
A Night with the Hot Boss
A Night with the Hot Boss
Author: eZymSeXy_05

Chapter One: Dare

RUBY's vision is becoming fuzzy, yet she continues to drink her tequila. She's at a bar, with her friend, Sapphire to celebrate her birthday. Given that it's her special day, she found it hard to decline when Sapphire coaxed her into having a drink.

"You got to do this, Ruby! It’s your birthday!" Sapphire shouts in front of her face. “Just this one shot of tequila, then I won't bother you anymore.”

"Fine! Just this one!" she said drinking the last shot of tequila.

“Whoah! Great!” she exclaimed causing her to raised her left eyebrow.

"Hmm, since it's your birthday, I have a dare for you, Ruby. And i'm sure you will love this!" Sapphire continued, giggling.

"Huh? What do you want me to do?" she asked.

"Wow, what an interesting question?" Sapphire exclaimed enthusiastically, clapping her hands. "I dare you to find the most handsome guy in this bar and give him a kiss!"

"What? And what happens if I can't do it? What's the consequence?"

"Well, if you're unable to do that... then you'll have to pay all of our bills for tonight!" Sapphire said while smiling from ear to ear.

She was shocked by what she heard. Her intoxication instantly vanished. "Wait, are you out of your mind? I definitely don't want to do that!"

"Oh, c'mon Ruby! It's just for fun! Besides, it's impossible that you will be able to met again that man that you're going to kiss!" her friend continues to persuade her.

She let out a deep breath before responding to her. "Gosh! I'm not that kind of woman!"

Sapphire rolled her eyes at her. "Hey Ruby! Why you're so mean? Duh! It's just a kiss!"

"I don't care! My answer is still no!"

Sapphire gave her a puppy look. "Please Ruby. We’re here to celebrate and have fun, right?”

"And this is your way for us to have fun? No! I won't do it!" she exclaimed, raising again her left eyebrow.

Sapphire grunted. "It's not like you’re going to have sex. It's just a freaking kiss! Grow up, Ruby. You only live once."

She reflected on her friend's words and realized that she's not going to have sex. Instead, she would only kiss a stranger without having an intention of meeting him again.

"Fine! But before I do that, I will go to the rest room first." She said causing Sapphire to give her a sweetest smile ever.

She staggered as she walked towards the restroom. She could hear her friend calling her name, but she chose to ignore it. She kept walking until she stumbled and took a nasty fall onto the hard floor.

"Bullshit!" she mumbled.

Someone helped her to stand up, but she pushed them away. She suddenly remembered her ex-boyfriend, who she also met at that bar. It was on a similar situation that they got to know each other. That's where their relationship started and, as days passed, she discovered that he had been deceiving her all along. Archie cheated on her with the woman she hated the most in the office.

She stood up alone and was about to walk again when her gaze drawn to a man seated at the bar, quietly sipping his drink.

Her lips parted. Her heart hammered inside her chest. Everything inside her comes alive at the sight of the male god in front of her. He oozed with sex appeal. He sits there like he's compelling every woman to drool over him. He drank the liquor from the glass like its nectar from Olympus.

The man was wearing a white t-shirt and rugged blue faded jeans. From behind, his biceps look delectable. She wanted to feel them in her hands.

A violent shiver ran through her as she looked at the man, sensing a flicker of attraction within her. She wasn't intoxicated enough to the point of wanting to kiss him. She was aware that they were not on the same level.

He's oozing with sex appeal and she knew that she's not appealing. But it seems like her feet had a mind of their own, as they walked towards the man.

She stops just inches away from his back. It was too late for her to run away and hide because the man quickly turned his gaze towards her. His deep brown eyes captured her.

She was frozen in place, captivated by his eyes that resembled the color of chocolate.

He finally stood in front of her. "Yes?"

Ruby discreetly gulped, feeling a lump forming in her throat. What a baritone voice he had! Her stare hopped into his slightly parted lips. It looks lush and inviting her to kiss him...she wanted to nip and bit his lips. "Oh God, what's happening to me?" she murmured. Her body tingled! Her body felt alive!

She took a single step closer, closing the distance between their bodies. Inhibitions faded away from her intoxicated state, and without hesitation, she gently cupped his cheek and fully captured his lips.

She moaned at the taste of him. He tasted like rum but sweet. Ruby slid her tongue inside his mouth and she whimper when he gladly accepted it.

Their kiss grew even more passionate. He bit her lower lip and pulled away. "Damn woman! What power did you possess to turn me on like this?" he said huskily.

A small seductive smile appeared on her lips. "You do the same to me.”

She nodded then leaned in to bit her lower lip. "Hmm, you made my body tingle."

He smiled then captured his lips again. That's why she kissed him back with the same ferocity.

He dropped three sweet little kissed on her lips before pulling away. "Want to dance?"

She nodded and smiles seductively. "I love to dance."

He smiled again then led her to the dancefloor. His arms were wrapped around her waist and she like the feeling of their body touching.

Meanwhile, the man seized her waist and whisper again on her ear. "You’re making me horny. Want to go out and continue this on my car?"

It was an invitation for something more. Ruby knows that but she said yes anyway. Due to the influence of the alcohol that she drank, she's currently not in a clear state of mind. Her thoughts are consumed with the desire to kiss and touch this man. She gently holds of his hand and leads him out of the bar.

When they're finally got out, the man wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer as they walked.

"So, what should I call you?" he asked while drawing circle on her waist using her thumb.

Damn, it's turning her on. " me Ruby."

"Hmm, Ruby...nice name, huh!" he whispered over her gives her goosebumps.

"How about you? What should I call you?"


After saying that, he guided her to a black SUV.

He opens the car door and then gently push her inside. As she sat down, she noticed that they were in the backseat. She knew what he had in mind, but she didn't care. After he closed the door, he turned to her and reached for her blouse to undress her. She didn't care if anyone saw them, and she felt no shame for the man or anyone who might catch a glimpse of them.

She wanted this. She needed him to touch her and feel her. She's already wet and she want Adam to touch her.

Few minutes has passed, a long satisfied moan comes out from their mouth.

"That was amazing!" Adam said, catching his breath.

"Yeah." She agreed as she waits for her breathing to return to normal.

"Let's go to my house. I want to have sex with you again." he exclaimed.

His house? Sex again? Ruby's lips parted as she realized that she had sex with this man. "Oh my god! I just had sex with a stranger! Shit! I'm crazy! It supposed to be a kiss only. Gosh!"

She picks up her clothes on a carpeted floor of the car then she put it on. Before she got out, she looked straight in Adam's eye. "Thank you for the blinding pleasure you gave me, but I won't do it again. I need to go to my office tomorrow so, I have to go now."

"Are you sure? So, you're leaving?"

"Yeah. Bye and goodnight, Adam."

She quickly got out and hailed a taxi. She asked the taxi driver to take her to her apartment. When she entered the apartment, she realized what she had done earlier. She was no longer drunk and her mind was clear now. However, she did not regret her actions. The man was so attractive and yummy that she couldn't believe he would be interested in her.

She couldn't help but smile as she remembered the sweet moment they shared, but it quickly faded when she noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra. She must have left it in the car as she's in a hurry to get out earlier. "Oh no!" she exclaimed.

She feels anxious. "Gosh! What should I do? What if we met again? What if he used that bra against me? No! That's enough! One night is enough! It supposed to be a kiss only and not sex! Oh my God! How can I explain everything to my friend! For sure she will interrogate me once we've seen each other."

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