
A Pawn In The Twisted Game Of Mafia
A Pawn In The Twisted Game Of Mafia
Author: Jummy T

Chapter 1

    Craig had just finished training as a kick boxer, and was walking on the street down home, he suddenly heard someone call out his name.

"Collins! Stop right there!" a police officer shouted, pointing a gun at him.

Thinking it was a mistake, Craig quickly turned around and tried to explain. "Officer, I think there's been a mix up, I haven't done anything wrong." Craig said with his hands up, 

The officer shook his head, "You can't fool me anymore, I know who you are, you're Collins, the notorious drug dealer criminal that hide under the umbrella of kick boxing training, You're under arrest," the police handcuffs him,

Craig was shocked. He knew he had to do something before things got worse, "officer, please listen to me. I'm not who you think I am. I'm Collins's twin brother, Craig Is my name, We look exactly alike, and I'm ready to defend and clear my name." Craig said, 

The officer didn't seem convinced, but Craig knew he had to stay calm and keep talking, "Please check my ID, you'll see that I'm telling the truth." Craig said, 

The officer hesitated for a moment, but then he decided to check Craig's ID, After going through his wallet, he looked up and said "You're right, you have the same face and date of birth as Collins. How is this possible?" the police asked, 

Collins let out a sigh of relief, "we're identical twins. People often mistake us for each other. But Collins got missing many years ago possibly, he might be dead because we had mourned him a few years ago, and I've been living a peaceful life, away from any criminal activities." Craig explained,

The officer looked at him suspiciously. "If you're not involved in any criminal activities, then how do you explain the evidence we found?" the police said, 

Craigs was confused. "What evidence?" he asked curiously, 

The officer gestured towards a bag lying on the ground. "This bag is full of money, and it has your fingerprints all over it” the police said, Do you have any explanation for that?" He asked,   

Craig's heart skipped and frustrated, He knew he had to come up with something quickly. "I swear I have nothing to do with that bag. It must have been planted by someone else. Please, you have to believe me." Craig said, 

The officer looked at him for a moment, and then he spoke. "Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now. But you'll have to come to the station with me and answer a few questions." The police said, 

Craig agreed, relieved that the situation wasn't worse than it was, Alas they rode to the police station, he couldn't help but wonder who had set him up like this. He had always been careful, and he never Involve himself In shady affairs, he couldn't understand how this had happened.

At the police station, Craig was put in a cell and left alone. He had nothing to do but think about his situation. He believes that his brother, Collins Is dead, how come I always suffered for someone that resembles me, and I have never attempted something Incriminating, or would It be that Collins Is still alife?“ 

He was lost in his thoughts when he suddenly heard a familiar voices, his colleagues that witness the scenes, "Craig, are you okay?" Stan asked, 

He looked up and saw his friend came with lawyer, who had arrived to help him. "Thank Almighty, you're here. Please help me get out of here. I'm innocent, and I need to clear my name, the police needs to know that I'm not Collins" Craig said, 

The lawyer nodded. "I'll do my best. I've already talked to the police, and they're willing to hear your side of the story. But we need to be careful. It's clear that someone wants you to take the fall for something you didn't do." the lawyer explained, 

Craig knew that the lawyer was right. He had to be careful, or he might end up in even more trouble. "I understand. I'll tell them everything I know, and I'll cooperate fully." Craig said, 

Over the next few hours, Collins spoke to the police and his lawyer, trying to clear his name. He explained everything he knew about his brother before he got missing,  and he was honest and upfront about everything.

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, Craig was released from the cell. The police had found nothing to connect him to the bag of money, and they believed his story. Craig was relieved beyond words, 

Craig walked into his small apartment and was immediately greeted by the community welfare police. He knew why they were there, his rent was due and he had already missed five months. He simply couldn't afford to pay it anymore. The house owner had had enough and had called the police to remove him from the premises.

"Mr. Craig, we need you to vacate this apartment immediately," said the community welfare police officer.

Craig hung his head, ashamed and embarrassed. He knew this day was coming, but he had hoped to have a little more time. Now, with the police standing in front of him, he knew he had no other choice. He nodded slowly in agreement.

The police led him to his room, while he packed his few belongings. He tried to remember how long he had been living in this small apartment, but could not recall the exact date. It felt like forever.

As he packed, Craig could hear the house owner yelling outside. She was angry and frustrated with him for not paying rent on time. Craig felt like a total failure; he had let everyone down, especially his mother who had always believed in him. He missed her terribly, but he knew he had to figure out a way to get back on his feet.

Once he was done packing, the police led him out of the apartment. Craig looked back at the small room that had been his home for so long. He felt a deep sense of loss and sadness. He knew he had to start over, but he didn't know how he would survive without a place to live.

He walked through the city streets, carrying his luggage. He tried to ignore the stares from people passing by. He felt like an outcast, a failure, and he knew he had no one to turn to for help.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Maylyn Lopez Bayotlang
Very nice and good jub

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