
Chapter 9: Beach run and catch-up

Grace and Tyra just finished their run along beach over by Grace’s new apartment.  Grace was going to be moving into her new apartment in 3 weeks and pointed out to where her apartment was. “It’s the top level one over there. Of course, it’s not a mansion or a Penthouse, but it is absolutely perfect for me.  In the evenings, I can sit out on the balcony overlooking the gorgeous view of the beach.  I’ve got a dedicated room for a small home office when I work from home in the evening or when I choose to not go into the office.  It’s close to convenience stores and not far from my new office”, she told Tyra. “Sounds like a dream, I’d love to see it when you move in”, Tyra told her. Grace had a good feeling about Tyra and somehow in her heart she knew she could trust this girl in front of her.  “You’ve got a deal, maybe I’ll even cook you one of my famous lunches when I have you over”, Grace responded.  Tyra squeezed her hand in response as she also had a similar feeling that Grace could easily become a good friend.

“How about you, what’s the story with you and Carter and how long until you finish university?”, Grace asked Tyra with interest.  Tyra filled her in on her life telling her that she had a few more months left of her medical degree, like Grace, she had qualified to go to university at 16 years old by acing the entrance exam.  What was interesting was that Sean, Carter and Sebastian were also top of their game in high school, so also qualified for university at 16 years old.  Their entrance exam results were phenomenal.

Tyra told Grace that Carter and her had been together for just over a year.  It was a bit difficult at first as she is not from one of the prominent families.  Carter’s mom took to her instantly, however it took Carter’s dad a few more months before he was able to finally accept her.  Tyra’s Mom passed away when Tyra was 7 years old which broke her heart.  It was difficult going to school and being the only little girl without a mum to take her to school or even for her to be there on special days when both parents attended the school.

Tyra was very sad and lonely for a long time after her mother passed away. Her dad remarried six months after Tyra’s mum passed away to a woman named Linda and with her, she brought along a little girl that was five years old named Clara.  The day before Linda and Clara moved in with Jeff and Tyra, Jeff had sat down with Tyra and told her that Clara was his daughter with Linda.  That was really hard on Tyra let alone being a seven-and-a-half-year-old and being told this information, because it meant her dad was already in a relationship with her step-Mom whilst Tyra’s Mom was still alive.  At the age of seven and a half, she hoped that her new half-sister would be a great sibling where they could share their toys, dresses and even secrets, but the reality was that within days of Clara and her mom moving into her house, Clara showed signs of jealousy.  Clara not only took her things but made up stories so that Tyra could get into trouble by her mom and their dad.

Her step Mom Linda had made Tyra’s upbringing difficult, always favouring Clara and scheming against Tyra.  Whilst Jeff went to the office everyday, he was not aware of the treatment Tyra would receive from Clara and Linda. Once Tyra turned 16 years old, she moved out and used her computer skills to get jobs here and there to pay her rent, education fees and her general living expenses.  In truth, Tyra was a genius hacker that she taught herself with some small courses here and there that she took. Coupled with her intelligence, she was able to progress very far and soon started landing some jobs.  Eventually, she teamed up with another two people where they formed a pseudo name for their group and from there they stuck together.  This group called themselves ‘The Truthers’ that did some hacking jobs that paid a hefty sum of money.  Little did she know that Grace was also a hacker and did similar hacking jobs but neither revealed this to each other. Grace was a natural and started honing her hacking skills at 12 years old.  By the time she was 15, she was starting to earn quite a bit and this is what helped her get her first hotel after she left Australia. Admittedly that hotel was run down and very much a 2 star very much a dilapidated hotel, so she got it for a bargain, renovated it in only 6 months and sold it for three times more than she bought it for.  The profit allowed her to buy another 2 run-down hotels.  She arranged to demolish one of them and build a small 5 storey 4-star boutique hotel and the other one she fully renovated both inside and out.  Both hotels are doing extremely well as 4-star hotels. They are both almost at full capacity on most days.

Grace learnt that Tyra had been living with Carter for 6 months. It was inevitable that they loved together with the amount of time they spent together before and after work on most days.  Carter was keen on marrying Tyra within two months of getting together but Tyra thought it was too soon.  She not only wanted to get to know him better but wanted to finish her medical degree and work a bit before marriage.  Carter was one of two children.  He had a younger sister Kiara who was 25 years old, only two years younger than Carter.

Grace also learnt that Sebastian, Carter and Sean all had their companies in Collins Street which is where Grace had the Messi Group office that she was leasing.  Collins St was the main business street in Straco City.  Her intention was to lease a building for a few years before she had enough money to buy her own building for Messi Group if she decided to stay in Straco City. Right now, her focus was to grow her company.  She also had to figure out whether she would stay in Straco City for the long term or just for a few years. All that would be worked out in good time.

“So, how come the big move from Boston to Straco City?  It may not be a big move if it was just you, but you are moving your whole business here”, asked Tyra.  Grace wasn’t sure how much to reveal, so after a brief pause, she kept it very brief and said, “I needed a fresh start.”  Tyra could tell she was holding something back, so she didn’t probe any further, but did ask a final question.  “So, are you dating anyone?  I just cannot imagine someone as beautiful and capable as you being single!”  Grace looked at Tyra, sighed, bit her bottom lip and said, “I’m single and I think I am destined to always be single and I’m happy with that.  Being paired up with someone is not for everyone. The two men I dated were very troublesome.  I’ve come to the conclusion that all men are trouble and nothing will change my mind”. Tyra reached out and squeezed Grace’s hand. She felt bad for Grace.  Certainly not all men were bad, Carter was respectful, loving, very considerate and genuine. Sebastian had been hurt a few years ago after his fiancée had broken off her engagement and run of with someone else.  He had transformed himself in the last few months with a new found confidence and had a good heart.   Sean was handsome, had a beautiful heart and was very loyal to his friends and family.  “Well, you know I disagree with you or I wouldn’t be with Carter but for now, welcome to Straco City.  I’m so happy that we have met and look forward to getting to know you.  I’ve got a class in one hour, so I need to go, but no doubt I will catch up with you soon.  I feel like time went so fast as we were only just getting to know each other”, she said to Grace.  Grace told her she felt the same way as she had a good feeling about Tyra. They bade each other farewell and went their own respective ways.

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