
Real Culprit

Helena’s P.O.V.

Zayden’s number?

There was a nagging sensation in the pit of my stomach while unboxing that mobile phone, but Zayden’s number shining on the screen became a source of profound sense of despair.

I was momentarily stunned, unable to think or react. My world spun around me as a realization hit me hard.

“What the hell just happened to me?


What’s he up to now?”

My heart pounded like a wild drum, every cell in my body screaming with terror.

When did he meet Ashton?

How did Zayden make him believe that he was his father?

I had never ever shown my little angels any picture of their father or told them a name.

Then how did Zayden win their trust?

And the main question: did they blame me for separating them from their father?


I shot up as my hand flew to muffle an involuntary scream.

It was impossible!

“They are my kids, only mine.”

After the initial shock, my brain was creating worst-case scenarios to cease my thinking ability. I carefully put the cellphone
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goodnovel comment avatar
Will someone have some common sense besides a pup? I thought the scent of their pups was usually how they were identified by their father? Hmm...

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