

   Daniel rolled in his sheets and was enjoying the sunlight on his face. He had a good night's rest. He opened his eyes and turned to his right side and saw the bed empty. She was gone. He sighed deeply and felt the sheets where she laid and could still perceive her sweet-smelling perfume on the bed. It was still warm and could still feel her presence in the room. It had been a long time since he felt this good and relaxed in the morning. He knew when she woke up and snuck out of his room without telling him. The popular walk of shame!!!! He felt it too which was why he acted as if he was still sleeping while she was busy escaping. He heard her hail a taxi to the bar so she could pick up her car. A werewolf's senses were ten times more heightened than a human’s senses. He had his own special abilities as a werewolf and they were more heightened because he is an alpha. There was no escaping without him knowing. He sighed to himself again. He had never done this before. A one night stand with a total stranger, a human for that matter!! He never got too involved with the humans, especially the women. It is a lot to handle. 

   He replayed the events of the previous night in his head. He was totally not himself that night. He didn't expect it to go this way. He had wanted to kiss her right from the bar and decided to try. He was glad she was receptive to his kiss and touches which means she was attracted to him also. It's not a one way thing. He could still taste her lips in his mouth and shrugged when he realized that he touched his lips. Humans were not off limits to werewolves as long as you did not hurt them or marry them. The werewolves fit in excellently in town and the humans do not suspect that there is another world of supernatural beings living amongst them in town. They built friendships and relationships together but not him. He wasn't really friendly with them and had never bonded with them. He had a few acquaintances but not close friends and definitely not lovers. 

Samatha was totally different. Sam was different from other women he had met. She was beautiful and had sad brown eyes which made his heart melt. He was totally smitten by her. He felt so drawn to her that he couldn't stop himself even if he wanted to. He could sense that she was drawn to him also as he listened to her heartbeat racing all the time. He didn't need a woman to tell him what to do. Our senses always send the message before our mouth does. Right from the bar, he could tell he was attracted to her and was enjoying their conversation together. Was it just a sexual attraction or a crush? Would the feeling go away now that he has satisfied his sexual curiosity? He didn't plan to invite her over to his place but he couldn't stop himself when he did. 

  He was engaged to Beatrice and just had sex with another human girl. The most amazing sexual experience he had ever had. He had been with a lot of women, just werewolves but hasn't felt like this with anyone. Not even Beatrice!! Beatrice was the love of his life a long time ago but he never felt like this with her. They had been in a five year long relationship and people presumed that they would end up together at the end but the relationship ended abruptly and in the most disheartening manner. They are still going to marry but not out of love but duty. 

 His pack would go wild with rage and disappointment if they heard that their soon-to-be married alpha was meddling with a human girl. As much as they co-existed together, they had boundaries. Only a few humans knew about the existence of the were-wolves and they intended to keep it that way. Too much exposure to his kind could be dangerous. Their lives could be at stake. The humans had the numbers anyway. As weak as humans seem, they were the most dangerous of all species. He had just cheated on his bride-to-be, knowing how hot-tempered Beatrice is, if she ever finds out about this, she would hunt down Sam and kill her. She mustn't know about this. It is just a one time thing, he assured himself.

  He got up from the bed with just his shorts, showing off his broad chest and shoulders with tattoos on them. He poured himself a cold glass of water and gulped it quickly. A million and one thoughts ran through his mind. He wanted to see her again and another part warned that this was a one time thing and didn't need to see her again. He knew he would run into her one of these days because the town is not that big and wondered what he would do when that happens. His marriage to Beatrice was to strengthen his pack and protect them. He wasn't in love with her anymore and she knew. There was a time he loved her but that time has long passed. He was just marrying her out of necessity. An arranged marriage for the pack. He scoffed. Nice perks of being an alpha. Even if he was not engaged to Beatrice, would he have pursued something with sam? Sam doesn't know his secret yet. What would happen when she does?

  He was thankful that didn't know where Samantha stayed. At least he won't go looking for her. The town is quite small and it was very easy running into people. He hoped his case would be different for his dignity sake and his pack. Today is a full moon. He is supposed to run around the woods with Beatrice showing their strength as a couple. He usually locked himself in the cellar and turned but based on tradition, he is supposed to do it in the woods tonight with his bride-to-be.

  He had been pushing it because he didn't want to but he had no choice. Not now that he slept with a human and still can't get her out of his mind. He had to hurry things up. No way would he choose a human over his pack. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. He needs to act fast. 

“Hey, Beatrice. Do you wanna meet before the full moon?”

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