
Beyond Her Imagination
Beyond Her Imagination
Author: Love Egbejale

Chapter One

Sinjin Santillan was having a really bad day, despite it starting as a good one because it was his birthday and he had woken up with the anticipation of proposing to his girlfriend of ten years, Mallucia Goldstein and hoping she'd agree to become his fiancée. However, things had taken a turn for the worse.

Mallucia Goldstein was hailed as the 'nation's fairy', adored by everyone for her perceived kindness, warmth, and beauty, yet unbeknownst to them, the true nature of Mallucia Goldstein remained veiled. Despite being aware of her true self, he had continued to love her, and she reciprocated his love until an unfortunate accident left him paralyzed from the waist down.

Her attitude changed drastically, and she became more occupied with her work than ever. He now had to schedule appointments with her manager or assistants just to see his own girlfriend, and even then, it was a rarity if she appeared.

He was aware that his accident had affected her deeply, just as it had impacted him and his family. Therefore, he had dedicated himself to proving his love for her by diligently working to regain full use of his legs. Today, he planned to surprise her by proposing marriage, and once she accepted, he would astound both her and his family by rising from his electric wheelchair onto his own two feet.

Instead of him being the one to surprise Mallucia, he found himself utterly astonished by the surprise she had in store for him, turning what should have been a joyous occasion into an unexpected twist.

"I'm sorry, Sin, but I can't marry you," She uttered with a small, apologetic smile adorning her face. "I... Everything that happened between us was just... a mistake. I shouldn't have let it come this far."

"What... What do you mean?" He rasped, closing the lid of the box. Murmurs filled the air, and sympathetic looks adorned the faces of his parents and sister. He didn't want their pity. He didn't want anyone's pity. It made him angry. "Ten years was a mistake?"

"I'm sorry," She said, taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling. "I dated you because... of who you are; Sinjin Santillan. We were friends, and when you told me that you loved me, I couldn't say no. I... I like someone else, Sin."

As the blood rushed in his ears, his heart pounded so fiercely in his chest that he feared it might burst. The ring box slipped from his limp fingers amid growing murmurs, realizing he'd made a fool of himself with no one else to blame but himself.

"Who is this person?" He inquired in a shallow voice. Despite his suspicions, he didn't want to believe she could be so cruel. 

"Um... I'm sorry," She murmured, but he cut her off sharply. 

"Stop apologizing!" He hissed through gritted teeth. "It's unlike you."

"Luke," She muttered quietly. 

His heart pounded. "There are many Lukes in the world. Which one?" He demanded. 

"Lucas... Same Lucas you know," She replied softly. 

Lucas Middleton, his once-best friend, had betrayed him by falling for his girlfriend, or had he betrayed Luke by falling for Mallucia? He didn't know anymore. 

"Wow," He scoffed in disbelief. "I wanted to surprise you, but... Consider me blown away!" He exclaimed, his laughter laced with sarcasm. 

"Son..." His father began, approaching them. 

"Did you know?" He growled at his father. 

"No!" Brendan Santillan looked appalled. "I would never do that to you, son."

"Fuck this," He said, his grip on the arms of his wheelchair turning his knuckles white. "Fuck this!" With a sudden burst of anger, he shot to his feet and kicked back the wheelchair, sending it skidding across the ballroom floor.

At first, his revelation was met with silence, then the room erupted into a cacophony of voices, everyone wondering about his miracle. And indeed, it was a miracle. He would have remained oblivious to the truth about Mal and Luke had he not waited for her response to his marriage proposal.

"Son... You're... How did this..." Brendan stammered, staring wide eyed at his son. Up until a minute ago, his only son was in a freaking wheelchair and now... This?

"Sin, you're standing on your feet." Mallucia gasped. "Oh my gosh!"

"Surprise!" He exclaimed, smirking sardonically. "I guess my surprise trumps yours, doesn't it?"

"Sin, I..."

"Oh, forget it. I'm outta here." He waved his hand dismissively and walked out of his own party, leaving everyone shocked in his wake.

After his dramatic exit, he instructed the valet to bring his car around. Once it arrived, he got in and drove off like a bat out of hell, just as his parents, sister, and Mallucia ran out to stop him.

"That should give her something to think about," He thought angrily. "Fucking bitch!" He slammed his fist on the steering wheel.

The infotainment screen lit up with a call from his father, but he declined it and pressed down on the accelerator, driving at a breakneck speed of 260. He declined calls from his sister and mother and eventually turned off his phone, tossing it onto the passenger seat.

He had no idea where he was headed, but soon he found himself in the less glitzy area of Elderstone, with its dingy pubs, motels, and almost dilapidated residential buildings. He'd never ventured past his home in Aria Falls or his company, which was in the heart of Elderstone, the capital of Merendra.

As he drove, he passed a woman being harassed by three men in an alleyway and quickly applied the brakes. He wanted to keep driving, but it looked like she needed help, and despite being so mad at the world, he couldn't ignore her plight.

"Maybe I'll vent all of my anger on those fuckers. Pick on someone your own size," He muttered to himself. Unfastening his seatbelt, he opened the door and stepped out of the car. 

A foul odor hit him, causing him to briefly cover his nose. He was so scared to inhale that he reached back into his car, opened the console between his seat and the passenger's, and took out a nose mask.

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