

Maverick’s P.O.V

Everything was going just fine for me. I had everything planned out. I was going to destroy Talon. I phoned him and I informed him of a party that I would like him to attend. I was able to convince him to attend.

It took awhile to get him to join me, but he eventually showed up. I was at the party with my men in almost every corner of the building, ready to attack.

Talon had no idea of what was coming for him.


Matilda’s P.O.V

I paced around the jail cell for hours, thinking of a way to escape. One thing was certain – my son was in danger. I overheard my captor, Maverick was his name. He said he was going to hurt Talon. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I had failed once as a mother.

I left my family and never turned back for once. It was my chance to right my wrongs. I was willing to go the extra miles to get Talon out of danger. Even if the cell was locked, I thought about an old trick that I used in breaking locks.

I pulled out a pin from my hair.
Locked Chapter
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