
Losing it

Kyla felt her world swirl around her, how could the world be so ruthless? Just when she thought she could finally fix her marriage. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to numb the pain in her heart.

“Yes she is, so you better sign those papers and get your cheating ass out of my house!” Blake spat the poisonous words at her.

Blake looked at the pitiful, shameless woman before him. To think he had loved her unconditionally through the years, he couldn't see past her betrayal. His heart stung at the look of betrayal and disappointment that covered her face. He planned to break it to her in a different way.

“But what about our baby?” Kyla asked pitifully, not sure what she wanted to accomplish with her weak defense.

Blake felt his heart race for a minute before the possibility of the baby being her lover's clouded him.

Blake chuckled in scorn," you think I'm stupid enough to believe that bastard thing you're carrying is my child? I'm not that stupid, Kyla," He mocked, his sharp words slicing her heart like a knife.

Kyla felt defeated and disgraced as she lowered the pen to the papers before her. Tears almost covering the divorce papers. She had never been this disgraced her whole life.

“Bear this in mind Blake, I'll make you pay for everything you have done today,” Kyla promised, her heart cold as her eyes bore holes in Catherine's face.

Defenseless and broken was what she felt when she put the pen down. Her signature lay there gracing the divorce papers, confirming the end of something she thought would last.

“I'll pay for it? What about you and your cheating ways, having even the nerve to get pregnant with another man's child?” Blake accused, his eyes burning into hers like an untamed fire.

“And you Cate, you're a viper, and you'll pay for that,” Kyla threatened her.

“Blake, throw this bitch out of the house before she utters anything to upset your baby, remember what the doctor said?” Catherine pouted, holding on to Blake's arm.

“Get out of here, Kyla before I drag you out myself,” Blake threatened coldly.

“Drag me Blake I dare you, prove to me that our love meant nothing to you,” Kyla pushed her heart praying that he would think twice before tearing the last of her shredded heart away.

She couldn't let go yet, this was her house, her love, her future. She couldn't survive out there, and they knew it. Yet no one spared her any pint of mercy.

Blake hesitated as he looked at the stubborn woman before him. He knew if it weren't for her, he would be nothing. But how would he trust her after what he saw. 

Kyla stood firmly by the door, as if claiming her place. She saw Catherine move swiftly towards her, feeling herself flying down the staircase.

“No, Cate, what have you done!” Blake looked in panic as Kyla rolled down the hard staircase.

Kyla welcomed the impact of the stairs as she closed her eyes, wrapping her hands protectively around her stomach.

As if that weren't enough, Catherine went down the stairs, seeing Kyla trying to support her weak body up. She grabbed her by the hair, throwing her out of the front door. 

Kyla turned her head as she caught sight of Blake, who witnessed the whole incident with his hands in his pocket and not a word out of his mouth.

The rain mercilessly struck her skin, the heavy raindrops making Kyla feel even weaker.

“Blake?” Kyla called weakly, clutching onto the doorstep as if praying he changed his mind, only to be met by his cold void stare.

“Let this be the last time I see you here,” he cautioned angrily as he shoved her off the last step, sending her landing on her stomach before he banged the door to her face.

Kyla whimpered at the pain she felt, clutching her stomach as she struggled to sit up. The rough concrete floor dealing mercilessly with her fair skin.

She saw a pool of blood wash away from her, followed by excruciating pain. She felt her body grow lighter as she gave in to the darkness that enveloped her.

Kyla struggled to open her eyes, her body feeling like it had gone under a train wreck. The beeping of machines letting her register where she was.

A warm hand held her tightly in comfort, but that couldn't block out the pain she felt, both physically and emotionally.

Her marriage had broken out of the blue. A sharp, piercing pain clamped her stomach, halting her pitiful thoughts as she moaned loudly in pain.

“Ma'am, you're awake, let me get the doctor,” Amber said, jerking up at the sound of distress from Kyla.

The doctors came rushing in, but Kyla couldn't understand what was happening. Was her baby okay? Her mind flashed her the image of the pool of blood from the fall, making her heart beat even faster.

“How's my baby doctor?” She asked, her voice breaking from the pain.

The doctor seemed to be injecting something in her before she felt her head get drowsy as everything in the room appeared to be disappearing.

When she came to, she found herself alone on the hospital bed. Kyla struggled to open her heavy eyelids, her heart heavy and her mind feeling congested. As if on cue, Doctor Liz came in, smiling at her.

 “Hello dear, how are you feeling?” She asked, standing beside her bed.

“Doc what happened? How's my baby?” Kyla asked, her heart beating fast in anticipation.

Doctor Liz looked at her, calmly, reaching to hold her hand. Kyla could sense the news that she was about to receive as she drew her hand back immediately.

“I'm sorry darling, we couldn't save the pregnancy,” Doctor Liz said, but Kyla was not sure if she understood her well as she blurted out a hysterical laugh.

After years of struggling to have a baby and know the beauty of being called a mother, life took that chance from her like a game.

Pulling on the IV, Kyla stepped out of bed, not caring if the doctor called after her. Her feet felt strange, as if she were floating on air as she stormed out of the door.

Her mind only registering one thing; pain and revenge. 

She moved into the hallway, aiming for the main door, everything around her becoming invisible to her sight as she bumped into anything on the way.

Tears rolled down her eyes as she cried for what she never had, her mind ignoring the chatter that surrounded her. As she got close to the door, finally seeing her way out of the suffocating environment, she bumped into a hard wall.

It took a minute for her mind to recollect on the unmoving warm hard wall before her. She raised her swollen eyes, ready to give the culprit a piece of her mind. 

“You!…" She cursed as her eyes locked sight with the most significant, captivating ocean blue eyes. Her frustration and grief got drowned in them. Her heart skipped a beat at the hypnotizing pair of eyes before her.

“Bitch! Would you look at where you're going!” A female voice shrieked, pulling her out of hypnosis.

“I'm sorry miss, please excuse my fiancé,” a deep voice apologized, making

her turn quickly only to find him already turned away pulling his rude fiancé with him.

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