
The Apology

LATE AFTERNOON, Damien and few of the pack members gathered at the end of their territory, contemplating on how to pair the pack men in twos to ensure they have enough man power when their boundaries is trespassed.

“who will take the first shift,” he groaned .

  He is angry at his wolf for keeping quiet this long.

“You and you, follow me”, he commanded!

Wires and stones were gathered to demarcate where their territory starts and ends

  He also mount a “do not trespass” billboard on their boundary.

“That’s enough for the time being”, he says.

Let’s see if this will stop anyone who is not in our pack from entering, he commented!

  The shift starts today. We can not accept trespasser into our territory, he thundered!

“Yes Alpha”, they chorused.

I need to heard back home, you all know what to do now, he said.

Freda’s POV

  After the long weekend, Freda felt like a new being, ready for Damien’s lashing tongue

She quickly rushed to the station where she usually board the train to work.

  I better gets to work before him, else , he will let loose his already angry self, she lamented!

I don’t have the strength to take his bullshit today.

  She quickly alighted on getting to her destination and rush to the coffee shop closer to her fifteen story building office.

  Mr Damien always likes his coffee hot and within twenty nine degree.

“The man is a walking demon”, she murmured  

She rushed into the building so she could catch the elevator on time.

  I will not walk fifteen story building staircase to avoid the coffee from getting cold, she said to herself.

“Holy shit”it’s past eight already.

Sighing, I hate my job, she lamented!

  She quickly dash into the staircase and started running, by the time she got to the last floor, she was breathless and panting continuously.

Opening the office door, she saw Mr Damien, standing in front of her desk.

“Your late Freya,” he said

  “I’m sorry sir” she replied. The elevator was full so I had to climb the stairs.

Shaking his head, he stretched out his hand

  Feeling tired, Freda gave him her hand thinking he wants to help her stand upright.

  Damien hits her hand away, looking at her with a puzzled look on his face.

“My coffee Miss Freya” He said!

A blast of embarrassment hit her.

Oh! Sorry sir, she hands him the coffee and he walked back to his office , leaving her where she stood, panting and embarrassed.

  She stood upright and went behind her desk to organize the day’s work load.

She remembered she didn’t eat from home as she noticed her stomach grumbling.

“I hate my life,” she lamented

  She quickly deep her hands into her bag to bring out the sandwich she made before leaving home.

Ready to eat, the intercom by her desk beep with Damien’s commanding voice requesting for her presence.

  Groaning, she dropped her meal back into her bag and head into his office.

“You called for me sir, she called”

oh! Yes...... I need you to help me deliver a beautiful flower to this address

Looking lost, Freya asked again

You called me sir?

  Annoyingly, Damien roared, making her jump out of her skin

“Yes miss” call the flower delivery agency and have them delivered to the address I’m giving you.

“Ok sir, she respond.” Afraid of getting him pissed again.

She walked back to her desk to call the flower agency.

Damien’s POV

“Why do I have a sluggish secretary?” He asked himself

She’s too slow and sluggish

Can’t get work done on time

  And makes him repeat himself which annoys him more.

The only reason she’s here, still working for him, he couldn’t say.

She’s the only secretary that has ever stayed and work this long with him.

  He knows he’s a terror in the office and people do not like working with him

But at least, he always provide secured protection to his client, they can’t deny him of that and his workers are well compensated for working with his security firm.

  He’s happy he has someone like Freda who can take his bullshit and not leave him.

He beep the intercom again and she came in rushing to hear what needs to be done.

  Looking at her, he said, I’m sorry Freya for sparking at you

He could tell she’s innocent.

She shy , humble and quiet.

  She should be seventeen, he saw that on her resume.

“It’s fine sir, she replied looking down”

Ok. You can go now, he replied. 

Freya’s POV

  Looking shocked, I walked out of Mr Damien’s office.

He apologized?! I groaned. Still finding it hard to believe.

The almighty annoying Damien apologized to me.

I taught he called me in to finish where he left off. But rather than doing that, he apologized.

  I went to my sit in a daze, still not believing what have just happened.

Shaking my head. I called the flower shop again and was told the delivery is on its way to its destination which I informed Damien through the intercom.

  I really did not want him to lash out at me for any reason again.

I gently opened my old ripped bag and resume eating my sandwich, waiting for the day to end.

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