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Shadow Under The Light
Shadow Under The Light
Mati. Kata itu bakal menjadi momok menakutkan bagi sebagian besar manusia di muka bumi ini, tetapi tidak untukku.Pertemuan pertama dengannya merupakan kesialan sekaligus keberuntungan bagiku. Aku hidup, tetapi terjerat dalam pesona maut si pembunuh tampan bernama Axel.“Matamu cantik.” Kalimat pertama yang dia ucapkan padaku. Aku tahu dia tak melihat ketakutan akan kematian di sana.Bersamanya, aku merasa diperlakukan sebagai manusia setelah menerima begitu banyak sakit hati.Namun, sampai kapan Axel bersedia menerimaku. Setelah pembunuhan-pembunuhan mengerikan yang ia pertontonkan.Sampai kapan hingga tiba giliranku berikutnya? Ketika mataku ... tak indah lagi baginya.
106.4K DibacaCompleted
Light & Darkness: Book 1
Light & Darkness: Book 1
Selene is an orphan raised by her aunt. On 16th birthday, she learns that is a witch, in addition "the chosen one", who is born once in 1000 years. If Selene survives to her 18th birthday, she will be powerful enough to kill the demon king, Alistair. Will she succeed? Damon is one of the strongest demons. He is given a task from Alistair to kill Selene before her 18th birthday. Will he manage to do it? They both come from different worlds which share one law - to not get involved with each other. But what will happen when Selene and Damon fall in love? And which side will win this battle in the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness?
3.4K DibacaCompleted
Tidak menarik, tidak punya pengalaman percintaan, miskin; adalah tiga hal yang menggambarkan seorang Kanaya. Tidak punya pekerjaan tetap dan tidak mampu membayar kos membuat Kanaya berada dalam kondisi genting. Nasib Kanaya yang sudah pasrah dan hampir putus asa berubah drastis dalam hitungan jam karena seekor kucing. Semua itu terjadi karena dia bertemu dengan seorang pria tampan nan menyebalkan yang membutuhkan bantuan Kanaya untuk merawat majikannya yang manja dan berkaki empat… alias seekor kucing! Seekor kucing juga akhirnya membuat Kanaya dekat dengan seorang pattisier ganteng dan baik hati. Lalu bagaimanakah ritme hidup Kanaya setelah berbagai hal tak terduga terjadi dalam hidupnya? Apakah hidupnya masih tetap sesuram sebelum dia mengenal dua pria yang sangat bertolak belakang itu?
101.7K DibacaOngoing
The Light's Shadow
The Light's Shadow
There are a few things that you need to know about Christine Gyamfi. She is a Christian, a famous writer in Canada, and has parents who are from Ethiopia that moved to North America when she was a child. She also has an older brother that lives in the United States. She and her parents want her to get married, have kids, and be a mother. However, Christine isn't interested in that kind of thing yet. So she is going to spend time having fun while she has the chance. Christine is a very smart woman. But she has a tendency to trust people way too quickly. And this will turn soon be her greatest weakness. Her best friends are an amazing nurse that works in a psychiatric Ward and a party girl that lives in the moment. A plan to hang out with her friends gets her webbed in secrets and lies. But that doesn't matter, it made her stronger and wiser.
2.5K DibacaCompleted
Mengisahkan tentang seorang pria pintar dan tampan yang menjalani kehidupannya dengan kepalsuan. Harinya selalu dihiasi oleh senyuman yang indah, tapi hati nya selalu berteriak ingin membunuh. Namun ditengah membeludaknya rasa haus membunuh, datang seseorang yang sangat tidak di harapkan. Sosok itu datang untuk merubahnya menjadi manusia normal. "Hindari aku jika kau menyayangi hidupmu" Ujarnya. "Dalam mimpimu" Jawab sosok itu. Mampukah sosok itu menyingkirkan jiwa pembunuhnya?
9.99.8K DibacaCompleted
Shadow Dweller: The Coming of The Light
Shadow Dweller: The Coming of The Light
Ivy thought she was a normal teenager, but that all changed when she was greeted with the murder of her parents, and the arrival of the Shadow Dwellers. She thought she was dreaming. At first, she thought it was all a bad dream and she would wake up. But when she realized the whole town thought she was a murderer and the Shadow Dwellers forced her to go through their rituals and their magic. Her realization became reality. Will Ivy be strong enough to resist the dark dweller's magic or will she give in and become one of them? Can the Light Dweller magic within her aid her in saving her and the others? A fight to the death.
102.5K DibacaCompleted
The Shadow Alpha
The Shadow Alpha
His eyes locked with mine and I could feel the strength of the mate bond gnawing at me, but I forced it down. Devin eyed me with annoyance and prominent in his gorgeous grey eyes.“Alpha Devin, this is my daughter.” Papa Jamie said with pride in his voice. Devin gave him a weird look, but turned to me instead. Before he could speak I cut him off with a surveying look from head to toe. He was still as hot as hell if not more; his body was more built and his face more chiseled than before. He looked all man and sue me for finding it sexy. mate bond. My eyes were void of emotion as I looked at the pack that flanked him and back into his stormy grey eyes. I stuck out my hand with a smirk on my face, “Welcome to the Blue Moon Pack.” He grasped my hand and shocks ran up my arm and through my body as it did his causing his eyes to widen, but before he could react I continued. “I am Alpha Allison Trust Wells.” My tone oozed confidence and mirth. I heard a few gasps, but the biggest reaction I got was from Devin whose eyes widened in shock.~~~A story of hurt, betrayal and second chances in a world of mystical creatures. Allison is a young Shewolf with a gift from the Goddess Selene. Join her as she navigates the web of secrets and lies weaved by the people she once thought of as family and learns forgiveness.Not all second chances are started on a clean slate...
9.6587.0K DibacaCompleted
Light And Night
Light And Night
The girl in all black standing on the roof holding her handgun. She looked up at the sky which was so dark as her eyes showed sadness. "I'm so afraid of losing someone precious to me. "That's why, I accepted this dangerous job and became a stronger girl. I want to protect the people I care about." Lux Charlisa is a girl who has a dangerous job. She is one of the secret agents of the government organization that has a special task, Starlight. The Starlight organization was no ordinary organization. The person who can enter the organization is the chosen one. They are all Neart users who have special powers that no one else has. What is a Neart user? Why did Lux ​​choose such a dangerous job? Actually, what special reason did she have to become a member of Starlight? What fate awaits the girl? Is the ending happy or painful?
1.3K DibacaOngoing
A dark-age gap-mafia romance about a little girl who finds herself keeping a 10-year promise to a shadow but will it be worth it? She's never seen his face. Will she still love him once she finds out who he really is...but one thing still lingers on her mind Is he real? If so why hasn't he tried to find her
8.43.3K DibacaCompleted
My Light
My Light
[SEDANG DIROMBAK] Cruel Boy Series 2 Cahaya kah? Selama ini kehidupanku begitu gelap, dan penuh lumuran darah. Dulu itu, kehadiranku tak diharapkan. Meskipun, masalah sudah usai. Entah kenapa, masih amat asing dengan hal baru yang kurasakan. Satu hal yang sangat sulit dipahami olehku. Saat dia terus mengusik, hingga berhasil membuatku merasakan kenyamanan yang baru. Berbeda dari yang biasa kurasakan setiap kali bersama kembaran. Katanya, ini perasaan wajar. Aku hanya perlu memahami sebaik mungkin meski cukup lambat. Jawabanku yang tidak terduga, yang tanpa sengaja terlontar untuk membalas pertanyaannya. Berhasil, membuatnya untuk terus ada di dekatku. Benar, perlahan tetapi pasti. Aku mulai paham, dan menganggapnya sebagai cahaya hidup, yang selama ini tidak aku miliki. "Kau datang sebagai cahaya, dan menghapuskan semua kegelapan ... yang ada di dalam diriku."
105.4K DibacaCompleted
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