
Chapter Two

“Welcome to Westmount High~” a cheerful voice pierces through the air, amplified by a megaphone. 

As Rose steps onto the campus of Westmount High, a shiver runs down her spine, a mix of anticipation and trepidation coursing through her veins. The school's entrance gate looms before her, its wrought iron bars adorned with intricate designs that seem to whisper ancient secrets. 

The gate creaks open as if inviting her into a world unknown.

Beyond the gate, the campus unfolds like a hidden sanctuary, bathed in an ethereal glow. Towering trees cast long shadows that dance mysteriously along the cobblestone path, leading her deeper into the heart of the school. The air carries a faint scent of damp earth and forgotten mysteries, further immersing Rose in the enigmatic atmosphere.

As she walks along the path, the sound of her footsteps seems to echo through the stillness, as if the campus itself is holding its breath, waiting to reveal its secrets. 

The architecture is a blend of Gothic and modern styles, with ancient stone facades juxtaposed against sleek glass structures, creating a visual tapestry that speaks of a rich history intertwined with contemporary intrigue.

Rose's gaze is drawn to the main building—a grand structure with towering spires that scrape the sky. Its weathered stone walls bear the marks of time, hinting at the stories and legends that have unfolded within its halls. The windows, adorned with stained glass depicting mythical creatures and arcane symbols, seem to hold a gaze of their own, as if observing those who dare to step foot inside.

As she approaches the entrance, Rose feels a surge of anticipation mingled with a touch of nervousness. The heavy wooden doors, polished to a lustrous sheen, beckon her forward, their intricate carvings seeming to come alive in the shifting light. 

“Hi, welcome to Westmount High!” As Rose recovers from her startle, a cheerful voice breaks through the air, accompanied by the unexpected presence of a girl leaping towards her. Her hand instinctively goes to her chest, steadying her racing heart, while the girl quickly apologizes for her sudden approach. 

Rose nods in response, confirming her status as a newcomer to Westmount High.

The girl, introducing herself, “Now you might be wondering what my name is…I am Saisha…I give tours to new students here.” She wastes no time in offering a helping hand and enthusiastically suggests giving Rose a quick tour. Rose's initial surprise gives way to a sense of gratitude for Saisha's kindness. 

She feels a connection forming between them, a glimmer of friendship in the midst of the school's mysterious atmosphere.

With Saisha's hand clinging to her arm, Rose feels a sense of comfort and familiarity. Saisha's vibrant energy and genuine warmth make her feel as though she has already found a place within the fabric of Westmount High.

As they walk side by side, Saisha begins to share tales of the school, weaving a tapestry of legends and mysteries that have enshrouded Westmount High throughout its storied history. Her words paint vivid images of secret societies, hidden chambers, and unexplained phenomena that have captivated generations of students.

Rose listens intently, her curiosity piqued by the tales Saisha imparts. The stories intertwine with the physical surroundings, breathing life into the very walls that surround them. The grandeur of the main building takes on new significance as Saisha describes the secrets it holds, while the whispers of the students passing by add an eerie backdrop to the narrative.

A hint of a smile graces Rose's lips as she realizes that she has found a friend in Saisha. The weight of being a newcomer to Westmount High feels lighter, as their camaraderie eases her transition into this mysterious world. Saisha's genuine enthusiasm and knowledge of the school make Rose feel like an insider as if she has already become a part of the fabric of Westmount High.

As they venture deeper into the campus, Saisha's tales continue to unfold, captivating Rose's imagination and enticing her to explore the depths of the school's mysteries. With Saisha by her side, Rose embarks on this journey, eager to uncover the hidden truths that lie within the secrets of Westmount High.

As Rose's gaze sweeps across the classroom, her eyes lock with the intense gaze of a guy who stands out from the rest. There is an air of mystery surrounding him, an allure that captivates her attention. His hazel eyes meet hers, and in that moment, it feels as though their souls connect on a deeper level. 

A shiver runs down Rose's spine, a mixture of excitement and trepidation coursing through her.

Time seems to slow as they hold each other's gaze, an unspoken understanding passing between them. The world around them fades into the background, and all that matters is the electric connection between their eyes. Rose finds herself unable to look away, drawn to the enigma that this boy represents.

However, Saisha's voice breaks the spell, bringing Rose back to the present. 

She introduces the girl beside the mysterious boy as Alexa and a pang of realization strikes Rose. The subtle yet undeniable display of affection between Alexa and the boy extinguishes the flicker of hope that had momentarily ignited within her.

Rose's eyes shift, her gaze now focused on Alexa and the boy as they share an intimate moment, pulling each other close for a kiss. It is a bittersweet sight, a reminder that the boy, with his captivating presence, belongs to someone else.

"Who is Alexa?" Rose furrows her eyebrows, her curiosity piqued. She turns to Saisha, hoping for answers. Saisha, with a knowing smile, leans in and whispers, "Oh, she's the Queenbee of this campus, ruling over everyone with her charm and influence."

Rose's eyes widen, intrigued by the title bestowed upon Alexa. She turns her gaze back to the enigmatic boy, her mind now filled with questions. The way he looks at her, his hunter-like eyes piercing through her soul, sends chills down her spine. She can't help but wonder what secrets lie behind that intense gaze.

Saisha notices Rose's bewilderment and leans closer, her voice hushed. "Blaze Falcon is the basketball coach, and rumor has it that he and Alexa are an item." Her tone carries a hint of both admiration and caution. "Blaze Falcon," Rose whispers to herself, feeling the weight of those words.

Rose's eyes remain fixed on Blaze, her mind racing with thoughts. His name alone holds an air of mystery, conjuring images of a fierce and untamed spirit. The way he looks at her makes her want to both runaway and delve deeper into his enigmatic world.

Saisha, sensing Rose's inner conflict, gently places a hand on her arm. "Be careful," she warns, her voice filled with concern. "Blaze Falcon may be alluring, but there's something about him that sends shivers down your spine. Sometimes it's best to keep your distance."

Rose nods, absorbing Saisha's words of caution. Deep down, she knows the truth in them. The allure of Blaze Falcon's gaze carries with it a sense of danger, a flame that could consume her if she gets too close. Yet, the desire to uncover the enigma that surrounds him pulls at her, urging her to step further into the unknown.

Saisha and Rose find themselves seated together as the class begins, and the professor enters the room. Across the classroom, Alexa sits with her squad, engrossed in their own chatter and laughter. However, when the professor requests them to refrain from interrupting the class, Alexa boldly speaks up, her voice carrying an air of confidence. "Sir, we already listened to this lecture last week."

The professor, taken aback by Alexa's interruption, pauses for a moment before addressing the class. "Ah, yes, thank you for reminding me," he says, his voice laced with a hint of mockery. "I almost forgot to mention that we have a new student joining us today. Her name is Rose White, and she might find this lecture particularly interesting."

As the professor's words echo through the room, Alexa's attention is drawn to Rose. Her eyes scan over her, a mixture of curiosity and disdain evident in her gaze. It's as though Alexa views Rose as an inconsequential presence, beneath her notice.

As Rose and Alexa lock eyes, a brief moment of tension passes between them. However, before the silence can linger, the professor's voice cuts through the air, directing a question toward Alexa. "Since you seem to be well-versed in this lecture, why don't you provide us with the answer?"

Alexa's confident facade falters for a moment, her expression shifting to one of surprise and discomfort. The weight of the professor's challenge hangs heavy in the room, and all eyes turn to Alexa, awaiting her response.

Time seems to slow as Alexa hesitates, her mind likely grappling with the realization that her previous statement may have been premature. However, just as the silence threatens to stretch on, Rose's voice breaks through the stillness.

With unwavering confidence, Rose offers an immediate answer, surprising everyone in the classroom, including Alexa herself. The astonishment that ripples through the students is palpable, as they witness Rose's astute understanding of the subject matter.

Alexa's initial sense of shame now transforms into a deep-seated desire for revenge. Her narrowed eyes fixate on Rose, harboring a growing animosity within her. As the class finally comes to an end, Saisha and Rose begin to gather their belongings, preparing to exit the room. However, their departure is abruptly halted by the presence of the queen bee herself.

"Saisha, you go," Alexa commands, her gaze still fixed on Rose. 

Saisha hesitates but eventually obeys, leaving Rose alone to face Alexa's impending confrontation. Alexa's smile takes on a sinister quality as she utters Rose's name, her words dripping with a veiled threat. "Rose White, is it?"

Rose tightly clutches her bag, feeling a mix of confusion and apprehension. She nods in acknowledgment, unsure of what to expect from Alexa's ominous warning. Alexa's voice carries a certain air of authority as she continues, "I hate to tell you, but no one dares to cross my way."

Puckering her eyebrows in confusion, Rose musters the courage to ask, "What does that mean?" Her voice trembles slightly, betraying her uneasiness. Alexa nonchalantly shrugs her shoulders, an enigmatic smirk playing at the corner of her lips. "Figure it out," she says cryptically before walking away, her squad trailing closely behind her.

Left alone in the wake of Alexa's departure, Rose is left to grapple with a whirlwind of emotions. Confusion lingers in the air as she tries to decipher the hidden meaning behind Alexa's words. The weight of the encounter settles upon her, leaving her feeling uncertain and vulnerable.

As Rose stands there, contemplating the enigma that is Alexa, she knows that navigating the intricate social dynamics of Westmount High will not be an easy task. The encounter serves as a stark reminder that Alexa's influence casts a shadow over the school, and Rose must find her own path amidst the challenges that lie ahead.

As Rose steps into the dimly lit restroom, a chilling atmosphere surrounds her. The flickering light above casts eerie shadows, adding to the unsettling ambiance. Her heart flutters nervously in her chest as she cautiously approaches the sink section, determined to carry on with her task despite the spooky vibes.

As she turns on the water tap, her gaze instinctively shifts to the mirror, expecting to see her reflection. However, a sudden presence behind her startles Rose, causing her to swiftly turn around, only to find an empty space devoid of any figures. Confusion and a lingering feeling of unease wash over her as she wonders if her senses are playing tricks on her.

The flickering lights persist, intermittently plunging the restroom into darkness before reappearing, allowing Rose fleeting glimpses of her surroundings. Each time the darkness enshrouds the room, her heart sinks deeper, and the uncertainty intensifies. 

She can't shake the feeling of being watched, amplifying the rapid beating of her own heart.

Taking hesitant steps toward the restroom's exit, Rose feels a mix of trepidation and determination. The rhythmic thumping in her chest becomes a constant reminder of her own vulnerability in this unsettling situation. The flickering lights, the mysterious presence, and the palpable tension all contribute to an atmosphere that tests her courage and resilience.

With every stride, Rose musters her inner strength, determined to push past her fear and navigate through the uncertainty.

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