
Chapter 46.

“This is over, Jim. This, us. It’s done” I say and I could feel the internal conflict in my heart.

I walk towards the office door, and every part of me wants Jim to pull me back and beg me to stay. To come back to him.

I unbolt the door, close my eyes and contemplate every last word I said.

“Do I mean it? Do I want it?” I ask myself.

“You don’t mean that, Anastasia” Jim says from behind me and there’s uncertainty in his voice

“Yes I do,” I blurt out and I instantly regret it.

“Anastasia” he calls out, but I don’t reply. I open the office door, pausing for a minute, and walk away. Out into the corridor.

I spot the elevator and I walk into it, lucky for me, a lady walks in with me, and I’m glad because I didn’t even know how to operate it.

I’m outside the hotel, and I wonder how I’m going to get home.

I wait in front of the building, trying my possible best to hold in my cry because I didn’t want to look like some pathetic loser.

Jim’s POV

“This is over, Jim. This, us. It’s done” Anasta
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