
Chapter Seventy


With my eyes in a blindfold, Elizabeth led me into a car and drove to some special location. It was a few days until my wedding, and I knew that she was up to something, even though I didn’t know what it was. We drove for a few minutes before Elizabeth helped me out of the car and into a building; I was still blindfolded.

I tried to figure out where I was but couldn’t. The blindfold was done well. Suddenly, Elizabeth stopped and said, “We’re here! You can take off your blindfold now.”

I didn’t hesitate, I reached behind me and untied the blindfold behind my head. Immediately, the blindfold fell away, and I heard the words, “Surprise!”

I stared in shock at my Mum, Crystalbelle, Analita and Elizabeth’s smiling faces. I stared around me and realized we were in some sort of fancy hotel room that was properly decorated to reflect a bridal shower. Elizabeth walked up to me and placed a sash around me. “Dear little bride of ours, we couldn’t just send you off without having a
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