

Daniel drove through the busy streets of the town. The town was always quite busy at night. People were done with their day’s work  and wanted to rest with family and friends. He looked at the lady beside him, careful not to let her know. She had no idea that he was looking at her as she was staring outside her window. She was smiling and inhaling the fresh air. He also smiled to himself. Why was he drawn to her? He was never one to carry strangers to his house, especially human women.

 This one, he was very curious about. She had a glint of sadness in her eyes and he could hear how fast her heart was beating while they were talking about the couples earlier. Maybe she had a bad past but that was not why he was drawn to her. He had sighted her as he walked into the bar. He perceived her sweet perfume and shampoo. His wolf senses were up immediately he saw her. She looked beautiful with her cute shorts and sweater. Her wavy brown hair was packed into a high ponytail which made her facial features more pronounced.

He never sat at the high stool at the bar table because he didn't want to draw attention to himself. Humans tend to sit there and make a fool of themselves when drunk. His curiosity made him sit there and was glad when an opportunity presented itself for a conversation. He scoffed. He wondered what the rest of his pack would do when they heard that he was curious about another human.

“We are here”. He said as he drove into the gates of his mansion. Samantha was in awe and could not hide her surprise. "You didn't tell me you were dirty rich or a son of a conglomerate”.

Daniel smiled. “This is what you call generational wealth. My ancestors have built this for years and we are just trying to maintain it and not ruin things’.

“You all better not”. Samantha said with a glint of sarcasm in her voice. They both got out of the car and walked towards the house. It was a huge mansion with a lot of rooms. The house setting resembled something built in the 18th century. 18th Century royalty!!! Samantha walked behind Daniel and looked around. All the furniture looked expensive and she tried not to touch anything so as not to break anything. She couldn't afford to pay for anything here. He led her into one of the rooms and offered her one oversized T-shirt. “You can wear this while I wash your sweater. I will be outside the door waiting. 

Samantha nodded and grabbed the shirt from him. He walked out and closed the door behind him. What was she doing here? Why is she in a stranger's house and why was she nice to her? What if Jonathan knew where she was and sent him? A million and one questions flooded her mind. She changed into the shirt and flooded her sweater. After laundry, she'll go back to pick up her car. She is not letting him drive her home. 

She opened the door and gave him her sweater. He collected it and told her to wait for him in the living room while he dropped it in the machine. She moves to the living room and looks around. She saw a huge picture frame of a white wolf with beautiful blue eyes. A man stood beside the wolf. It was such a very beautiful painting. She noticed there were a lot of animal references in the room. Do they own pre-historic pieces also? 

Daniel walked in with a bottle of wine and two glass cups. “I know you already had some alcohol in your system already so I brought fruit wine” he said. 

“Thanks”. She poured herself a glass. “You have a very beautiful home” she said as she moved towards the painting. “Where did you get this?”

“I inherited it. It has always been there. This man is my great-grandfather”. He said with a little pride. “He had a thing for the wildlife”. 

They heard a ring. “Your clothes have been cleaned”. They walked towards the washer and he brought out the sweater. His muscles flexed a bit and she could see his veins. She wanted to touch it but had to control herself. How would it feel to be wrapped in these big arms?

Daniel turned and handed over her sweatshirt. Their fingers brushed and they both could fill the tension in the air. They both stared at each other breathing heavily. Who was going to make the first move? Samantha knew she had to leave. She took the sweatshirt and ran into the room. She hurriedly changed back and folded his shirt. She got out and saw him right outside the room. “You scared me. I am all done. I think I have got to leave now.just drop me off at the bar. I'll drive myself home or I could take a cab to the bar” she said nervously. 

Daniel didn't move or say a word. He just stared right into her eyes. He had a piercing look, as if he could see right through her soul. His green coloured eyes were lighter than usual. He moved close to her and there was little space between them. “Do you have to leave now?” he asked softly.

Samantha tried to keep herself in control. That soft voice was doing things to her mind. “Yes”. Not even sounding convincing. He touched her hair and touched her face. She could feel goosebumps all over her body when he touched her fine with his manly hands. She gasped a little as he grabbed her waist. 

“I don't think you want to,” he responded. “Your heart keeps racing when I am close to you”. He then leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. He moved back and looked at her face to see if she would react differently but she didn't. She kept staring at him and then leaned forward to kiss him back. He pulled her and kissed her passionately. Their tongues touch and he takes her warm, sweet lips into his.  His hands touched her boobs as he tried to cup them. She put her hands around his neck and let him feel her boobs. She then took off his shirt and touched his bare chest.

Her hands ran through his hairy broad chest and she began to kiss his chest and kiss his nipples. It's been a while since she felt sexually aroused by a man. He groaned softly and carried her and she supported herself and locked her legs around his waist. He opened the door of the room and put her gently on the bed. She takes off her top and shorts. He then kisses her breasts and she lets out a soft moan. He made his way to her sweet spot and started to rub it. She starts to arch her back and moan loudly. He kisses her passionately as she almost climaxes. 

She pulls down his trousers and drags him down. “I want you in, now!” she moaned softly. He knew she was ready. He already felt it with his fingers. He then slid into her and both of them groaned. He felt his animalistic side creeping in. This was not the time to wolf out. Not even before a human. He would be breaking the rules. He had never had sex with a human before. He didn't even like humans and now he is attracted to one. Maybe he just needs to get it out of his system and he will be fine. They lock hands as he goes in and out gently and increases the pace. She moans softly and kisses him and turns him over. She was on top of him and stared into his eyes. She positioned herself and started to ride him. He grabbed her ass as she he was inside of her. She moved and whined till both of them could feel the climax. They both groaned as they both climaxed together. She let out a loud moan and fell on the bed beside him. Both of them were breathing heavily.

He moved towards her and held her in his arms. Nobody said a word. They were both thinking the same thing. They just had a one-night stand. They just laid in each other's arms and slept off. 


Beatrice dropped her phone, a bit annoyed that Daniel didn't pick her calls. She has been trying hard to reach him but his phone kept on ringing. Where was he? He could at least drop a message if he was busy. It's going to be a full moon tomorrow and they are supposed to transform together as a rite of passage into the married world. They were supposed to run together in the woods in their werewolf form. Last month, they agreed to do it but he postponed it to this month due to reasons best known to him. She knows he is trying to stall. She has been making arrangements for the wedding and he did so little. She really didn't care. All she needed was for him to show up at the wedding day. She smiled to herself. She was about to be the alpha's mate. His queen for the rest of their lives.

She heard a knock on the door and saw it was her friend, Lucy. 

“Hey girl”, she said as she hugged her. They walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

“Newly engaged alpha queen!!” Lucy said, hailing Beatrice. Beatrice laughed. “Stop it. We aren't even married yet. We need to spend our full moon together as a rite of passage.”

Lucy chucked. “You guys have spent the full moon together before. He was your ex, remember? That should count for something.

Beatrice sighed. “That was then. This is now. It's different. Once we are bound together, whatever he has is mine. His pack is also mine. We will rule together. What will I do with so much power?” She let out a wicked chuckle. “I seriously can't wait”. 

Lucy laughed loudly. “Do you still love him?” She asked

Beatrice paused. “I really do still care about him. Maybe if he showed more interest in me, I could be in love”. She picked up her glass of champagne and took a sip.

“This marriage is for our pack. We need my father's connections to wave off some certain dangers and keep the pack safe. He needs my family money and connections and my family needs his power and authority as alpha. He knows this, so love is not really a factor in our relationship”. 

I saw that John tried to set his daughter up with Daniel. It didn't work. How brave of him to try. It must be tough being an alpha, running from different marriage arrangements”.

Beatrice scoffed. “John's daughter had no chance. She is the weakest wolf ever. What will he benefit from her family? He doesn't like weak women. I know what he likes. I dated him for three years before we broke up. He likes strong willed women. He doesn't even like humans because he sees them as weak”.

Lucy sighed. “Humans. I don't like them but we can't deny their uses in our lives. I use them as I see fit”.

“We are the higher being. We should be ruling this town. The alpha should be mayor and not the other way around. They should be the one hiding and not us”. Beatrice said, getting upset. She looked at her engagement ring on her hand. “Well things are about to change soon”.

“We have been told to keep our existence secret because of the hunters. I have never seen a werewolf hunter all my life. We should be stronger than them” Lucy said .

Beatrice groaned. “They are just nasty humans with expensive toys. If I ever meet a werewolf hunter, I am ending him”.

They both laughed. “To a new dispensation” Lucy raised a glass and they clicked their glasses.

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