
Billionaire's Medical Mistake
Billionaire's Medical Mistake
Author: Ayrene N.


Tension gripped her nerves as she waited for the doctor to bring in the test results. She didn't feel well earlier at work, and she hoped it was what they had wished for, for over five years. Kyla Anders crossed her fingers whispering a silent wish in her heart as she saw the doctor approaching.

“Hello Miss Kyla, this time I have good news for you, congratulations you are four weeks pregnant,” the doctor said smiling at her.

Kyla couldn't contain her joy as she grabbed the test results, her eyes scanning for the confirmation.

 “Thank you doctor Liz, thank you,” she muttered on the verge of tears.

“It's okay dear, I told you it will be well one day, congrats again,” Doctor Liz said wiping her tears.

 She had seen the couple struggle to have a child for years and being her mom's best friend, she took Kyla's joy as hers.

Excitement shimmered inside her like lava, she couldn't wait to share the good news with her husband. She planned to prepare a colorful dinner for him. She wanted to make the moment heavenly.

She pushed the front door with anticipation and a broad smile plastered on her face. Everything around her seemed to be illuminated by her joy.

“Ma'am you're here?” Amber, her housemaid, looked at her as if she had seen a ghost.

“Yes, I got off work early today, and what are you doing here? I thought today was your day off?” Kyla chimed, still feeling great about the news.

“I came to pick some things I left yesterday ma'am, but I was leaving,” Amber said, her eyes large in shock.

“It's okay, I'll just go upstairs to get into something comfortable,” Kyla said, turning to the stairs.

“No ma'am you can't go in there please,” Amber said, her look horrified.

Kyla felt her mood dampen as she tried to shake off the bad feeling from Amber's expression.

“What's wrong Amber?” She asked, stopping. It was so unlike her to behave in that way.

That's when she heard the moans in the direction of the master bedroom. Kyla felt a sharp, tense feeling cut through her insides as she gathered all her strength to proceed to the bedroom.

The moans seemed to be getting louder, making Kyla feel her heart sink at her imagination. An unmistakable voice groaned in her ears making her shake her head in denial. How could her husband be home? Wasn't he at work?

Kyla pushed the door which wasn't entirely locked and that's when she saw it. She felt her legs give out when she saw her husband slamming into the woman under him merciless.

“Blake?” She muttered weakly supporting herself with the door. 

The two lovers jumped in shock as they moved away from each other covering up.

“What are you doing here?” Blake asked, running his hand through his hair.

Kyla's eyes were fixed on the woman who was having an affair with her husband.

 “How could you do this to me, Cate?” She asked, her voice breaking as tears escaped freely from her eyes.

Her most trusted best friend sat there on their matrimonial bed naked with her husband. 

“Why Blake? After all these years, why now?” Kyla asked unconsciously, caressing her invisible bump.

“Why? You should be telling me why you would cheat on me?” Blake accused acting like the victim.

Anger spiked within her at Blake's accusation.

“What? Who is cheating on who Blake? You really have no shame at all!” Kyla asked, seeing how callous the two people she trusted most had turned out to be.

“And you, I thought you were my confidant? I trusted you and this is his, you repay me?” Kyla could no longer hold her anger.

Catherine sat there, her head lowered in shame as she clutched on Blake's hand.

“Don't you dare talk to her like that, I love her so much, she would never be so ungrateful like you!” Blake said, approaching her.

Kyla felt her heart break at his callous words. Five years had turned into dust before her eyes. Outside the rain had started pouring as if it wept for her broken marriage.

Whack! Kyla landed a slap on his face before she could even control herself.

“Five years Blake? How long has this been going on!” Kyla demanded, feeling recharged with fury.

“It doesn't matter Kyla, now that you have found out it would be better if you found yourself out of this house!” Blake said, pushing her towards the door.

Kyla let out a sinister laugh at his actions. “Your house? You are very evil, when we started out you had nothing Blake! And this is how you repay me?” She asked in disbelief. Blake lowered his head as he knew what she said was true, but he was too angry to care.

“Shut up, Kyla, we both know you don't love him, and you've been cheating on him for years,” Cate said from behind them. She seemed to have somehow managed to shamelessly put on Blake's shirt.

Kyla looked at her in shock and said, “finally you have the guts to talk back to me Cate, after everything you know I've been through?” 

“Stop with all this drama Kyla, you like playing the victim? Tell me what these are?” Blake asked, throwing pictures to her face. 

They scattered on the ground as Kyla bent down, taking one with her in bed naked with another man.

“These are photoshopped, this is not me Blake,” she tried to defend the last of her dignity.

Blake laughed loudly, his laughing resounded in the room.

“I don't care what you say you liar, sign these papers and get yourself out of this house!” He ordered, holding out a pen to her.

Kyla froze at the sight of divorce papers lying before her. She couldn't go down without a fight. Not after everything she had given up for this ungrateful man…

“Okay, I'll sign it, but I want everything that belongs to my father back!” Kyla literally screamed at him. 

“I'll give you nothing, bitch, you didn't honor our wedding vows, and now you want everything I own?” Blake asked in disbelief.

“And to be fair, you don't have any right to ask for anything, your father practically sold you to me, remember?” Blake smirked as Kyla felt her body tense on remembering the incident. Her father had never liked her, but she had to try a way to hurt Blake despite that.

Catherine pointed at her, "don't try to act clever, we both know your father doesn't give a damn about you, he can give up anything just get rid of you," Catherine knew her more than anybody else. They had grown up together almost like sisters.

Kyla saw no way out as she silently apologized to her child for failing to fight for their future. A tear escaped from her eyes as she looked at the two ganging up on her.

“And for your information, I'm pregnant for Blake so stay away from my man,” Catherine proudly flaunted her flat stomach.

Kyla felt her mouth dry of words

at the statement. “What? Pregnant for my husband?” She muttered more to herself in shock.

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