
Broken trust

Lorenzo's POV

I tried getting off the numerous thoughts swapping my head, but they stuck stubbornly, annoying me more than they already were.

With my back reclined against the chair, I kept stealing glances at my phone while my shareholders remained stunned.

“ Is something wrong?’’ a voice rippled through the air at me to which I barely stared back.

Was this what happens when you are in love with someone? I didn't quite love the feeling. It didn't dawn on me that well.

“ This meeting is canceled, we are to meet at a later date which will be disclosed to you all. ” my feet moved on a larger stride as I sauntered out, not minding the gobsmacked faces I was left with. I had never done this before, but could they really blame me?

“ There is something you should see” Jack donned his expressionless face, a storm brewing in his eyes.

I took the outstretched phone out, my eyes ran a quick glance through as my heart plummeted.

“ Daphne” her name danced out in a whisper as I tried to asce
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