
Chapter 12: Messi Group boss revealed

Once Sean and Carter returned to their VIP room, they explained to the others what they had heard.  “So, the lease she signed a few weeks ago was with Harper Group.  Her company is a tenant in one of the buildings you own which just so happens to be next door to the Harper Group building and to this day, she has no idea that you are Harper Group”, said Tyra to Sean.  “Talk about coincidences, or fate”, said Kiara as she winked at Sean.  “How ironic that Grace is the big boss of Messi Group.  I would never have picked it.  We all thought there was some bloke in charge.  Goes to show that women should never be underestimated”, added Kiara.  Sean was lost in thought, ‘hmm, there really is more to this woman than meets the eye.  Not only is she smoking hot but she definitely has some business acumen’. 

Sean picked up the phone and went to a private part of the room and called his assistant Leo.   “Leo, I need you to find me all the information you can find on a Grace Messi.  Find me everything from where she was born, her parents, siblings, education and anyone she has associated with.  She is definitely an interesting one.  By the way Leo, I have just found out that she is the owner of Messi Group that have just taken on a lease in our newly acquired building”.  Leo was always reliable in any such investigations which he used often for some of his cases.  “Yes Mr Harper, I can do that for you”, responded Leo.  “I can tell you that she has lived in Australia but I’m unsure if she was born there, specifically Sydney, she owns a number of hotels and she has lived in Boston”, added Sean.  “Mr Harper, is this to do with one of our usual investigations for one of your court cases?” Leo asked.  Sean wasn’t sure why he was investigating her, it’s that he found Grace fascinating, intriguing and the more he learnt about her, the more he wanted to know about her.  “Leo, its personal, so I’ll leave it at that for now”, Sean told him.  “Yes Mr Harper, I will get onto it right away”.

It was 9:30pm and the group had finished eating and were enjoying the music in the background. “Look, its Grace, she’s dancing on the dance floor”, yelled out Luana as she pointed at the window through someone on the dance floor.  “It’s her, I guess it makes sense, since the booking for the room next door was only until 9:00pm”, said Sebastian. 

On the dance floor, Grace was rocking all the dances being very energetic. It was clear that she was no stranger to a dance floor. Some of her staff had already gone home, some of them remained by her side and the rest were spread across the dance floor. 

Back in the VIP room, Sean noticed Grace’s figure as the outfit she wore accentuated her curves and toned body, even her abs were accentuated with the dance floor lights.  “I’m going to go down and join her”, an excited Luana told the group, and with that she left the room.  Kiara also wanted to go, but Luana in her excitement had dashed out already.  Forty minutes later, Luana came back up.  She was all sweaty and puffed out.  “I’ve come back for a rest.  Grace is too much, she hasn’t stopped, she is soooo fit, sexy and oh, oh, oh sooo smoking hot.  She has so many boys asking her to dance and some are drunk to slobber over her, but she just rejects them and doesn’t let them get too close.  She is easily the most popular girl on the dance floor.”  Sean grimaced and thought, ‘Everywhere Grace is, she manages to attract the attention of men. This girl is too much trouble. How did I think I would ever be able to handle a girl like her’.  Luana couldn’t stop talking about Grace.  “I didn’t think I’d be able to easily join Grace and her group but she was very welcoming.  She is even more beautiful up close”.

A few minutes earlier, Sebastian had been called away to attend to a few issues related to the club.  Carter and Tyra were in a world of their own dancing to the music in the VIP room staring into each other’s eyes.  Whilst Sean was chatting to Kiara, occasionally glancing at Grace in the dance floor, rejecting advances from other men and her curly hair that was initially in a bun was all out now and flowing down.

Luana then jumped up and announced, “I’m heading back down to join Grace.  She’s so much fun, thank you Uncle Sean for taking me here tonight as she kissed him on the cheek”, and with that she took off. 

Kiara was observing Sean’s glances at Grace. “Sean, I can see why you have shown some interest in Grace.  She really is a beauty and more than that, she seems very capable which is exactly what you need, someone that can match your intellect rather than some of the bimbos that throw themselves at you a lot of the time. Why don’t you ask her out?” Sean was interested in Grace but was unsure on how to approach her. Sean ran his hands through his hair, “I don’t know Kiara; I haven’t even had an opportunity.  She’s always seems so busy and the one time I tried to save her from Arlo, she told me to stand down and doesn’t seem approachable.  I must admit though Kiara that she does seem to have this craziness about her that is really intriguing and very alluring”, responded Sean.  Kiara nodded, “I think you need some of her craziness to shake you out of your slumber.  You haven’t had a relationship or even a date since Kerry cheated on you in university. Sure you’ve had a few dates here and there, mostly to appease your parents but nothing serious.  How about we go and join your niece and let loose”.  Sean just nodded and followed Kiara.  Carter, Tyra, and Sebastian whom had just returned from sorting out some issues decided to join them.  For the next hour, they all danced and let loose.  Carter, Sean and Sebastian being easily the most handsome and richest men in the club had not shortage of women thrown themselves at them, but Kiara, Tyra and Sebastian’s bodyguards kept all the women away from them.

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