
Chapter Seven

Approaching her with purposeful strides, he keeps his gaze fixed on her as he reaches out and snatches the knife from the man's hand with a swift motion. The weapon clatters to the floor, momentarily forgotten.

The man stands there, stunned and bewildered, as he demands, "Who the fuck are you?"

The newcomer, unfazed by the man's aggression, raises an eyebrow, his expression cool and collected. His focus remains on Rose as he answers in a calm yet assertive tone, "That's not important right now. What matters is that you release her and leave." There is an undeniable air of authority in his voice, commanding respect and attention.

The man's surprise quickly turns into a mixture of anger and defiance. He takes a step forward, his face contorted with rage, ready to confront this unexpected challenger. But before he can make a move, the atmosphere becomes charged with tension, a standoff between two forces, uncertain of the outcome.

“Dexter -” As Rose silently utters the name, her recogni
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