
Call me Mommy.

At the door stood the nurse holding a tray of medications in her hand, while the little girl clung to his hand tightly.

“I don't want to take those things,” She said, her mouth against Liam's shirt making her voice come out muffled.

The nurse smiled, walking towards them.

“Sweetie, it's just one medication, so you'll be able to go home soon,” the nurse said, trying to convince her.

“Mr. Liam help me, I can't take it, it makes me feel sleepy,” Diana cried out, her eyes becoming watery. Liam felt his heart twist at her horror, not knowing what to do he held her cheeks gently.

“How about this princess, I'll help you take it, okay?” Liam offered, watching the girl's eyes grow wide.

“Really? Will you take one too?” She asked, her eyes lighting up.

“Yes, I will,” Liam confirmed, smiling at her.

“But you're not sick? Nurse won't that be bad for him? My Mommy said only sick people take medicine,” Diana argued back, her face full of confusion.

Liam chuckled lightly, “how about you take one
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