
Chapter 5


“Mama, when are we going to arrive?” My son, Daniel, asked, growing somewhat restless and hyper. “Is daddy going to be waiting for us?”

“We are going to be arriving soon, baby. Your dad is going to be waiting for us, and he is going to be more than happy to see you home.” I said, and he smiled. I looked out the window for a moment, eager for our arrival. It has been a while since I’ve seen my love. He has been gone from home for a long while now.

“Is the house going to be big? Daddy always said that it was big, but I didn’t see it. When we were in Moscow, we didn’t see it.” He said, and I wrapped my arm around him, tightening it as I pulled him to me, cuddling him.

“It is so big. The two of us are going to run and we are going to have fun in our new home and new place. There will be guards everywhere, and you are always going to be with me, just as I will be with you.” I said, and he smiled.

“Am I going to be playing with daddy too? Is he going to love me the same?” He asked, and I ran my fingers over his shoulder.

“Your father is going to love you until the end of time. You are his eldest son, and when it is time, you are going to be the Alpha of Alphas. Just like him. It is something that you are going to need to be prepared for.” I said, wanting him to keep that in mind. I didn’t intend for him to be repeating the same mistakes as his father did.

I took his hand in mine, squeezing it gently, and I kissed his palm. “Go and get some rest, baby. You are going to need to sleep before we arrive. You know, it has been a long day and we are going to have a long flight ahead of us.”

“But mama, I don’t want to sleep. I want to play and I want…”

“Daniel, I told you to go and sleep. You know that I don’t like it when you are stubborn. Please stop being so.” I said, and he took a deep breath before getting up. I smiled and shook my head. He had his father’s temper, that was something that I knew, and it was something that I loved.

I pulled my phone out of my purse, knowing that my headmistress would be putting Daniel in bed, before calling Clarice, Aguilar’s sister. The idea of seeing her was one that I was anxious for too. It has been a long time since I have, and I knew that there would be a lot for us to talk about.

“Ella, I thought that you would be on the plane…”

“I am, I am.” I said, stopping her. She stayed quiet for a moment, forcing me to remember the limit that I just crossed. She didn’t like it when someone stopped her. It was against doing so when it came to the Alpha bloods. “I’m sorry, I crossed my limit.”

“Don’t worry, I know that your trip must be tiring and you would have been dealing with a lot with the moving here and all.” She said, and I hummed in response. I hesitated for a moment, debating on whether to ask. But I knew that I had to get an answer. The women from his harem were already sent to him a long time ago, but I knew that he would be getting others. Others who he might not be as resentful towards.

“Did they arrive? I heard that he would be having new girls in his harem.” I said, waiting, anticipating for her response, fearing it, even.

“I understand why you chose to call me now,” she said, letting out a low laugh. “I know that you are worried about him and I know that the idea of other girls entering the harem worries you. But you know, Ella, you are the mother of his heir and eldest son. I doubt that you should be acting like an inexperienced concubine.”

“The idea of sharing him with other women scares me. I know that it is not something that you would want to hear, and I understand that you might be annoyed with what I am telling you right now, but you are the one person that I can speak to when it comes to this. He is your brother, and you would know how things are.” I said, choosing my words carefully. “And mother Luna won’t allow me to complain about it. You know…”

“He is the Alpha of Alphas, Ella. You should know the responsibility that comes with his position and you should know how things would be. I know that you would be concerned, and I understand you, but you have to understand that these are rules. You can’t just break them, and you can’t expect my brother to let go of them.” She said, and I took a deep breath. “Try and get some rest. We will see you when you’re back. I am sure that he is going to be waiting for you by now, and you need to be ready for your arrival.”

I stayed quiet for a moment before nodding, reminding myself to stay quiet considering that I was silenced. I didn’t want to cross more limits with her, especially when I knew that she was the light of the Alpha’s day.

“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“We’ll be waiting.” She hung up, not even waiting for me to respond. I had no response to give her anyway. I looked out the window for a moment as I got lost in my thoughts. My heart raced, and I couldn’t help but find myself growing anxious.

“He is yours, Ella. No one is going to take him from you. You need to calm yourself down. No one is going to take you from me. I will not allow it…”

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