
He Needs Me

Freda’s POV

In a weeks time I will be celebrating my Eighteenth birthday. I know to some people it’s not a big deal

But to me, I’m finally becoming an adult officially; I said to no one In particular

checking my time I realized it’s almost two pm

I’m expecting some friends

Can I consider Gabby invitation as friends; I thought to myself

I and gabby initially have every Sunday to ourselves. It’s our movie day but she has gone behind my back to invite my next door neighbour

Can She ever get tired of this her wayward lifestyle? I questioned myself

It’s my home for God sake.; I said to myself again

She went ahead to add an extra person to our special time together without informing me

And to make the matter worse, to my home without my knowledge

I think I’m going to go crazy before I become an adult; I reasoned to myself

I kept repeating the-same thing over and over

With a sigh, I went to the kitchen to prepare the popcorn for our movie

I can’t wait for her to get here so we can sit and select the movie to watch

We talked about the latest movie that all the students in our department kept talking about

But with the new addition, I doubt if we will still watch that same movie as it’s a female lead movie

And from experience, some men do not like movie that is not action base

Deep in thought, I didn’t hear the knocking on the door

I was about putting on the microwave when I hear a loud scratch that is deafening on the gate door

What the hell; I shouted and quickly leave the kitchen to be face with an angry gabby with Mavis right beside her trying so hard to hid his laughter.

Gabriella glared at him then pushed her way into the living room

Do I need to bring the whole house down before you come open the door for us; she lashed out at me with an angry tone.

I’m sorry babe; I apologized to her. I was lost in thought that i didn’t hear you guys knocking the door

Please pardon and forgive me; I begged.

Mavis greeted me with an aromatic bundle of pastries

I brought this for you. I don’t really know what I’m to bring and gabby isn’t helping matters; he said

This is more than enough. I really was not expecting anything from you as you are our guest and this is the first time you are joining us. But thanks anyway; I concluded with a smile.

Gabby and Mavis settled down while I went to the kitchen to finish up the popcorn for the movie


It’s another day at work again and I’m not too trilled to see my boss; I reasoned

walking into the office, I came face to face with the man in my mind

Good morning sir; I greeted him

Morning; he replied

Go home and pack your bags; he continued

With a confused look, I continued to my workspace

Do you hear me? He lashed at me with an angry tone

Sir? I questioned him

Go home and pack your bags? He said with an annoying tone of voice

We are going for a business trip and I need you to take minute of all the meetings ; he finally explain.

I couldn’t believe my ears. Going on a business meeting?

What the hell!

I’m not prepared for this nor do I signed up for any travelings when I signed up for this job

I hate traveling and I’m very scared of heights.

Sir? Do I have to go? I asked him

Can’t one of the workers follow you? I questioned him

I’m currently not scared of loosing this job even if it pays well

I really don’t see myself traveling

I hate it

No....... I’m not to comfortable with anyone apart from you

They always get on my nerves and are fucking lazy; he said

Pls... Can you go home and pack your bags?

We are running late; he said with a sad tone

I have never heard the word “ PLEASE “ from my arrogant boss mouth

I was speechless

I couldn’t move. Too surprise to take a step and get things done

Lost in thought. I heard him call my name

From the sound of it, he has called me more than once

Should I be expecting you at the airport in the next one hour? He asked me

Yes sir. I finally replied

I couldn’t refuse him. He looks so sad and withdrawn

Is he unhappy with Katherine leaving him? I questioned myself

I doubt it. I replied myself

From the look of everything the other day

It doesn’t look like Katherine ended things. She came out of his office angry and fuming.

She’s definitely on the receiving end of Damien’s wrath.

I quickly packed up from the office and heard back home to get my stuff.

I needed to get to the mall first and get myself a duffel bag since I do not own any

The trip to the mall was short as there was no traffic and shockingly, the mall was not too chocked with customers

So going in and out of the mall was very short which gave me plenty of time to pack what I needed for the trip.

Like my toiletries, office wears, night wears since I do not know how many days we will be spending nor did I remember to even ask him

And some summer clothes.

I cannot go to a different country for the first time in my life and not tour around

No matter how small it is

Packing everything into the bag was fast as I did not fold them in.

I dashed into the bathroom, got myself cleaned up and changed my office wear to something simple. In no time, i booked a ride to take me to the airport as fast as possible, taking the nearest exit out.

Mr Damien could be seen flirting with one of the hostess, she alighted and dragged her box towards them with a disgusted look directed at both of them.

She obviously do not care what her boss think of her look. He has taken her time demanding she accompany him to this unscheduled business trip of his only for her to run home and pack then meet him here in his old ways. Does he never get tired of random women; she asked no one in particular.

Setting her bag in the over head space provided for luggages, she took her sit on his spacious private jet giving him and his new concubine all the privacy they need.

She was awaken from her sleep when Damien cleared his throat. She never knew she has slept off which obviously shows how tired she was.

Pardon my manners , she told him

With an unaffected look, he gave her a booklet and a pen, that’s all you will be needing throughout our trip to take notes of all the meetings, not a word left out; do you understand me? He asked

Yes sir, i replied him sitting up

We went through his meeting schedule. After which his phone took all this focus

I took the nearest magazine to see places i will visit if magically we ended up going to the places i see on the magazine. If not, i will put it at my to do list, places i would love to visit when i have the capital to do so

We landed at Paris after been on air for more than seven hours , we obviously had a stop over at some foreign airport but i never knew we would be this long on air and i obviously do not like flying. Not that have ever been on plane before but this long trip confirmed my fear of flying. I just had to pretend that all was fine so Damien do not see me as incompetent.

With a sigh, i took my luggages and stepped out of the plane taking a step back at how beautiful Paris look like when you are not seeing it from books and television because that’s the only place have seen the place.

You can close you mouth and move out of the way, Damien , the boss cut my dizzy moment short.

Double apologies sir, i said with a look of sadness. Why do i always have a reason to apologies to him at every given moment, i reasoned on my head.

A limousine was already waiting for us as we stepped out of the airport.

Welcome sir , Matthew , i learned to be the driver’s name greeted taking the bag from Damien.

Have you informed the maids of my arrival,? Damien ask the driver

Yes sir, everything has been arranged to your taste and the master bedroom has been aired, he replied

I knew my boss was rich but i never knew how much. We entered the luxurious car with all the goodies i could ever dream of, a mini bar by the side and a sit to die for. Way better than any have ever sat on.

We drove into a private land that is beautifully lit with a road lamp, a multi-coloured side walk and grasses everywhere. From the limo, i could see people dressed in blue gown and white apron tending to the grass. We drove into a big gate stoping at the front of a very large palace with two huge men guarding the front door. They look too scary and big.

I cautiously stepped out of the car. Too scared of the people at the entrance of the building. Mr Damien, are we at the right building, i questioned him forgetting my fear

With a nod he answered my question. The men at the door greeted him and open the door for us. Welcome home the driver said , confirming my earlier question.

Is he a prince? I reasoned aloud only to be jolted by his thunderous laughter

No, its not a palace. Its my family home. Its been with the family for generation

I only renovated it to make it stronger. But thanks for the complement. I can see i did a wonderful job for it to be seen as a place by humans.

Humans? I asked

With a smile, he called one of the maid to show me my room leaving me without an answer to my obvious question.

i shook my head to his odd ways of words as the maid took my luggage up the stairs. On getting to the room allocated to me, my jaw almost dropped by the beauty and how spacious it is. The room alone is bigger than my house. I quickly jumped on the bed not caring how my action looked to the maid

I could swear the bed vibrated and swallowed me in. If there’s a thing like that.

Its too soft and comfy.

I wish my bed at home is as comfy as this. A princess bed. With a sigh, i dragged myself off the bed and went to the bathroom to wash off the day’s stress.

Even the towel is to die for, rapping it over my bodyand head, i walked out of the bathroom to see my clothes neatly arranged in a walk in closet. I wish all my needs are always attended to this way but i know that’s a lame wish knowing the kind of family i come from. I do not see anyone doing all my stuff for me. I don’t mind a cook though. I quickly put on a short and my favourite ripped top. Jumping on the bed, i fished out my phone to call gabby. It rang endlessly before i could hear her sleepy voice from the other end.

Don’t you sleep. Its 2’pm for God’s sake ; she screamed on the other end

I quickly moved the phone away from my ear before she deafen me. Wow. I’m so sorry mate. Its afternoon here in Paris. Just to inform you of my arrival; i told her

I could hear her sitting upright. So how is the hotel? Has he introduced you to someone you can introduce me too? She kept throwing different question at me.

Can you breath a little Gabby? I shriek. I’m dying of all your lame questions.

Firstly, we did not book any hotel. He owns a building i call a palace here in Paris and have not met anyone yet. Thanks for caring.

I could her shrieking from the other end. Thank goodness she did not do it on the phone.

We talked for extra two minute before bidding goodnight to each other.

I quickly plugged in my phone at the bed stand and dragged myself downstairs with my tired body but i was too hungry to care. I couldn’t eat anything at home with the impromptu trip we had to embark on.

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