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Evie, Darling
Evie, Darling
Alvaro Dominguez is a name that everybody knew and feared. Born into a rich family, Alvaro was living like a king of an empire. When offered a wife to produce an heir, who would've thought that the lucky girl would be sweet little Genevieve? Genevieve Cortes is the town's sweetheart. Raised by her Mama Emilia, she was respected and adored by all, young and old. Everybody knew she was the kindness girl you could meet. Thrown into the rich lifestyle, how would Genevieve cope being the billionaire's wife?
1023.7K DibacaCompleted
Darling Enemy
Darling Enemy
Vanilla Putri Mahameru--putri bungsu dari keluarga Mahameru, sangat membenci Altan Wijaya Kesuma atau yang biasa ia sapa dengan plesetan Om Setan Borjuis. Anak mantan terindah ibunya. Putra tunggal salah satu crazy rich negeri ini, selalu saja mengata-ngatainya gadis kecil tidak berotak dan hidup hanya mengandalkan nama keluarganya saja. Dan sialnya, Vanilla harus magang di kantor Altan selama empat bulan penuh. Bagaimana perjuangan hidup mati Vanilla di kantor Altan, padahal saat interview saja ia sudah membuat heboh jajaran petinggi perusahaan? "Kami membutuhkan orang yang berwawasan luas, Bu Vanilla. Apa saja hal luar biasa yang orang lain tidak tahu tapi Anda tahu. Coba sebutkan?" -Altan Wijaya Kesuma- "Saya ini tahu lho, Pak, dari mana asal kekayaan Roro Fitri*. Bapak tidak tau kan? Lihatlah, betapa mengagumkannya wawasan saya bukan?" -Vanilla Putri Mahameru-
1015.9K DibacaCompleted
Little Darling
Little Darling
Colleen est ce dont on pourrait appeler une casanière endurcie: Elle ne sort que lorsqu'elle est dans l'obligation de le faire. Heureusement que son travail est basé dans sa cuisine et que ne fait jamais assez beau, assez longtemps à Seattle pour qu'elle sorte profiter du soleil. Rien ne la prépare donc à une vie très exterieure ... et mouvementée. Alexander Perry est un médecin, un pédiatre, qui vit sa vie dans les rues de Londres et bientôt de Seattle. Encore heureux, il a un appartement et a toujours la clé! Un mariage loin de la norme, une rencontre désastreuse et enfin, peut-être, un contact magnifique.
1.3K DibacaOngoing
Notice Me, Darling!
Notice Me, Darling!
In the third year of her marriage, Natalie Shepherd decides to screw it all and flee from her husband while pregnant.But why does Henry Chase keep pestering her right after she serves him the divorce papers?When Natalie goes to the restaurant for a nice meal, Henry stares at her from the table next to hers. He's the judge of the competition she participates in, and he keeps staring at her with a small smile on his face the whole time.But Henry loses his cool instantly when Natalie's about to mingle with other young and handsome men."That's enough, Natalie! Come home this instant! It's time to change our baby's diapers!"
1028.3K DibacaCompleted
The President's Darling
The President's Darling
Once upon a time, she had a happy family and lived a comfortable life. But because she fell for the wrong guy, everything was ruined.The man she'd fallen for gets together with her best friend.She shows up for their wedding, looking awkward. All she wants is an explanation and some closure, but she's subjected to humiliation. Then, everything changes when another man appears and saves her from that hellhole.How will a marriage that's related to a family's survival turn out?In this marriage, they clash and butt heads while getting to know each other. Will the hint of love that sprouts over time wilt and die after all the hardships they go through, or will it grow into a proper plant? And where will she go from here?
8.556.1K DibacaCompleted
My Little Darling
My Little Darling
From stranger to lovers, Damian and Lana's paths were not supposed to cross to begin with. The American genius and Russian beauty had their own ways of living, yet everything changed when they met for the first time in Moscow. No one had thought the innocent smile of hers would bring both of them to a thrilling romantic journey together.
611.1K DibacaCompleted
Baby's My DARLING!
Baby's My DARLING!
Dollan Machaely is a millionaire who has everything that most women dreams of to be a life partner, who doesn't want to have a boyfriend or husband as a CEO at some reputable company? Especially in appearance or face, he's perfect. Born into a very rich and respectable family, the first child of two siblings. Married?? NO… DON'T EVER ASK HIM TO DO THAT !!!!! To make him a boyfriend is already difficult, he doesn't like any kind of bonding !!! He just wants to have fun and make love to women he thinks are ATTRACTIVE and not all women are able to ATTRACT HIS HEART… remember not all, he will do a strict selection. He likes freedom .. He likes to enjoy life ... He is a smart man and great at doing business .. He always thought loyalty and keeping commitment in the relationship were things that would kill him .. Killing the pleasure of his life .. And he hates that!! And then fate brought him a village girl with a beautiful face and very attractive to him. She was Batania Byanca or more often called BABY. For the first time in his life he felt tremendous attraction to someone. In fact, he felt like choosing that beautiful girl and even crazier he thought he would make her bear her child. This is really crazy !!! One other fact that was found was that Baby was not an innocent or stupid girl who was easily tricked .. she's not an easy girl to get, she was different and Dollan liked that. This is the story of the struggle of a Casanova man who conquered and found a great girl who made him want to marry and have childrens.
1034.3K DibacaCompleted
You Are My Darling
You Are My Darling
After getting the betrayal from 6 years of loyal relationship, Jenny Gomez, 25 decided to seduce her boss to take revenge. She was bold and stubborn, even got successful leading her boss to the . But suddenly, a strange yet stunning man showed up in her house and claimed to be the person whom she had spent the night with. Who knew, fate always likes to joke around with her. He was the man of his words. He was cold as ice and had a strong physics. To add some salt in her injury, he smiled cruelly and asked, "Jenny, how's the feeling last night?"
9.233.9K DibacaCompleted
Darling, I'm Toxic
Darling, I'm Toxic
Article Headlines: "A student murdered her professor." Irishka Folk is an honor student who majors in BS Toxicology. She is everything that the girls want from her campus heartthrob boyfriend and as the sole daughter of the famous family of doctors. Her perfect life is shattered when her professor sabotages her grades and attempts to rape her. She was devastated, perplexed, and outraged when she lost her case against him. As a result, Irishka plotted a perfect crime, and in the midst of the mayhem, she met Investigator Hali Adral Lachowski, the nosy and cold police detective who always crossed her path. The person who wants to uncover the true murderer, letting Irishka discover the truth and experience the agony of betrayal.  Indeed, every pain has its own sweetest reward because it comes along on the journey of justice and vengeance. A steamy, ferocious love was ignited. "Even poison has an expiry date.”― Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land
102.1K DibacaOngoing
My Darling is Online
My Darling is Online
Della awalnya hanya bermain game untuk melepas penat setelah jadwal padatnya. Dia butuh hiburan. Namun sayang, tanpa penjelasan apa pun dia dikeluarkan dari guild yang dia besarkan selama ini. Dikhianati, difitnah, Della terpaksa menghapus akun game yang dia sukai selama ini. Della hampir menyerah dengan ide untuk memainkan game tersebut lagi. Sampai dia tahu dia harus membalas, dan membersihkan namanya yang dikotori begitu saja oleh orang yang dia anggap teman selama ini. Della memulai kembali. Sebagai karakter baru, dengan tekad yang baru. Dia berjanji akan mengalahkan guild yang membuangnya dulu. Dia akan mengalahkan mereka semua. Dan mengatakan pada dunia, bahwa dia tidak bersalah selama ini. Sampai pertemuannya dengan Zee, karakter kuat di guild barunya, mengubah semua pandangan Della tentang dunia game itu. Zee mengajarkan Della bahwa game itu tidak hanya tentang saling mengalahkan. Zee mendorong Della untuk menyukai game itu. Dan menyukainya... Di masa-masa yang akan datang.
104.1K DibacaCompleted
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