
Chapter Four

Rose's heart pounds in her chest as she glares at the young man who just released her. She rubs her wrist, wincing at the lingering pain from his tight grip. Despite his youthful appearance, there is a strength about him, evident in the definition of his muscles. She can't help but wonder if he spends hours at the gym, sculpting his physique.

"Pervert," she mutters under her breath, assuming her words will go unnoticed. However, to her surprise, his sharp hearing catches her insult. His eyebrows furrow in response, revealing his irritation. 

“Ever heard of the big bad wolf out there, little lamb?” In a swift motion, he reaches out, grabbing her arm once again, pulling her closer to him. His piercing gaze locks onto hers, searching for fear, and a sly smile plays upon his lips as he realizes her unease.

A disturbing thought crosses her mind, and her face pales. Memories of her tormentor's taunts resurface the echoes of being called a little girl resounding in her ears. She can't shake the feeling of vulnerability in his presence.

Her lips part, ready to question him, but before the words can escape, he abruptly pushes her against the sturdy trunk of a nearby tree. Their eyes meet in an intense gaze, and the world seems to fade away. The proximity between them intensifies, and her heart races, the anticipation of what might happen next causing her breath to quicken.

"What are you doing?" she manages to whisper, her voice betraying a mix of curiosity and apprehension. She can't deny the electrifying tension that fills the air, an unspoken question hanging between them.

He responds with a hint of mischief, his voice laced with innuendo, "What do you think?"

Before their private moment can unfold further, the distant howling of wolves shatters the silence, sending a chill down Rose's spine. The realization of their vulnerable position jolts her senses, and she pushes him away, breaking their connection. 

Fear courses through her veins as she understands the potential danger they face.

"It's dangerous here," she urgently warns, her voice tinged with anxiety. With resolute determination, she turns and begins walking away, leaving him behind. He clenches his jaw, his gaze averted, muttering something under his breath. Reluctantly, he follows in her footsteps, the presence of the wolves overshadowing their mysterious encounter.

After a long day at school, Rose walks down the street, making her way to the club where she works as a waitress. Fatigue weighs heavily on her shoulders as life becomes increasingly challenging with each passing day. Working part-time as a waitress is her way of helping her aunt pay off their mounting debt.

As she arrives at the club, Rose spots her friend Nathan and walks directly towards him. Uttering his name, she hopes for a moment of respite. Nathan turns to look at her and lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh, Rose! Finally, you're here," he says wearily. Intrigued by his tone, she asks him what the matter is.

Nathan informs her that the boss is asking for her presence. With a heavy heart, Rose proceeds to the bar where the boss is sipping his drink. His eyes travel from top to bottom, carefully observing her body language. Calmly, he utters her name, his tone tinged with disappointment. 

"Rose, you've started coming in late every day. What's wrong with you?"

Feeling a mix of guilt and anxiety, Rose immediately apologizes and assures him that it won't happen again. However, the boss suggests that she could help a certain man. A man sitting next to the boss promptly stands up, gesturing for Rose to follow him. Reluctantly, she complies, uncertain of what awaits her.

They reach the boss's room, and as the man closes the door, Rose finds herself alone with him. He makes a move, touching her arms in a way that makes her deeply uncomfortable. Instinctively, she becomes defensive and shrugs his hands off. But instead of respecting her boundaries, his grip tightens, and he forcefully tries to initiate unwanted actions.

In the midst of this disturbing encounter, the door suddenly pushes open, and Nathan steps into the room, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief. Rose seizes the opportunity to escape, hastily following Nathan out of the room. Nathan, frustrated and angered by what he witnessed, instructs her to leave as he confronts the man standing before him, his gaze filled with indignation.

Breathing heavily, Rose overcomes her initial fear and transforms it into annoyance. Her expression shifts as she notices her boss, Doug, and rushes over to confront him directly. "What do you think you're doing, Doug?" she demands, her voice filled with indignation. He turns his neck to look at her, narrowing his eyebrows as he retorts, "Who do you think you are talking to?"

After a brief pause, he continues with a condescending tone, "Girls like you are nothing but a source of entertainment for men." Rose's fury intensifies, and instead of resorting to physical violence, she chooses to confront him verbally. "How about your wife knowing that you've been having affairs with my aunt?" she throws the accusation at him, causing him to choke on his drink, coughing uncontrollably. Once he composes himself, he stammers, "Rose, what are you talking about?"

Crossing her arms over her chest, Rose stands her ground, informing him that she is well aware of his secret visits to her aunt's house. Doug remains silent, his expression betraying a mix of guilt and surprise. Rose turns to walk away, giving him a final warning before focusing on her own priorities and work.

As she walks back home, the clock striking four in the morning, the sky remains dark. While the world begins to awaken, Rose's situation is different. With school in the morning and her job at night, she realizes that she must consider changing her work schedule as her current job fails to provide adequate pay. Determined to find a better solution, she resolves to seek alternative employment opportunities that can better accommodate her needs.

Rose's world swirls in a whirlwind of pain and shock as a sudden, forceful slap lands on her back with a resounding thud. The impact sends her sprawling to the ground, her body stinging from the blow. Gasping for air, she looks up, her eyes filled with disbelief and confusion.

Standing above her, her aunt looms with a whip clenched tightly in her hand, her eyes filled with anger and resentment. The deadly glares she throws in Rose's direction send shivers down her spine. A mixture of fear and hurt washes over Rose as she tries to comprehend the reason behind her aunt's violent outburst.

"Aunty," Rose grunts, her voice trembling with both pain and confusion. Before she can even process what is happening, her aunt grabs a fistful of her hair, forcing her to her feet. A sharp hiss of pain escapes Rose's lips as she feels the tug on her scalp, the pain intensifying with every passing moment.

Her aunt pulls her close, their faces mere inches apart, and whispers with venomous intensity, "Are you going to threaten me now?" Rose's breath catches in her throat as she realizes that her aunt has become aware of some secret or perceived betrayal.

Desperate to explain and plead for understanding, Rose manages to utter, "Aunty, please... let me explain." But her words fall on deaf ears as her aunt's rage escalates. In a sudden, brutal motion, Rose is violently thrown back to the floor, her body crashing onto the unforgiving surface.

The whip cracks through the air, striking Rose's vulnerable form relentlessly. Each strike brings searing pain, leaving red welts and bruises in their wake. Her anguished screams reverberate within the confines of the tiny apartment, the sound bouncing off the walls, a haunting testament to her suffering.

At this moment, Rose realizes the depths of her aunt's fury and the darkness that has consumed her. She fights through the pain, enduring the merciless assault, her mind filled with a mix of confusion, pain, and a desperate longing for escape.

As Rose sits on the floor, the weight of her pain and despair bears down on her. Silent sobs wracked her body, her tears flowing freely, each droplet a testament to the agony she endured. The room feels suffocating, the walls closing in on her as she confronts the harsh reality of her life.

Her aunt, a figure of manipulation and cruelty, has made Rose's existence a living nightmare since the passing of her uncle. The abuse and torment she faces have left her broken, her spirit crushed beneath the weight of constant mistreatment. Thoughts of escape and even ending her own life linger in her mind, but she knows deep down that she lacks the strength to carry out such drastic measures.

Every day, Rose finds herself trapped in a cycle of pain and despair, her dreams and aspirations shattered by her aunt's malevolence. While others may be living their lives to the fullest, she remains confined within this personal prison, her spirit slowly eroded by the relentless abuse.

To make matters worse, Rose toils tirelessly to earn money for her aunt, solely for the purpose of repaying her gambling debts. She denies herself even the smallest pleasures, never daring to spend a penny on herself or save for a brighter future. The realization of her selfless sacrifice only deepens her anguish, and she clings to a picture frame containing the images of her beloved parents.

Gripping the frame tightly, tears stream down Rose's cheeks, tracing paths of sorrow and longing. In this moment of raw vulnerability, she yearns for a different life—a life where she could have grown up in the warm embrace of her parents' love, free from the torment that now consumes her.

Her heart aches for the ordinary joys and simple comforts that seem forever out of reach. But as the tears continue to fall, she finds solace in the memories of her parents, drawing strength from their love, even if they are no longer physically with her. In the depths of her pain, a flicker of hope remains a fragile ember that refuses to be extinguished completely. It is from this tiny spark that Rose finds the courage to endure another day, clinging to the belief that someday, somehow, a path to freedom and happiness may reveal itself.

As the campus bell rings, signaling the start of another day, a vibrant energy fills the air. Students make their way to their classes, their footsteps echoing on the pavement. Amongst the crowd, a shy and introverted girl quietly navigates, her gaze fixed on the ground, avoiding any direct eye contact with others.

Suddenly, Saisha, a lively and outgoing classmate, rushes toward her, brimming with excitement. Saisha's words spill out in a rush, "Rose, girl, give me your phone number. I can't contact you—" Her voice trails off as Rose hesitates, her response laced with uncertainty, "I don't have a phone."

Saisha's eyes widen in disbelief, her voice filled with surprise, "What? You don't have a phone?" The realization of Rose's lack of a common technological staple seems to catch Saisha off guard, momentarily rendering her speechless.

In the background, Alexa and her group of popular friends approach, overhearing the conversation. Alexa's voice drips with condescension as she interjects, her words laced with mockery, "Oh, so she doesn't have a phone..." A chorus of laughter erupts from Alexa's squad, their amusement fueled by the perceived anomaly of Rose's phoneless existence.

Rose's cheeks redden with a mix of embarrassment and frustration, her lack of a phone now becoming a subject of ridicule. The weight of her struggles and limited resources becomes even more apparent at this moment, accentuated by the stark contrast between her circumstances and the luxurious lifestyles of her peers.

With her head held low, Rose silently endures the judgment and taunting, her determination to persevere fueled by the knowledge that her worth extends far beyond material possessions.

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