
The Appointment


  Laying on her bed, her phone buzz ( it’s six O’ clock... it’s six O’ clock)

Groaning, she dragged herself off the bed and went straight to her tiny bathroom, took a shower.

  She then head to her duffel bag where she kept her clothes crumpled. She does not have the luxury of hanging her clothes. She has no plans of making one too, oblivious to the fact that Damien nags on how crumpled her clothes always appears.

  Picking out one of her many long skirt and button down blouse, she quickly dressed up and took her bag on the couch where she left it last night.

  Fighting with the door as she tries to lock it, her new neighbour, whom she couldn’t recollect his name. Is it mutton, Mullen...

“Hello, she said,” trying to hide the fact that she can’t remember his name.

With a charming smile, the name is Mavis ma’am, he said.

  Please call me Freda, ma’am makes me feel old.

Mavis laughed out loud. You can not be mistaken for an old lady Freda. You a beautiful lady. Freda tries to hide the effects as his complement made her blush.

“Thanks Mavis, she replied.”

so where to on a Saturday morning freda? He questioned. Shocked ,she looked so surprised by his words.

“Come again! It’s Saturday? “

  With a smile, Mavis confirm freda's question by showing him his phone screen where date and calendar is fully displayed.

  Holly molly! I never knew. Thanks Mavis, You really save me the stress of wasting my energy. Shecommented!

  Opening her door to move back in. Anytime, Mavis replied and proceed with his early morning workout.

  She went back into her sitting room, happy she did not waste her precious time getting to work and having to come back.

It would be too painful to waste the little I have on a pointless journey, she reasoned and she dropped on the chair happily.

“Mavis is a Godsend, She reasoned.”

   Going into the kitchen, brought out everything I bought yesterday and make myself a simple meal of bread and beacon. It’s not my favourite dish but I have no choice if I do not want to run low on budget.

  I put on the phone stand and attach my phone on it to watch the latest movie I heard my course mate talking about.

  I used the office Wi-Fi to d******d it yesterday at work since I couldn’t d******d one myself. The office provides free Wi-Fi for all workers which is also one of the benefits I get from working with Greek security. It helps with my assignments from school and every other things I need to get down with the use of internet.

   My phone buzz and disconnected itself from the movie I was watching. Checking the screen, I saw that it’s my Bestie, Gabriella calling.

“Hey Freda, it’s gabby, she shouted! “

  I know, I have your number you know right ? and please reduce your voice. It makes my ear hurt, she replied!

  Gabriella, known as gabby comes from a wealthy home. Their wealth comes from generation of old money as our course mate call it

  I wonder why of all people in the school, she chooses me to be her best friend. We met on my first day in college, I was looking for my first course lesson, walking down the hall, I mistakenly hit gabby who was also a fresher. After apologizing for not looking, I realized we have the same classes after comparing her time table which fell on the ground due to the impact of clashing with her.

“Hello gabby, I replied”

  With a loud voice,  she asked.... Did you see the hot new lecturer that just got assigned for the “critical thinking course” she shouted again?

“Rolling my eyes”, is that why you called me early this Saturday morning? I lamented?

  “Ok...ok... she said on the line, you need to see him before you complain miss frumpy”, she choked out.

shaking my head, I said ok to end the subject matter.

“So how have you been?” I said

  It’s been two weeks since I saw her last. We do have the same time table but since I switched to a part time student, I hardly see her around. She takes the morning class while I take the evening class.

“I’m good”, she replied. “As always”

  We catch up on things we miss about each other and had a long talk which lasted for an hour and thirty minutes.

  After hanging up the call, “I was grateful to have a friend like her that do not concern herself with social status”.

  Had I been the one to call this long, I will have to touch my budget to recharge on my phone which is not what I need right now.

 Setting back on the couch, I reattach my cell phone on the stand to finish my movie.

Damien’s POV

  Waking up on a Saturday after a stressful week at work is one of the days I look forward to.

  Dragging myself out of the bed, I took a shower in my king size bathroom.

move to my walk in size wall drop which has everything ( wears, shoes, wristwatch, etc.) I ever need at my disposal. I quickly got dressed after checking my time as my beta and best friend Lyon telepathized me about the emergency pack meeting.

  I quickly put on my clothes and ran out to the meeting ground. I hate packs meeting even though I’m the Alpha. I despise the pity look I get from my pack. They believe I’m not destined to have a mate, and them, a Luna who will guard the pack alongside me.

Damien’s POV

  “what seems to be the problem?” I thundered!

My beta, Lyon stepped forward, Alpha, some humans were spotted hunting for animals and shot Kira, one of our pack mate, he reported.

  I was so shocked that I could be knocked down by a pub. And ...... ? I questioned”

Kira’s twin whom is just twelve years stepped out with tears running down his eyes elaborated.

   “We were only playing outside Alpha, we were in our territory sir, they were the one who trespassed into our territory, he added.

“And Kira, where is she now? I questioned”

  The pack nurse choose that moment to join the pack meeting. She responded before Lyon could reply.

  She is fine now Alpha. She is shot in the leg and I’msure she can run again. The bullet just scratched her and did not penetrate, she finished!.

  With a sigh, I told all the pack members to only shift at noon and go in groups so as to avoid accidents like this.

  I do not want the human world to know of our existence so there was little I could do had anything happened to Kira.

the men should stay behind while the woman and children can go on with their business.

  What do you think can be done now? I asked those left behind.

Lyon, any suggestions? This can not happen again.

  Brandon , one of the rogue we saved a year back replied.

“How about we build a big fence where our territory ends? He asked”

that will bring suspicious humans closer, one of the pack member replied.

  “ for now, how about we take turns protecting the boundaries? Lyon reasoned.

  Shaking my head, I agreed with the suggestion and we concluded the meeting.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Temitope Lawal
Pls update I’m loving your story

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