
Chapter five

  The town library looked like a setting from “The Harry potter” movie. There were a lot of old books and creaky wooden chairs. This is the only library in town and not many people pay attention to the library. They get their news from their phones. No one wants to read in the library anymore, maybe just for research. 

  Only a few people were in the library. Samantha was good with that. She didn't have to meet a lot of people. Her job was simple. She just had to issue a library card to people and take inventory of the books lent out. She was glad when they called her a week ago to resume. She finally got a job. The pay was fine. She could get used to a minimalist life. 

  It's been three weeks since she went to the bar. She had no intention of going there anytime soon. She was avoiding a certain person. Geez!! A one night stand with a stranger. That wasn't her. This wasn't her style at all. She liked getting to know them personally before sleeping with them. She hasn't made any connection with any other man since she started dating Jonathan. It was weird to kiss another man. She arranged the new cards that will be issued today in the drawers and arranged her files on her table. She had already checked out the books that were supposed to be returned today. Any late coming book attracted a fine of $2. Some books haven't yet been brought. Well there was still time till the end of the day. 

  She looked at a book with the book cover of a handsome man. “He looks so much like Daniel,” she muttered to herself. Why was she thinking about him again? She remembered his touches and how he made her squirm under his touches. She started to get moist. Fuck!!!! Control yourself!!! Everything seems so wrong at this point. She didn't understand this sudden attraction and wanted to see him again. She knew where he was but dared not. After waking up in his arms the other day, she felt so much guilt. She couldn't bear to face him and moved out quietly so she wouldn't wake him. She was tempted to plant a kiss on his sexy lips and request for morning sex. She chuckled. No way in hell would she have done that. 

“I will get over it after a while. I guess lack of sex made me thirst for him” she said to herself. She hadn't had proper sex in years. She had to forget the whole incident and move on.


      Daniel walked through the library. It's been a while since he came to this place. He needed to do some research on wolfsbane. Someone was using wolfsbane in this town. He thought wolfsbane had been destroyed many years ago by his ancestors. There was no wolfsbane in town according to his knowledge but someone in his pack was attacked with a wolfsbane bomb in his home. He didn't die but was extremely injured. He narrowly escaped the clutches of death. Wolfsbane couldn't naturally kill werewolves but too much of it could kill one especially in the form of bombs. Werewolf hunters in the past used wolfsbane to harm them apart from the silver bullets used in killing them. 

Wolfsbane was a plant used to poison werewolves. The plant had purple flowers but was very fatal to wolves. A lot of wolves made it their life's mission to destroy as many wolfsbane they could find. It was also taken by some wolves to weaken them during transformation but there were no wolfsbane in Moonsville or so he thought. He got a call from a Beta about the attacked wolf and decided to check the library for the hidden places his people could have missed in the past. 

This was an attack on his authority as pack leader. There were people who didn't like him as alpha but he earned it. With his wedding coming up with Beatrice, daughter to one of the most powerful wolves, his enemies are trying to destroy his pack before they get married because after the marriage, he will become unstoppable. Beatrice's father had money, power and connections and is not to be messed with. He didn't love Beatrice but had to do it for his pack. They had their transformation together under the full moon in the moods which is one of the rites of passage. He intended to visit her father but had to fix this problem first, 

The library has everything from the town’s blueprint to agriculture. Every plant grown in town has been documented and every plant destroyed. Not only plants, everything built and destroyed in town has been documented. For some reason, the town has people who do this and they pride themselves in it. Well, it benefitted him because he had to find out if there was still wolfsbane in town, destroy it and find out who is attacking his people. A lot of people want his position as alpha but he wouldn't let them take it from him easily. He earned it and fought for it. He walked to the reception table to show his library card to the sophie. Sophie was the front desk librarian and they knew each other pretty well but he got the shock of his life. It wasn't Sophie at the front desk, it was samantha. She was issuing a new card to someone and didn't see him. 

Her shoulder length brown hair wasn't packed into a ponytail like the other day but the hair was let down and rested graciously on her shoulders. She used her hand to brush off a piece of hair that fell on her face and smiled beautifully at the customer. Daniel was stunned. He didn't know what to do. He hasn't seen her for over two weeks and visited the bar frequently to catch a glimpse of her but she hadn't been there. How long has she been working here? It would be his turn next to give her his card and didn't want to seem nervous. Maybe he should turn back and come back another day. Where is sophie? 

She handed the card to the man in front of her and called up the next person, looking into her computer.

Hi, Samantha,”he said. She looked up and saw him and he could see the shock on her face. She was speechless. For a moment, he thought she would bolt out and she was too stunned to move. 

Samantha? Are you okay? He asked. She quickly comported herself and smiled nervously. ‘I am fine,’ she responded. ‘Um, can I have your library card? I have to check my computer to see if your membership still stands and if you have returned all our books”. 

“Sure”. Danel said and handed over his card to her and she collected it and watched her type on her computer. 

“What about sophie? Did she resign?” he asked, trying to start a conversation with her. He noticed that she was avoiding eye contact with him.

“She is on maternity leave. She is about to give birth and someone has to take her place” She said without looking at him.

“Great. I didn't know she was with child. That means she will be back soon”.

“I dont know”. She finally looked at him and handed him his card. “Are you reading here or borrowing a book?”

“I'll be here. I need to make some research on plants”

“Plants?” She asked searchingly.

“Yes, and I'll spend a little time in the plants section. Just take the payment from my credit card details. They have it already”. Daniel said, trying to impress her. She looked unimpressed.

 “Follow me,” She said to Daniel. They both walked to the plant section for research. Every plant and tree grown and destroyed was here. Time to get to work. It was a little room and there was no one there. No one cares about plants anyway.

She walked into the room and looked around. “Alright. We are here. Make sure you do not damage anything or try to move the books out of this room. We have cameras everywhere” she said sternly.

Daniel blocked the entrance as she was about to leave and asked, “Why are you avoiding me?”

That question took Samantha off balance. “Um, I am…I am not avoiding you. I am just doing my job” she responded.

“You refused to make eye contact with me throughout the little time we have spoken and you basically spoke to me like I was a stranger”.

Emily sighed. “I am not avoiding you. Can you please excuse me so I can get back to my desk?”

“Is this about the other night?”, Daniel asked. He just dropped the bombshell. Samantha was speechless. She didn't want to talk about her one night with a stranger. “Look. I am sure you are stressed about it. I am too but can't we just talk instead of avoiding each other?” 

“Let's not talk about it. It wasn't supposed to happen and it did. We can just ignore it and move on from there” she said 

“Why should I ignore it as if it didn't happen? I haven't seen you in over two weeks. You are totally avoiding me because of it. I am not your enemy”

“Neither are you my friend”, Samantha said, sounding a bit upset.

Danny chuckled. “I could be. I could be your first friend in town”.

“No. I don't want to be friends with you. You are a total stranger to me and I don't want to have anything to do with you”.

Ouch. Those words hurt him a little bit. Not as if he was in love with the girl, he just wanted to understand why he was drawn to her but she is making it difficult for him to even know her. She didn't want him around her and wanted to respect her wishes. 

“I guess I should respect your wishes,” he finally said. She nodded. He left the doorway and moved inside the room. She walked towards the doorway and closed the door behind her. She didn't even look back. She really wanted to move on but her breathing and heartbeat said otherwise. His abilities as a werewolf made his senses heightened and could tell when a human is lying or not. Her whole body said otherwise but didn't want to disrespect her wishes. He had bigger fish to fry. He needed to find this criminal trying to take down his people and eliminate the problem as soon as possible. Things like this unsolved would make people who wanted to assume his position question his authority as pack leader. He didn't want that t

o happen and needed to act fast. He would deal with Samantha later.

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