

“Mom. You need to eat your veggies” Samantha said to her mother. Her mom was refusing to eat because she couldn't recognize her. “It's me. Samantha. Sam baby. I am your daughter” she said trying to convince the woman that she was her daughter. Dementia was tough. There were good days and bad days and some really bad days. She always made sure to keep pictures of her and her mom in her phone for times like this because she could relapse anytime and it would be a struggle for her to remember. She would definitely not remember but trust her when she sees those pictures.

Samantha brought out her phone and started showing her mom the pictures of both of them together. It wasn't working. She sighed deeply. She brought her mother from the center to spend time with her for three days and it has been good. It's the last day today and the sickness hit hard. Her mother was like a child. She was crying and yelling because she had no idea where she was and couldn't recognize her child. Samantha was devastated. What was she going to do? She sat and watched her mom. This was the woman who gave birth to her and raised her alone. She has to be strong for her.

“I am your daughter and you need to calm down” she spoke to her calmly. “There was a time we used to make popcorn and ice cream together to watch movies all night. This was the only time I could have excessive ice cream and you wouldn't budge”. Her mother stopped yelling and she could see that she was paying attention. 

She then smiled weakly and spoke. “That sounds nice”.

Tears welled up inside Samantha’s eyes. “It was nice,” she said.

Her mother began to eat her food. Samantha wiped her face so her mother wouldn't see her cry. Things like this broke her spirit and she loved her mother so much. She was her mother's support system and needed to be strong. Her mind wandered to her husband, Jonathan. She wondered if he had signed the divorce papers. He is definitely looking for her. Jonathan won't give us that easy. She had tried to run away from him in the past and he had found her but this time, it seems he had difficulty in finding her. She picked a small town to cover her tracks. If Jonathan wouldn't free her by law, she would take matters in her own hands. 

She looked at her phone. It was time to take her mom back to the care center. There was a town's meeting she had to attend. Her neighbor, Anna, had informed her of the meeting. It was an emergency meeting. She chuckled. She never heard about town's meetings before. In New York, everyone pretty much minded their business. There was no street meetings. She definitely had to attend this one to see what the whole fuss is about. Anna had told her to bring food or snacks. The town's people always came with food to their meetings as a form of bonding and she wouldn't want to be the odd one out especially as a newbie in town. She has already sent a month here. She had to be involved in the town's activities. She had baked some coconut and raspberry cookies this morning. She would buy wine on her way to the town hall. Wine is always necessary for emergencies, she thought to herself. 

She looked at her mother who was done eating and watching TV. She packed her mom's things and her cookies into the car. She changed her clothes to a short blue gown and white sneakers. She has curled her hair last night so she let it fall to her shoulders. 

“Mom, it's time to leave. We are going to meet your cool friends” she said to her.

“I have friends?” Her mother asked 

“Yes. You do. Amazing ones. Let's go meet them now”



Samantha got to the town hall and saw a lot of people seated inside. Shit!! She was late. She was going to meet a lot of people today for the first time and being late gave a bad first impression. A middle aged man was already addressing the audience. She brought out her tray of cookies and walked into the hall trying to be discreet. She saw that the trays of food brought by different people was placed in the front.

She wondered how she was going to pass in front of the crowd without them noticing and dropping her own tray. She sighed deeply. She mustered up courage and decided to walk past them and drop it. As she moved towards the front, she heard murmurings and whispers and she decided to block out the noise. The man addressing the crowd saw her and smiled.

“Welcome, miss. I guess you are new in town” he said aloud for everyone  to hear.

Samatha was mortified but decided not to show it. “Yes, I am. I am so sorry for coming late. I had to take care of some things first” she said. 

“It's fine. We just started not long ago. You can drop the tray over there and find an empty space to sit”

“Sure”. She hastened her steps and dropped the tray of cookies. She turned to find an empty seat and what she saw almost made her lose her balance and fall. Looking at her was Danny. He was sitting right before her and had an empty seat. She tried scouring with her eyes to find another seat but that was the only empty seat closeby. Danny then gestured with his hand for her to sit beside him. All eyes were on her and she didn't want to cause any drama and sat down close to him. She saw a smile crawl up to his face. 

He then leaned close to her to whisper in her ears, “You look good”. His deep voice made her have goosebumps all over her body bringing back memories.

“Thank you”.

“Do you believe in fate? I think fate brought us together again and with you right beside me” He whispered to her.

The man on the aisle was already talking and everyone was paying attention except them. How could she  pay attention when she sat down beside a man she was attracted to. He looked deliciously handsome and smelt so good. She could perceive his sweet smelling shampoo and wanted to touch his hair. She turned to him, “This isn't fate. It is just a coincidence. It is a town’s meeting and almost everyone would be here" she replied.

He scoffed and faced the aisle. "Suit yourself".

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