
Chapter Five

As Saisha looks back and rolls her eyes at Alexa's mockery, she dismisses the Queenbee, saying, "Alexa, not now." Rose continues to walk forward, her gaze fixed on the ground, until one of the guys from Alexa's squad steps in front of her, deliberately blocking her path. 

Rose remains silent, her fingers tightly gripping the hem of her skirt, refusing to meet his gaze.

Confused by Rose's reaction, Saisha speaks up, her voice tinged with concern, "What's wrong with you?" Before Rose can respond, the guy forcefully shoves her, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. A pained grunt escapes her lips as her elbows bear the brunt of the impact, the sting of injury coursing through her.

As Rose looks up, she notices the guy's astonished expression as he gazes at her face. Saisha and the rest of Alexa's squad, including Alexa herself, turn their attention to Rose's face. Their laughter abruptly halts as they witness the fresh bruises on her cheeks and lips, a clear indication of recent abuse.

Instead of eliciting sympathy, their amusement reignites, their laughter echoing through the air. Rose's heart sinks as she realizes that even in this vulnerable moment, they find joy in her pain. 

Tears well up in her eyes, her gaze scanning the crowd, only to find each face consumed by laughter and mockery.

From the corner of her eye, she catches a glimpse of Blaze, standing among the crowd. His sharp glares are fixed upon her, intensifying the burning humiliation she feels. He steps forward, positioning himself next to Alexa, his eyes landing on her grazed shoulder and bleeding elbows. Parting his lips, he utters, "Get her to the ER, Saisha. She is too weak to tolerate pain."

His words hit Rose like a gust of wind, shattering the faint hope she held that he might show some shred of compassion or humanity. Disappointed, yet determined, Rose swallows her pride and clenches her jaw tightly. With a surge of confidence, she grabs her bag, ready to escape from the toxic environment. 

Saisha follows closely behind, a supportive presence amidst the sea of ridicule and indifference.

Together, they make their way out of the crowd, leaving behind the echoes of laughter and the judgemental gazes. Rose's tears continue to flow, a mixture of pain, frustration, and a newfound resolve. As she walks away, she steals one last glance at Blaze, his eyes still fixed upon her. 

But this time, she meets his gaze with defiance, silently vowing to rise above the cruelty that surrounds her.

Rose quickly informs Saisha that she is heading to the restroom and asks her to bring the nurse there. Saisha nods in understanding, ready to assist her. Rose enters the girls' restroom and removes her jacket, placing it on the countertop. As she looks at her reflection in the mirror, the sight of her slightly bruised face makes her contemplate the superficiality of people's focus on outer beauty. 

She wonders if they could see past her external appearance and into the depths of her pain, would they feel empathy for her?

Taking a deep breath, Rose reaches for a tissue, only to realize that there are none available. She recalls that she might find some tissues in the boys' restroom and rushes there, relieved to find it empty. In her haste to grab a few tissues, she accidentally bumps into a guy, causing his books to scatter across the floor.

Apologizing quickly, Rose meets his gaze, surprised by his presence. It becomes apparent to her that he comes from a wealthy background, evident from his attire. He continues to look in her direction without saying a word, a hint of a smile touching his lips.

Rose stammers again, "I'm so sorry—" intending to help him gather his fallen books, but he interrupts her, saying, "No, that's fine. I will pick them up." After a momentary pause, he notices her injuries and comments on them, showing concern.

Rose becomes aware of her wounded state and the less-than-desirable condition of her face. Meanwhile, the guy retrieves his books and adds, "Anyway, thank you. I hope I encounter girls in the boys' locker room too often." Rose scoffs, a smile playing on her lips, as she responds, "No, we ran out of tissues, so I—"

After a brief pause, she introduced herself, saying, "I'm Rose." He extends his hand for a handshake and replies, "Dexter." As he mentions that he needs to go, Rose nods in acknowledgment, watching him leave the boys' restroom.

In that fleeting encounter, Rose experiences a glimmer of connection and kindness, a refreshing departure from the cruelty she has endured. Dexter's brief presence leaves her with a sense of intrigue and curiosity, planting a seed of hope that there might still be individuals who see beyond appearances and treat others with compassion.

As Rose walks out of the boys' restroom, her path is abruptly obstructed by a strong presence towering above her. Their eyes meet, and the intensity of his sharp glances sends a shiver down her spine. Instinctively, she takes a step back until she reaches the countertop. He approaches her, his hands firmly landing on both sides of her, effectively trapping her in place. 

Without breaking eye contact, he speaks, his words laced with authority, "I don't recall any girl being allowed to step in here."

Rose finds herself at a loss for words, her eyes communicating what she cannot articulate. Unbeknownst to her, his commanding presence possesses a hypnotic power over her. She stammers, attempting to form a response, but he swiftly snatches the tissues from her trembling hands, forcefully pressing them onto her injured elbows. 

The pain elicits a sharp hiss from her lips, and the expression on her face reflects the agony she endures. Tears well up in the corners of her eyes, silently betraying the hurt she feels.

"That's pain, little lamb," he taunts, his tone dripping with condescension. Realizing that he is mocking her, Rose musters the strength to push him back, but her feeble attempt only elicits a scoff, further fueling his judgment of her physical weakness. 

She lacks the stamina to exert any real force against him.

"Do you think you can come closer to me whenever you want? You have a girlfriend, so stop playing with me!" Rose exclaims, frustration and desperation lacing her words. His eyebrows furrow in surprise, mocking her further as he retorts, "Oh, so lambs do talk back now, don't they?"

In a fit of anger, Rose raises her hand, intending to deliver a slap, but he swiftly catches her wrist in midair, his eyes filled with a piercing glare. Without hesitation, he twirls her around, forcing her to face their reflections in the nearby mirror. 

“See, you are too weak to compete with me, little lamb -” As she gazes at their entangled figures, she sees her own vulnerability magnified, a stark reminder of her perceived weakness.

“I am not a lamb!” Rose struggles fiercely, attempting to break free from his grip, her eyes darting between their mirrored images. Her heart pounds with a mix of anger, fear, and a growing determination to regain control over the situation. She refuses to accept the label he has bestowed upon her, refusing to see herself as a helpless lamb.

As their bodies press closer together, her back touching his front, Rose becomes acutely aware of his presence. The intoxicating scent of his cologne fills her nostrils, and she feels the warmth of his breath as he leans nearer, inhaling the fruity fragrance of her hair. His whispered words send shivers down her spine, "Mmm, you smell so delicious, little lamb."

In a sudden burst of strength, Rose manages to break free from his embrace, turning to face him with frustration etched on her features. She exclaims defiantly, "Stay away from me, Blaze!"

Maintaining a cautious distance, Rose keeps her guard up, determined to protect herself. But instead of heeding her warning, Blaze chooses to challenge her further. He moves closer, closing the gap between them, and with a challenging tone, he asks, "Or else?"

In the next moment, he pulls her even closer, his lips pressing against hers in a forceful kiss. The taste of her sweet lips overwhelms her senses, leaving her breathless and momentarily surrendering to the intensity of the moment. Her hands instinctively touch against his chest, torn between the desire to push him away and the inexplicable connection they share. They slide onto his shoulders, the fabric of his shirt brushing against her fingertips, as conflicting emotions swirl within her.

As their lips move in perfect harmony, a wave of emotions surges through Rose. The frustration and anger she feels moments ago melts away, replaced by a mixture of longing and vulnerability. She surrenders to the intoxicating sensation, allowing herself to be consumed by the intensity of their embrace.

Blaze holds her firmly, his touch is both tender and possessive. The taste of her sweet lips dances on his tongue, igniting a fire within him that he can't deny. The walls they have built around themselves crumble, leaving only the raw desire and unspoken longing between them.

Their bodies press together, the heat between them palpable. Rose's hands, initially poised to push him away, find themselves entangled in his tousled hair, pulling him closer. Her fingers trace the contours of his back, feeling the strength and vulnerability beneath his shirt.

But even in this passionate moment, a part of Rose's mind remains cautious. She knows the complexities of their situation, the boundaries that should not be crossed. Breaking free from the kiss, she looks deep into Blaze's eyes, her voice filled with the weight of her emotions.

"What the fuck!" Rose's glare pierces in Blaze's direction, her eyes cold and sharp. His grin widens, reveling in the tension between them. He licks his lips, savoring the taste of their stolen kiss. Just as she watches him turn around and walk away, leaving her alone to wrestle with her emotions, a maelstrom of thoughts engulfs her.

Seeking solace, Rose enters the bustling cafeteria, where curious eyes follow her every move. She pulls the hood of her jacket over her head, shielding herself from prying gazes. With her eyes fixed on the ground, she makes her way to the coffee station, seeking a moment of respite.

Sitting alone at a table, Rose's gaze inadvertently meets Blaze's across the room. He is surrounded by his squad, and right beside him sits Alexa Preston—a blonde, stunning girl with piercing blue eyes and the stature of a Victoria's Secret model. Alexa exudes confidence as she holds hands with Blaze, her presence nothing short of a deliberate statement.

Blaze, his eyes intentionally averted from Rose, leans in and kisses Alexa, a calculated move to showcase his perceived conquest. It's a display meant to provoke Rose, to make her feel inferior and replaceable. Disgust courses through Rose, her eyes squinting as she bears witness to the charade.

Breaking the kiss, Alexa's attention shifts, her gaze fixating on Rose. She gestures for Rose to approach, a silent invitation laced with potential contempt. Rose observes them silently, weighing her options. Saisha, a friend who knows Rose well, approaches her and softly utters, "Don't go to her, Rose. She might insult you." Rose sips her coffee, a steely determination glinting in her eyes. She retorts, "Let me see," her voice laced with defiance.

With each deliberate step, Rose walks, as if to show Blaze that she is unafraid and refuses to be intimidated. The tumultuous emotions within her propel her forward, ready to face whatever awaits her.

With a surge of determination, Rose walks toward the direction where Alexa and her group sit. Every step she takes feels heavy with anticipation and uncertainty. Thoughts swirl in her mind, wondering if she will ever find support from anyone other than Blaze. His conflicting actions and the way he continues to stare in her direction leave her perplexed, questioning his true nature.

As Rose approaches the group, their eyes follow her, curiosity mingled with judgment. She catches Blaze's gaze, his eyes locked onto hers. At this moment, a flicker of something passes between them, an unspoken connection that has both comforted and haunted her. The confusion intensifies as she wonders if the support she seeks lies hidden within his enigmatic persona.

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