
Claimed by the moon
Claimed by the moon
Author: Daphne Smith


 A glass vase was thrown across the room towards Samantha and she dodged as it was about hitting her head. A piece of the broken glass had pierced into her skin on her arm. She winced in pain as she moved to the other side of the room. She was trying to escape for her life.  This is not the first time she is being abused by Jonathan, her husband for no apparent reason but this time there is a reason. She had served him divorce papers because she was totally done with the toxic marriage. She and Jonathan have been married for 3 years and she can proudly boast that she has never enjoyed her marriage. Jonathan had sent her to the hospital multiple times because of the domestic violence she had gone through.

He has warned her not to report him to the police or else he would hurt her mother. She had done everything to please him but it was never enough. It felt as if she was making the situation worse to please him. He had abused her physically and sexually.

She knew he was not going to take the divorce well but she didn't know he would threaten her life. “Stupid bitch”!! Jonathan screamed as he threw a chair towards her. She dodged it again but fell to the ground.The whole house was in disaray because jonathan has lost his cool. He then leapt towards her and grabbed her leg. Samantha screamed and tried to fight her way out of his hands. “Let go of me, you animal”. She cried out and kicked him. Jonathan let out a wicked chuckle and grabbed her with all his strength so she wouldn't wiggle her way out of his hands. He then slapped her twice on her face and she remained still. She started to bleed from her lips.

“So you have the guts to leave me! To serve me with divorce papers”!! he said with a wicked smile on his face. “How dare you?”

Samantha scoffed. “Fuck you, Jonathan!!” She wiped the blood off her lips. “I want out!!! I am tired of being your punching bag. I am leaving you one way or the other. This is not a marriage anymore”.

“You don't get to choose when to leave. Or have you forgotten our vows? For better or worse!!. He then lifted her up and pinned her to the wall. 

Samantha's head was on fire. She was having a migraine and felt that she could pass out at any time. She had to get away from this monster. She’d rather die than remain in this disaster. She had blisters all over her body from the beatings she had gotten from her husband. How did she end up in this mess? There was a time she was in love with him. He was her world and she loved him deeply. Did he even ever love her? Their three year marriage has been disastrous and she couldn't take more. It is time for her to leave!! 

“You have had your fun with me all these years. Or have you forgotten your vow to make me happy? We both know you never delivered!! You hurt me everytime you got the chance”. She said with tears streaming down her face. “Sign the goddamn papers. I am leaving you”!! she said looking at him in the eye 

“So you are going to disobey me? You will go against my authority as a man. You are going……’’

“Oh shut the fuck up!! The only thing that makes you a man is because you were born as one. You do not act as one and you are a disgrace to your gender” she cut in.

Jonathan's wicked smile disappeared from his face and Samantha could see that he was extremely angry. Those words cut deep and he was going to react. She had to get away from him. Her hand reached for the picture frame beside her and hit his head with it. Jonathan growled in pain and held his head cursing her. She ran across the room to get to the door but she was not fast enough. Jonathan was bigger, stronger and faster and caught up with her. He threw her across the kitchen table making her hit all the bowls and plates on it. He grabbed her and pinned on the table. “The only way you are leaving me is by killing you” he said and grabbed her neck. 

Before she could mutter a word, he put his two hands on her neck and started to strangle her. He was going to kill her and no one would know. Samantha tried to fight him but she wasn't strong enough. She couldn't breathe and felt her life slipping from her. Tears rolled down her eyes as she remembered that her mother was in the hospital. She had dementia. Who was going to take care of her after she was gone? There was no other family around.

Samantha kept gasping for breath as Jonathan kept choking and strangling her. She looked into his eyes pleadingly but all she could see was terror. This man had made up his mind at that instant to murder her. She was going to die. Her body was becoming limp and she couldn't fight anymore. This was it!!! She was leaving this cruel world. Her breathing was starting to cease and her vision was blurry. It was becoming white. Is this the after life? She couldn't see him anymore and couldn't feel her body? She heard a faint scream but couldn't fathom where it was coming from. Everywhere became pitch dark!!!! This is the end!!

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