
The Nightmare


I rolled my shoulder twice and yawned. I hated being at the office this early, especially on a Saturday which is supposed to be an off day for me.

But no, I have to be called on by my bossy domineering boss.

Would I be paid for the extra hours, no! I’m very sure of that not happening.

Grumpily, I printed out the M and M’s worksheet MrDamien needs and drop them on his desk in his office.

Looking around, I saw a red linen, sticking out of the long chair in his office

Moving towards it, I gently drag out the cloth.

Looking closely, I discovered it’s a tong.

With an exclamation! I quickly dropped it back as quickly as I took it

my stomach dropped out of my body. I definitely needs to get my hands washed.

“Who the fuck drop that there”? I asked myself.

you’ve got to be kidding me, I said in a low voice. That’s definitely katherine's undies

with a disgusted look at the tong on the ground, I used my feet to kick it under the chair where I believe no one will find it.

With a last look at the office and the document stacked on his desk, I jammed the door and heard out of the building.


Fishing my phone out of my bag on my way out, I check my screen only to see it’s gabby calling

Does this girl have nothing to do? I questioned myself

I hope it’s not about her new favourite thing, the new professor again.

With a sigh, I clicked on the answer button.

Hello gabby, any news ?

Hi bestie? I’m at your house but your door is locked

Where the hell are you? It’s past nine! She ranted.

With a tired feet, I dragged my feet and head back home. Getting home, I saw gabby already having a good conversation with my new neighbour grinning from the look of it

Hi! She squeaked as she saw me heading their way

Hello neighbour! I greeted Mavis with a tired look.

nice to have you join our conversation, he replied to my greetings.

I met your charming friend on my way to the gym, he added gesturing towards gabby who attached herself to his side like a glue.

Letting herself into my apartment, gabby kicked off her shoes and sank her feet into the soft ragged ivory carpet. There was no end to her nagging, and here I am looking forward to a light meal and a few quiet hours at home after Damien’s way of making use of me.

My whore of a friend is at it again, and this time , she wants me to gist her everything about my new neighbour after nagging at me for not informing her about him in the first place.

why I’m I surprise ? I said to no one in particular as I expertly flip the pancakes on the fire.

“Yeah, this kind of gist is what she always crave for” I said to myself again.

Is he married? Gabby questioned me

No? I replied to her

What’s his zodiac sign so I can check our comparability?

With a sign ... pls let me be, I thought

I’m too tired for all this your millions questions? I replied her with a tired look

she glared at me. I had to reply her that way because I’m too tired to be going on and off with her questions. I’m only seventeen years old and the last thing on my mind is men. I’m the one who has to take care of mom and school bills. If that made me uptight then so be it.

Thirty minutes later, wrapped in a warm, flowing azure robe, A ring at the door bell interrupted her nagging.

“Mavis, hi.” Gabby greeted my neighbour from across the hall with an automatic smile.” Wants some dinner and thanks for showing up as promised “

I wrinkled my nose in disdain.

she invited him over to my house? Of all places? I lamented where I was still seated.

I have known gabby to be a flirt but I can never understand how she easily change her men.

The day went by with the two getting to know each other while I got a good rest.


At approximately 5:30 A.M , Damien woke up in a cold sweat, He tossed and turned in his bed, then sat upright shivering in fear. For a moment, he didn’t know where he was. Lost in thought, the kept mumbling to himself. His heart was pounding and his eyes stinging as he peeped into the darkness in his room.

Slowly, he was able to make out the familiar surrounding of his room, the big portrait of his father, the former Alpha before he died, the wooden door at the entrance of his toilet and the forbidden metal door that leads to the big entrance of his room to the sitting room where he could hear the distinctive voice of his beta and other members of his pack.

They ‘re probably watching a match, he said to himself.

He let out a sight of relief and wiped the sweat from his brow with an already soaked bedspread.

Damien’s night had been filled with bad dreams. He remembered seeing his dead parent wailing in despair due to his lack of mate at his current age.

The mother being dramatic and worsening the matter by bringing the old dead members to start pointing fingers at him. He remembered seeing hundreds of human hands, pale and disembodied, reaching from his mother’s back to grab him into their gathering. Then he woke up.

Over the course of his often troubled twenty five years, Damien had grown accustomed to glares and pitiful looks from this pack but adding this nightmare to it is definitely not what he wanted early this morning or anytime in his life.

He got up from his bed and made his way to his beautiful structured bathroom. He let the water run until it was good and warm. Then gently slide into the bathtub. The warm water send a ripple of pleasure through his six- foot- three - inches frame. The image of pity and despair from his dream had already begun to recede.

He was ready to face the day.

Hours later, Now dressed in a conservative light brown suit, his hair newly trimmed and groomed, he walked majestically into his office building Berlin.

I wonder why I’m always greeted with this outrageous movement; Damien said to himself as workers run here and there moving equipment that should have been moved even before his appearance in the building. He knows they are scared of him but who would blame them if they are not doing the right thing? He thought.

With a head shake , he continued his journey to his office.

Freda shaded her eyes to the bright light coming from the window, it was a beautiful sight coming to the office every week days to see the sun shining brightly but today is just not one of those days. Freda was not basking in the splendour of the view- far from it, every moment she had to spend in this office seems like hell.

I wish I can just break his neck; she thought to herself.

As she stood there, seconds turning into minutes, she felt the familiar coil of resentment tighten inside her. She needed a release. God she needed a release, she sigh.

She glanced back at the elevator, patiently waiting for her boss to come out from it. Any moment now, she predicted.

She was halfway down his office when she saw him.

Good morning Mr Damien; she grudgingly greeted

Miss katherine is in your office waiting for you ;’ she mumbled

With a wave as acknowledgement, her boss walked straight into the office

I’m going to strangle him one day. With his mistress.

I’m getting tired of her unannounced visitation. I know she’s useful in terms of my sexual urge but she booting her way into my office early this morning is not what I’m in the mood for; I thought to myself.

On opening my office door, I saw her laying down naked on my office desk, not even bothered that anyone could have followed me in. My wolf growled. I could feel his anger boiling and I definitely don’t want him forcing his way out and she seeing that unknown part of me.

With a calm voice, I called her attention to my side as she was busy admiring her curves. She’s definitely a beauty but not as beautiful as our mate will be when we finally find her;” my wolf reproached.

To what do I owe this morning appearance? I questioned her

Is your husband aware of your absence? I further questioned her

What’s with this questions? She replied with a pinch on anger in her voice

Ain’t you happy to see me? She asked

I brought my beautiful body to feed you as a morning breakfast.

My old man cannot satisfy my urge and I have you around for that., she finished

With a growl, from me and my wolf;” what the hell do you take me for? I questioned her

I’m I your gigolo? I’m I a sex toy to you and your pleasure thing? I shouted

Get the fuck out of my office; with a loud voice, I glared at her

And make sure this is the last time I’m seeing you else, your darling husband will hear of our little play.:; I said with anger brimming from every part of my body.

She quickly got dressed with tears dripping down her face. She banged the office door as she walked out of the office. Her usual habit when she’s pissed.

I could hear her shouting at my secretary on her way out

I pitied Freda. She’s innocent and is been lashed at.

With a sigh, I dropped into my seat.

I know katherine does not deserve my lashing out at her early this morning

I’m just not in the mood for this and I guess our little play has to end any time soon anyways

It’s gone too long

Because why else would she think I’m her play thing? I reasoned

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today

Coupled with my workers and the nightmare

Everything is not going too well

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