
Chapter 2

“Hi there, Mr. Blakemoore, we were wondering, if we could join you and Savannah for a while before you leave tomorrow.” My best friends Brianna, Charlotte, and Ocean appear behind us, and I am surprised to see them.

“Of course, girls come and join us.” Dad stands up to welcome them hugging each one of them as they joined us at the fire pit. “Hey guys I wasn’t expecting you until the morning to wave us off” I stand to give each of them a hug myself.

“Oh, Sav we’re still doing that, we were driving by to see if you needed help with any last minute packing,” Brianna says hugging me back.

“We saw the fire pit lit and knew you would be out here,” Ocean said after I hug her. Charlotte says when we hug “We’re only here for a little while and then leaving you guys for the night, we’re only here to help.”

“Well that’s mighty kind of you girls thank you” Dad says in his Southern accent. “You’re just in time” I pick up my guitar, throwing the strap over my shoulder and softly strum. “Let’s sing our song for all time’s sake” I ask the girls and they nod in agreement.

I start playing ‘Here I Go Again’ by Whitesnake and the four of us sing the song late into the night.

The girls stayed and helped us pack until the last box was sealed. We said our goodbyes before they left for the night and once, they left and drove off down the street Dad and I went to bed. I was awake before the sun putting boxes in the moving truck as well as my car, stacking them on top of each other in the truck while the movers deal with all the big heavy stuff.

In no time the truck was shut and heading off to Santa Monica, California. I walked back into the now empty house to find dad standing in what was once the family room. “Wow with all the furniture and boxes out of here I never realized how big it was in here” I look around the now big empty space.

“It’s surprising what some furniture can do, to the size of a room” dad says wrapping his arm around me squeezing me to his side kissing the top of my head.

Lost in the moment there’s a knock on the door and the girls come in looking at the bare walls that once had pictures hung up and the empty spaces that once had furniture in and joins us in the family room with sad looks on their faces and unshed tears in their eyes.

I walk up to them, and we hug and just as we embrace together we all start crying. “I’ll leave you four alone, have your moment and I’ll be outside next to the cars” and then dad leaves the house for the last time.

We stay where we were for a few minutes hugging and crying. Once our emotions calmed down, I wiped my eyes “I think it’s time we hit the open road.” The girls nod, and we head for the door the girls heading for the cars as I lock the door behind me.

Heading towards the cars I see my friends and my dad hugging and saying goodbye to one another and he climbed into his car.

With fresh tears threatening to fall, I say to my friends “I’ll text you guys when I get there, and I’ll text you as often as I can on my trip too.” I open my car door getting ready for the long drive ahead.

“We will be out for visits too when we can,” Brianna says. “Santa Monica will have no idea what’s hit it when we’re all together again,” says Charlotte and we all giggle. “Don’t go forgetting us now y’all here,” Ocean tells me, and I laugh.

“I will never forget my girls I just can’t wait to see y’all again “ I promise the girls. The girls hug me quickly one more time, they step back, and I nod in my dad’s direction, and we climb into our cars, shut the doors, and start the engines.

I roll down the window “I’ll call you soon as I get there.” “You better” they all say in unison.

Pulling out of the driveway my dad and I wave goodbye to my friends as they wave, we drive off down the street staring off on our adventure in Santa Monica, California. This country girl is about to become a city girl. And I can’t wait to see how life in California turns out for me.

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