
Chapter 10: Let's Celebrate

(A few days later)

Now that Grace had settled on staying in Straco City (at least for the time being), she had settled on a new Lease for her company.  It was over in the centre of town about a 5-minute walk from the Shore Café.  Her new office was also a 12–15-minute drive from her new apartment she had just purchased at Bluey Beach.  She hadn’t purchased a car yet, so was either using a motorbike she had bought as soon as she came into town or caught a cab where she had to go. The apartment was spacious. It had 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a small room she could use as her home office.  A nice sized kitchen that she would definitely take advantage of as she loved cooking and it also had a nice sized lounge and dining room. The garage under the apartment building was accessed via a secured roller door that only the residents in the three apartments in her building could access. She also had a balcony that she could sit on and watch the waves roll in from the beach that was across the road. The place was perfect for her.

Grace had been living and working in Boston prior to being discovered by that man she escaped from in Sydney.  He had managed to track her down in Boston, so she left Boston before he found her.  She chose Straco City because she had purchased some land to build the 5-star hotel and so it made sense to move there.  She had also broken off her last relationship in Boston only 4 months prior to leaving Boston.  That man (Myles) had cheated on her and kept pestering her after he realised his mistake and wanted to get back together with Grace but Grace would not have a bar of him. She strongly believed no second chances for cheaters.  The fact that she was discovered by her first boyfriend from Sydney in Boston was the catalyst to her finally pulling the pin and moving out of Boston.

Not all her employees moved from Boston to Straco City and she understood why they did not relocate. A lot of them had families in Boston and relocating was such a big move, even if she was paying them a relocation f*e. It was mostly the young ones that relocated, so Grace spent the past three weeks interviewing and hiring new people. She had also kept a small presence in Boston, so some of her employees remained. Grace had a lot of contacts in Boston so was able to help a lot of those not relocating to Straco City find a new job.

In the ‘Messi Group’s new office, Grace gathered all her employees together in the conference room.  “Thank you, team.  It has certainly been a whirlwind three months for Messi Group. As discussed in the email earlier this week, tomorrow is Saturday, so let’s all head out to the new Club in town “Blue Moon” and let’s celebrate our new office and welcome our new staff.  I’ve managed to secure a private room for us and of course dinner and drinks are on me.  Now I understand that some of you cannot make it as you have young children and other commitments.  Rest assured; we’ll do it again sometime in the near future when we welcome the rest of our new staff.”  The employees all clapped and were excited at the prospect of not only being taken out by their boss but also going to the new Club “Blue Moon”. The owner was Mr Sebastian Gibson of ‘Straco Gibson Talent’.

All the employees were chatting so excitedly about going to the new Club. “I heard it was hard to get into the club.  I cannot believe Miss Messi managed to get us a room in there”, one employee excitedly commented. “Do you think the hunky Mr Sebastian Gibson will be there tonight?” another employee asked.  “I hope so.  I also hope that Mr Sean Harper and Mr Carter Watson will also be there.  Mr Sebastian’s best friends are eye candy, they are absolutely delicious”, another one excitedly added. As the chit chat continued amongst all the Messi Group employees, a chat session in a chat group between Sean, Carter and Sebastian had been started by Sebastian.

Sebastian: Lads, just a reminder ‘Blue Moon’ has its opening night tomorrow.  I’ve been busy with last minute things, so forgot to remind you lads earlier

Carter:  Sure.  As discussed previously, Tyra and Kiara are very much looking forward to coming along.  Tyra asked Grace to come along but Grace said she had something on with her employees.

Sebastian: Bummer about Grace, but happy Tyra and Kiara are coming with you Carter.  Sean, you’ve been a bit quiet.  Are you coming and will you be bringing a date?  LOL

Sean:  Very funny Sebastian.  No date for me. I’m just bringing myself. Luana has been pestering me to come along but I’ve told her she can’t come.

Sebastian:  Just let her come along.  She’s a party animal and will probably ditch us and spend her whole time on the dance floor anyway

Carter: Luana can be a lot of fun, the girls would love to have her

Sean: Alright, I’ll talk to you and get back to you soon

(15 minutes later)

Sean: I spoke to Luana.  She’s keen to join us.  I’ll pick her up and meet you all there.  

Sebastian: Great. Meet you all there at 6:30pm. Make sure you don’t drive as drinks will be plentiful, so make sure your drivers are available and go in via the VIP entrance.  I’ve provided the security team your names so there won’t be any issue getting in.  LET’S CELEBRATE!

Carter: See you then

Sean: Looking forward to it

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