
Chapter Three

Just as she creaks the door of the bathroom, she looks at the tiny space, her eyes adjusting to the dim lighting. Before she knows it, a chilling presence makes itself known behind her. A strong hand swiftly wraps around her waist, while another covers her mouth, stifling her scream.

Fear courses through her veins as she struggles against the grip, but she remains overpowered by the strength and dominance of this mysterious figure. The scent of a captivating fragrance fills her nostrils, momentarily distracting her from the terror of the situation.

The man's breath brushes against the nape of her neck as he inhales deeply, taking in her scent. His voice, deep and hoarse, sends shivers down her spine as he whispers into her ear, his words laden with both threat and intrigue. "Oh, Rose. Fragile little Rose..."

Every hair on her body stands on end as the weight of his presence presses upon her. Her heart pounds in her chest, a relentless drumbeat of fear and anticipation. In this moment, she feels both vulnerable and captivated, caught in a web of unknown intentions.

Time seems to freeze as she grapples with the overwhelming mix of emotions. Fear and curiosity intertwine, leaving her uncertain of what lies ahead. As her mind races, she tries to gather her thoughts and summon the courage to confront this enigmatic and commanding stranger.

“Tell me, are you scared, dear Rose?” With every passing second, Rose's heart races, pumping adrenaline through her veins. The weight of the stranger's hand on her waist lingers, creating a conflicting whirlwind of sensations within her. She longs to break free from his grip, yet a part of her is inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic aura he exudes.

Summoning her inner strength, Rose takes a deep breath, determined to assert herself in this unexpected confrontation. Her voice quivers slightly as she responds, "No!" Her words carry a hint of defiance, an attempt to regain control amidst the chaos.

Curiosity gnaws at her, urging her to uncover the identity of this captivating stranger. "Who are you?" she persists, her voice laced with a mix of apprehension and intrigue. However, her question is met with silence as his grip tightens once again, silencing her inquiry.

In a hushed whisper that sends shivers down her spine, he speaks, his voice carrying both authority and a touch of vulnerability. "You do not have to know anything about me, dear Rose," he admits, his words dripping with enigma. "But I have to know everything about you."

The intensity of his gaze, the commanding presence he exudes, leaves Rose caught between fascination and trepidation. Uncertainty hangs in the air as she grapples with conflicting emotions. She can't deny the allure of his dominant demeanor, even as she yearns for answers and a sense of control over her own fate.

As his hand slides back to her waist, Rose feels a mixture of surrender and defiance. She recognizes the power he holds over her in this moment, and yet, she refuses to let herself be entirely consumed by it. Deep down, she knows she must tread carefully, for this encounter has the potential to alter the course of her life.

“Close your eyes,” Rose's heart pounds in her chest as fear grips her entire being. “You don’t have a choice,” The cold touch of the knife against her throat sends shivers down her spine, and the gravity of the situation becomes painfully clear. 

She realizes she has no other choice but to comply with his demands, to surrender to the overpowering force that holds her captive.

With a mixture of terror and resignation, Rose closes her eyes, her mind racing as she contemplates her next move. She can feel the grip around her loosening, the pressure lifting ever so slightly. And then, as if carried by an ethereal force, a sudden gust of wind engulfs her, causing her hair to whip around her face.

Opening her eyes, Rose frantically scans her surroundings. The bathroom remains still and silent, devoid of any trace of the man who had held her captive just moments ago. Confusion and disbelief wash over her, mingling with a newfound surge of adrenaline.

Was it all just a twisted nightmare? 

Had the wind somehow whisked away her tormentor, leaving her alone and bewildered? 

The questions flood her mind, but the absence of answers only deepens the mystery.

Taking a shaky breath, Rose steadies herself. She refuses to succumb to the paralyzing fear that threatens to consume her. Instead, she gathers her courage and begins to piece together the fragments of the encounter.

Rose's mind is still reeling from the encounter with the enigmatic stranger, and she finds it difficult to focus on Saisha's inquiries about Alexa in the cafeteria. Her eyes dart around, searching for any sign of the tormentor who had vanished so mysteriously. 

But the cafeteria remains a sea of unfamiliar faces, leaving her feeling more unsettled than ever.

“Hey?” Saisha's persistence finally pulls Rose back to the present moment. Saisha's concerned gaze meets hers, and she repeats her question, her voice tinged with curiosity. "What did Alexa say to you?"

Rose takes a moment to collect her thoughts, her fingers nervously tracing the rim of her coffee cup. She knows she can't share the truth, the harrowing experience she just went through. Instead, she offers a dismissive response, trying to brush off the weight of the encounter. "Oh, Alexa? Nothing important. She was just asking me to stay out of her way."

Her gaze involuntarily flickers towards Alexa and her squad, sitting at a nearby table. Among them, Rose notices Blaze, a guy known for his quiet demeanor. He sits silently, sipping his coffee, seemingly detached from the conversations and activities around him.

A flicker of curiosity ignites within Rose. She wonders if Blaze holds any answers or is somehow connected to the events that have unfolded. However, caution tugs at her, reminding her of the danger she faced moments ago. 

She can't afford to trust anyone blindly.

As the cafeteria buzzes with the chatter of students, Rose takes a sip of her coffee, her mind already spinning with questions. 

Rose's heart skips a beat as Blaze's gaze meets hers, sending a jolt of electricity through her veins. The proximity of their encounter heightens her senses, and she feels her stomach twist with a strange mix of anticipation and unease. As he passes by, their shoulders brush, momentarily connecting them physically.

Inhaling his distinct scent, she notes that it differs from the tormentor's, providing a small reassurance. However, Rose's focus remains fixated on the color of Blaze's clothing—a striking black, reminiscent of the enigmatic stranger who had held her captive.

Filled with an urgent need to uncover the truth, Rose abruptly interrupts her conversation with Saisha, her voice laced with a sense of urgency. "Saisha, I have to go home!" Without waiting for a response, she hastily exits the cafeteria, her determination driving her forward.

Following Blaze's trail, Rose steps outside the campus and into the surrounding forest. Her heart races with each step, her instincts compelling her to keep moving. She trusts her intuition, willing to delve deeper into the unknown to find the answers she seeks.

However, as time passes, Rose realizes that she has lost track of Blaze. Panic begins to creep into her thoughts, threatening to cloud her judgment. She scans the surroundings, desperately searching for any sign of his presence, but the dense foliage and winding paths make it challenging to determine his whereabouts.

Undeterred, Rose takes a deep breath, steadying herself. 

She refuses to give up now. 

As Rose finds herself engulfed in the vast, foreboding darkness of the forest, fear tightens its grip around her. The eerie silence amplifies the pounding of her heart, and her voice trembles as she calls out into the void, "Hello?"

Instead of a comforting response, the forest responds with a cacophony of snarls from unseen creatures and the unsettling chirping of birds. In an instant, the sky transforms, clouds gathering to cast an ominous shadow over the surroundings. The once gentle breeze intensifies into a heavy gust, causing the leaves to rustle and dance in the cold wind.

Rose's fear escalates, and she instinctively turns and runs in the opposite direction, desperate to find her way back to the safety of the campus. But with each step she takes, the forest seems to shift and twist, disorienting her and blurring her sense of direction. Panic rises within her, threatening to consume her as she realizes that she has lost her way.

Whispering to herself in a trembling voice, Rose admits, "I'm lost." Her hand instinctively clutches at her chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of her breaths. The weight of the situation presses upon her, making it increasingly difficult to draw in air.

Falling to her knees, Rose succumbs to the overwhelming panic that engulfs her. Her mind races with thoughts of the unknown lurking in the shadows, the possibility of never finding her way back, and the encroaching darkness that seems to swallow her whole.

With her heart pounding in her ears, she struggles to regain control of her breath. 

Clutching her chest tightly, she tries to steady herself, seeking solace in the rhythmic beat of her own heartbeat. 

“Saisha -” As Rose's desperate plea for help escapes her lips, her breathing becomes increasingly labored, struggling against the forceful wind that surrounds her. Every gasp for air feels like a battle, her body growing weaker by the second. 

“Help me -” Darkness threatens to consume her as her vision blurs, and she feels herself slipping away.

However, just as her consciousness begins to fade, a presence materializes, wrapping protective arms around her fragile form. The stranger's embrace offers a sense of security and warmth that penetrates through the cold despair that had gripped her.

“Breathe -” In the midst of her dizziness, a faint image flickers before her eyes, accompanied by a gentle voice that resonates in her ear, urging her to breathe. Despite the struggle, she tries to follow the stranger's guidance, her breaths slow and deliberate, gradually steadying her racing heart.

Nestled against the stranger's chest, Rose is overcome by a wave of relief as she inhales the comforting scent emanating from his jacket. Her face presses closer, seeking solace and grounding in this unexpected sanctuary. After what feels like an eternity, Rose's senses begin to return, her mind clearing from the fog of panic. She looks up, her eyebrows furrowing into a puzzled expression as she mumbles the name that comes to her lips, "Blaze -"

As her vision sharpens, she takes in the features of the person who has come to her aid. The pieces of the puzzle start to align, connecting Blaze to the enigma she encountered earlier. Confusion and curiosity mingle within her, as she wonders about his role in this mysterious chain of events.

“This is not a place for someone like you -” his voice remains cold. “Unless you are trying to sneak into the forest to fuck me.” She gives him a stern look, her eyes filled with a mix of indignation and anger. The hurtful words that Blaze has hurled at her cut deep, but she refuses to let them break her spirit.

With a determined expression, Rose pulls her hand away from his grasp and steadies herself on the ground. She refuses to allow his condescending attitude to undermine her self-worth. Rising to her feet, she stands tall, ready to confront him and assert her own boundaries.

As they stand face to face, the air between them seems charged with tension. Rose's gaze remains unwavering, her eyes reflecting a newfound strength. She refuses to be belittled or demeaned any further.

In a voice laced with defiance, she speaks up. "I don't know what your problem is, but I'm not here for any of the reasons you think. I have my own purpose, and it has nothing to do with you."

“Says no girl ever -” Blaze, taken aback by her sudden assertiveness, registers a flicker of surprise in his eyes. The walls he had built around himself begin to crack, revealing a glimmer of vulnerability.

In a surge of anger and frustration, Rose's patience wears thin. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she raises her hand swiftly, delivering a resounding slap across Blaze's face. The sharp sound echoes through the forest, carrying the weight of her indignation.

His eyes become sharp, she watches as his hazel eyes transform into angry, hunter-like orbs, exuding an intensity that sends shivers down her spine. 

His eyes seem to narrow, sharp like the gaze of a predator zeroing in on its prey. His pupils dilate, consuming the lighter shades, and amplifying the intensity of his glare.

“Don’t even try to -” In this tense and alarming moment, Rose finds herself forcefully pushed against the trunk of a tree, her escape route effectively cut off. Panic surges through her veins as her hands instinctively grip tightly onto Blaze's palms, desperately seeking some semblance of control or leverage.

Blaze's face looms inches away from hers, his breath hot against her skin, and his nostrils flaring with anger. The intensity of the situation leaves Rose fearing for her safety, her heart pounding in her chest as she senses the gravity of the threat before her.

“Let go of me!” Her plea hangs in the air, the tension between them palpable. 

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