
The Annoying Boss


It’s another weekend for me again. The school is resuming for another semester.

  Freda Adams wiped her dirty hands down the front of her jeans, wondering what her life had become. She’s only been at her mom’s nursing home for a day out of her weekend when she gets to enjoy her life for herself , but it felts like a different worlds  than the one she’d left in Greece, only fifty miles away.

  That couldn’t be right. Fifty miles?.

she sighed and scraped her sweaty flyaway off her forehead . Surely, this place is at least five universes from the life she’d known.

  I only came here to spend the weekend with mom in her nursing home and here I am, lazing around, she groaned!

turning back to her mom after being lost in thought for a minute, mom?

  Are you ok? She questioned her mother.

I’m fine Freda, she replied

Is there anything I need to get for you? Are you comfortable? I kept asking!

Freda! Mother shouted at me.

I’m fine. Calm down, she said

I was utterly and completely shocked at her voice rising at me.

I guess you are ok then, I concluded!

  I called one of the nurses to get her comfortable and said my goodbye to her as it’s Sunday and I have to go prepare for work tomorrow.

Damien’s POV

  The guys were all in the living room. No light at least except from the glow of the TV. The noises coming from the room told me the were virtually killing a bunch of other gamers in another room that looked a lot like this one they are sitting in.

  Dark, noisy with smack talk, and fuelled by the cases of beers scattered all around the room.

I wasn’t in the mood for any of this, and frankly, Ididn’t want them to see me like this.

Frustrated by not having a mate and hate the pity looks I still gets.

Lyon stood up and came towards me.

Damien? He questioned!

He’s the only one in my pack who could call me by my given name without the title “Alpha” first,

What can I do for you? I groaned!

Displeased that he’s talking to me when I’m not in the mood.

Are you ok? He questioned! Obviously disappointed in the way I nag at him.

I’m sorry Lyon. I’m just not in the mood today friend.

How’s the boundary dispatched security going? I asked him

Good for now Alpha, he replied! Patting me on his back and walking out of the room

I could feel the displeasure of my wolf. He can tolerate the calling of names between me and Lyon but he always show his displeasure anytime I get this kind of treatment from my best friend.


  Damien walked majestically into his office, noticing his secretary seat is empty which means he’s here before her. He checked his time realizing he’s five minutes early.

I can’t get used to her shabby looks, he thought, shaking his head while heading to his office.

Entering into the office, I saw Elena, seated on my chair, licking a lollipop.

Can you get out of my seat! I groaned at her

What the hell are you doing in my office today? I questioned

With a cunningly way, Elena stood up and walk In a sexy way towards him.

“I came for my morning appointment Damien,” she replied me finally.

my wolf roar at her which made her step back with a surprise.

What was that? She questioned me!

With a calm voice, I replied, I have a cough so I need to shout if I wants to be heard. I’m sorry, I said with a cough carrying his apology while trying to cover up for my angry wolf.

It will do me no good to get our existence out to the human world.

In a petty way, she picked her bag and shouted.

Call me if you’re ready for me, she squeaked.

Jamming the door hard on her way out.

Freda’s POV

  Freda rushed down the long ivory- glass reception hall towards the elevator. She hit the penthouse button twice and realized it’s still on the fourteenth floor. With a quick glance at her watch, she realized she’s three minutes late which means Mr Damien is already in his office.

The Greek security is the oldest and well known establishment - emphasis on the oldest.

Usually, that is the charming part of working with them. They pay well and have never lack clients since she has started working for them.

  But right now, waiting for the elevator to come down felt more maddening than the fact that she will be lashed out at by Mr Damien.

  Freda glanced towards the staircase. It’s probably wasn’t the best idea but she has no choice if she wants to keep her job.

she is feeling more light headed as she has a lot going through her mind.

Bills to pay and the resumption of a new semester.

and with her luck, the elevator will definitely open immediately she steps foot on the stairs.

  She glanced down at her phone, five minutes had already passed which meant she’s already late.

Freda went for the stairs. She was a little wobbly on her heels as she tore up the stairs, taking two step at a time.

  Her eyes were on her feet as she smashed into a wall. At least, that’s what it felt like. Her bag flew from her hand and landed on the ground with the content scattered all over the floor.

she stumbled back a step, and glance up to see the thundering hard glance of Mr Damien

What the hell is wrong with you? He thundered!

Can’t you be coordinated for once in your life, he chorus!

With a shaking voice, Freda apologized and bend to pick all her contents.

As Damien walked out of the office with a hiss.

The fact the school is resuming soon makes my heart race. I have to pay my semester’s bills again and right now, I’m low on cash.

Walking sluggishly to the office lost in thought, I smashed into Mr Damien only to be lashed out by him

I wish I could hit him in the face.

With that thought on her mind, she went to her sit and start organizing the day’s meeting for her domineering boss.

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