered her gun in her bag and reached out for it at the side of the bed, as Leo’s hand grasped her other hand and pinned it above her head. He was blind, but he knew what he was going to do. A little voice in Angela’s mind screamed, "KILL HIM!" as she grasped the gun in one hand.
103.5K DibacaCompleted
When Your Heart Found Mine!
When Your Heart Found Mine!
*Warning: Story contains mature 18+ sexual scene so read at your own risk..." "See Ella, you know I am straightforward. So I am telling this directly you should please us both in the bed starting from today. In a simple sense, you have to be our mistress..." When Ella's ex boyfriends break into her apartment and forced her to be their Mistress, her life changed forever.
9.316.3K DibacaCompleted
What would you do if you've been saving yourself for your mate? Only for him to choose another Alpha Female right in your face? Reciprocate the act. Avenge. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Easier said than done. Because whenever he was around me, my body betrayed me. "Alia, do you trust me? Even just for tonight?" His voice came out low and rough that it sent shivers of pleasure direct to my core. I know I should not trust him. But my mouth and body have a mind of their own. "I trust you, Gavin..." I whispered as I pressed my back to his naked chest. He took a deep breath and dipped his head into the crook of my neck, slowly brushing his lips against my burning skin. I angled my head, giving him more access while a sultry moan escaped my throat when he started nibbling and sucking the soft spot where his mark should be. This was all wrong, but I don't want to be right this time. Just for tonight. ¨¨¨¨¨¨Book 2 of the Black Shadow Pack Series - The novel is stand-alone, however, to understand the characters deeper and the concept of The Claiming, I highly recommend that you read the first book HE'S MY ALPHA (completed). Also available on this app. Black Shadow Pack Series: Book 1 - HE'S MY ALPHA (Completed) Book 2 - THE BETA IS MINE (Completed) Book 3 - LOVING THE GAMMA (Completed) Spin-Off Book 1 - IN THE ARMS OF MY ALPHA (Completed) Spin-Off Book 2 - THROUGH THE EYES OF MY ALPHA (Ongoing)
9.9592.6K DibacaCompleted
Your Husband Is Destined To Be Mine
Your Husband Is Destined To Be Mine
We have always blamed the third person who wanted to snatch another's husband whether it's in novels or in reality. But has anyone ever thought about them? How they feel after seeing the person whom she loved is happy with another person. The story contained how painful it is to see the person you love, who had promised you to grow old, was in bed with another woman. Savannah, who was so in love with Daniel and so did he, suddenly got to know he was getting married. She rushed to him to ask if it was true.. "Savvy, let's break up. You deserve better. " By saying he left from there. She was boiling due to anger, pain and sorrow.. She clenched her fists and said with a smirk, "Daniel, you can only be mine. In this life or in the next life, you can only end up with me and me Or no one. " Since she didn't get him, she would destroy him.. Reminder: the story will contain some violence, sexual assault, murder and bloody incident.
103.0K DibacaOngoing
I never should have given him the time of day yet somehow, he found a way to earn my attention. He bothered me enough to want to strangle him but he didn't care. Wesley Adams didn't care anymore and that made everyone to take notice. He wanted to hide away but it was near impossible, due to him being the name that easily slipped from everyone's lips. Many fall from the throne but he left it. He wanted to be the forgotten and be amongst us, the unknowns. And it would have been easier, if only he simply left me alone. But ofcourse, he is Wesley Adams and is the most stubborn person, I've come to know. Hi stubbornness has made him look the other way and let his heart to take over. That's what he told me, he's claimed me as his, for his heart was mine. *********************************"** This is a story of two confused teens, trying to figure things out as they go.
9.842.2K DibacaCompleted
Kehidupan seorang Ana berubah ketika dia terlibat masalah dengan pengusaha yang menjadi pembicara di acara seminar kampus. Bukan keinginannya untuk berurusan dengan pria menyebalkan itu, namun entah kenapa pria itu malah berusaha untuk menambah masalah sehingga mau tidak mau Ana harus sering berjumpa dengannya. Tanpa Ana sadari bahwa pria itu adalah pria yang ditunggunya selama ini. Pria yang mengisi hatinya. Bertahun-tahun tidak bertemu membuat Ana lupa akan rupa pria itu. Harapan Ana berbanding terbalik dengan kenyataannya. Pria itu muncul dengan sifat dinginnya yang membuat Ana kesal, namun tidak bisa dipungkiri jika Ana begitu memuja pria itu. Begitu banyak masalah yang menimpa hubungan mereka. Teror-teror bermunculan untuk menghancurkan mereka. Apakah mereka bisa mengatasi masalah itu dan terus bertahan? *** Viallynn
1027.1K DibacaCompleted
My name is Aria Monroe, I turned eighteen yesterday. Guess what? I celebrated my birthday with my cellmate Amelia in a cell. Yeah I'm slave, I've been living as a slave since I was fifteen. Trust me I don't know where my mother or father or siblings are. I don't even know if they are alive or dead. Ever since my own family sold me to slavery, I deleted them from my heart forever. I only have one family and that's Amelia, she's been good to me, she's like a sister to me, this is my story. "You're thinking again aren't you? " She's said." Yeah sometimes I'm usually lost thinking, not about my dumbass family but a way to escape this disgusting and smelling cell. "I'm sorry Elia, stop worrying about me ok, you know I'm always planning on escaping here with you" I said.
8.426.8K DibacaOngoing
Can is mine
Can is mine
warning! cerita ini saya dedikasikan untuk sang mantan yang terpaksa dengan tidak terhormatnya saya tinggalkan begitu saja. sebagai bentuk permintaan maaf yang sebesar-besarnya, cerita ini saya khususkan persembahkan untukmu Can. *** Ayana Wiratmi Kencanasari Handoko, sang gadis tomboy yang terkenal galak dan menjadi satu-satunya wanita yang dijuluki sebagai preman kampus. Dalam hidupnya ia tak pernah memikirkan ia akan menikah dan berjodoh dengan siapa sebab ia masih asik dengan kesendirian dan tetap dalam pendiriannya sebagai jomblo sejati, kalau perlu samapai mati tanpa berpangku tangan pada siapapun. "Kalau bisa sendiri, mengapa harus berdua?" slogan yang selalu ia katakan pada dirinya agar tak terpengaruh dengan hasutan setan disekitarnya yang selalu menyuruhnya untuk mencari pasangan. namun pada akhirnya pendirian itu dengan sangat kejamnya terpaksa harus diruntuhkan akibat sang kakak Adinda Wiratmi KencanaSari Handoko menolak perjodohan yang telah diimpikan sang ayah dan bundanya semasa dulu dengan cara mencoba bunuh diri membuat kedua orangtuanya dengan sangat berat hati menjadikan Ayana sebagai pengganti posisi sang kakak. Dan disinilah kehidupan barunya dimulai, pernikahannya selalu dipenuhi dengan tantangan, apalagi pria yang menikahinya ialah pria yang ia anggap sebagai musuhnya sekaligus dosen yang selalu ia benci dikampusnya. Lalu bagaimana kisah selanjutnya? Yuk ikuti terus ceritanya. Selamat menghaluuuuuu!
107.9K DibacaCompleted
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